적대적 M&A의 방어수단에 관한 법적 연구
- Author(s)
- 김찬모
- Issued Date
- 2013
- Keyword
- hostile M&A, poison pill, CSR, warrant, LBO,contingent capital instrument, Voting rights.
- Abstract
- Korea accepted code of free movement of capital between countries of the OECD. So, M&A by foreign capital were considered as a effective solution to economic problems and corporate restructuring.
In 1997, Section 200 of Securities Exchange Act(section 147 of Capital Market Law) -Large stock holding limit system of listed companies- was abolished. And May 1998, Limit the acquisition of shares in foreign was abolished and M&A of foreign capital about domestic capital was allowed.
Large-scale introduction of foreign capital was increasing the liquidity of the market through the stock market with abundant money supply and principles of corporate standards increased the efficiency of the stock market as a positive effect in domestic stock market.
In addition, Stable flows of equity investment funds reduced the volatility of the stock market, company's financing costs has decreased effectively.
Especially, Entering the domestic financial business of foreign capital has contributed to credibility of korean financial business and advancement of domestic finance laws and financial institution.
On the other hand, foreign capial activated Hostile M&A by excessive foreign shareholding and brought various problems. Also, Response of domestic companies are becoming a problem.
The current defence about M&A is consists of purchased for own shares by cash, large dividend that local money leaked abroad for foreign investors, cross-shareholding that defend each other by buying stocks with each other, and pyramid type.
Especially, Hostile M&A due to dysfunction of foreign capital may be damaged Korea's economic growth potential. Because It leads to decrease of long-term investment to domestic companies.
Therefore, To regulate large corporations, It should be improved from pre-regulation polarization relieve policy to subsequent enhanced relief policy. This is the direction of relieving that consistent with the constitution and corresponding measures about hostile M&A by foreign capital.
Major korea corporations like the federation of Korean industries claimed the introduction of poison pill, dual class stock and korean exon-florio act for prevent to foreign captial's destructive M&A like Lonestar Fund in Texas.
As a result, the threat of hostile M&A has several problems like gives corporate management stability and reduce supply functions in funds financial industry.
For example, If the corporation that threatened to takeover because of a hostile M&A is not supplied effective - low cost defensive measures except acquisition of treasury stock or mutual investment, It will faced of criticism as a reverse-discrimination regulation that losts balance between attack and defense.
Nevertheless, for reasons such as the terms of the liberalization of capital defense M&A legal opinion to oppose the adoption of differential voting shares and the introduction of a so-called poison pill legislation fails, Korean, and April 15, 2012, some revision of the Commercial Code came into force. Therefore, the discussion on whether takeover defenses also introduced legislation continues.
Especially, Poison pill is a kind of defence mechanism. It has a little influence compared with other defence mechanisms and has advantages about time ensuring for judgement of share holders. If it introduced to commercial law, It will match to management efficiency of companies and global economy.
Also, We should note about improvement of institution through the enlargement of a variety of financing techniques that being developed by the finance committee from 2011 and the revision of Capital market law related with defensive measures of hostile M&A.
For listed companies, with the contingent capital instruments(reverse convertible bonds, etc.) which allow contingent capital securities ahead of the 2013 is performed
Conditional Capital Securities ltd. Bonds as securities on the securities, including commercial law at the time of publication, depending on objective and reasonable criteria in case shares are converted into pre-specified reasons.
In this paper, we will be discussed regulations and defensive measures of korean hostile M&A that relatively incomplete compared to developed countries through the balanced and advanced system of developed countries.
Also, Improvement strategies of defensive measure about hostile M&A, reanalyzed debating the pros and cons of the introduction of defensive measure and defensive measure discussed in ministry of Justice.
Researchers with the new government to promote economic democratization in the Act as part of the elimination of unfair trade practices, such as price manipulation by promoting capital market amendments to the law on the introduction of punitive damages based expansion and a variety of CSR takeover defenses, including the introduction of new ways to present defense were.
Also, It has limitations that the introduction of Punitive damage. Because Korea's legal system is similar to the continental law and there is a possibility of unconstitutionality.
Recently, The framework of resolution policy of polarization between major companies and minor companies is the protection of minor companies. In this regard, Behavior of major companies and own governance is regulated directly in advance.
Evaluation indicators of companies for social responsibility(CSR) is being applied as important measure of company management evaluation. ISO presented international commercial transaction standard. In 2013, More than 10,000 companies use the guideline of ISO.
In Korea, ISO guideline that reflected regulatory of shareholders and key indicators of CSR is considering monetary factors and non-monetary factors related to shareholders when a operator assesses the terms of the acquisition in the face of hostile. This seems useful for defensive measure of M&A.
The introduction of voting trust to the hostile M&A is need to ongoing discussion in the range of South korea's business rule and so that is considered as a means of takeover defense.
And also, Fundamental measures against hostile M&A is improving of corporate value through improvement of corporate governance and degrade the appeal arguments because of the increase in M&A costs.
Corporations should check inefficient decision-making and maintain transparency of management using IR and CSR. It will be connected to improvement of continuous corporate value.
Key words: hostile M&A, poison pill, CSR, warrant, LBO, contingent capital instrument, Voting rights.
- Alternative Title
- A legal study on defensive measure against hostile M&A
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kim, Chan-Mo
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 법학과
- Advisor
- 권상로
- Awarded Date
- 2013-08
- Table Of Contents
- 제 1 장 서 론 1
제 1 절 연구의 목적 1
제 2 절 연구의 내용과 구성 4
제 2 장 한국의 적대적 M&A 규제내용 6
제 1 절 적대적 M&A의 방어수단 일반론 6
1. M&A 개념과 유형 6
2. 적대적 M&A의 기능 11
3. 적대적 M&A 방어수단의 적법성 판단기준 20
4. 글로벌 M&A 현황 40
제 2 절 적대적 M&A 방어수단 45
1. 종류주식 도입 45
2. 자기주식취득 허용 54
3. 제3자신주인수권 배정 59
4. 소수주식 강제매수 도입 63
5. 정관상 주식양도 제한 67
제 3 절 자본시장법상 적대적 M&A와의 관련성 74
1. 의결권대리행사 권유 74
2. 적대적 M&A에 대한 공시제도 78
3. 적대적 M&A에 대한 공개매수제도 87
4. 차입매수제도 95
5. 공공적 법인 주식의 소유제한 98
제 4 절 그 이외 규제내용 102
1. 출자총액제한제도 102
2. 안보이익과 외국인투자제한 116
3. 우리사주제도 126
4. 경영자 특전제도 133
제 3 장 각국의 M&A 법제 138
제 1 절 미 국 138
1. 연방증권거래법 138
2. 주 기업인수규제법 141
3. 주 회사법 144
4. 2007년 외국인투자와 국가안보에 관한 법률 153
5. 기타 M&A 규제법 157
제 2 절 독 일 160
1. 독일 주식법 161
2. 기업인수법 167
3. 2007년 회사지배구조모범규준 172
4. 기타 M&A 규제법 173
제 3 절 일 본 174
1. 상 법 174
2. 일본 회사법 177
3. 금융상품거래법 188
4. 기타 M&A 규제법 190
제 4 장 적대적 M&A 방어수단의 문제점과 개선방안 195
제 1 절 방어수단의 문제점과 도입 찬반논란 195
1. 공정거래법상 M&A 현황 195
2. 적대적 M&A 방어수단의 문제점 196
3. 방어수단 도입의 찬반논란 197
제 2 절 방어수단위원회에서 논의된 방어수단 205
1. 신주인수선택권 206
2. 복수의결권주식 215
3. 동의권부주식 224
4. 이사선․해임권부주식 229
5. 주주총회특별결의요건 가중 232
제 3 절 그 이외 다양한 방어수단 도입검토 236
1. 조건부자본증권 236
2. 한국형 엑슨 플로리오법 제정 247
3. 징벌적 손해배상제도 251
4. 기업의 사회적책임(CSR) 258
5. 의결권신탁제도 264
제 5 장 결 론 267
참고문헌 271
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 김찬모. (2013). 적대적 M&A의 방어수단에 관한 법적 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/9966
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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