전기 유체역학 공정을 이용한 조직공학용 바이오리액터 개발
- Author(s)
- 진규현
- Issued Date
- 2012
- Abstract
- In general, various physical stimulations have been widely applied to tissue regenerative applications. In particular, for bone tissue regeneration several experiments reported the electric stimulation can enhance the mineral formation in cultured osteoblasts and even alter the pattern of gene expression promoting in bone tissue formation. However, to date, for rapid-prototyped PCL composites consisted of pure PCL and dispersed material including single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), the effect of the electric stimulation on various cellular activities has not been analyzed.
Here, a sinusoidal AC electric field (55 ± 8 mV/cm and 60 Hz) between parallel electrodes was applied to the 3 dimensional (3D) scaffolds (pure PCL, PCL/SWCNT 0.2 wt%, PCL/β-TCP 20 wt%) cultured with osteteoblast-like-cells (MG-63) with every 30 min/day for 14 days. For all scaffolds, when exposed with the electric stimulation, the ALP and calcium mineralization for all scaffolds were enhanced, but the PCL/β-TCP scaffold showed the highest improvement of bone mineralization compared to those of other scaffolds. In this work, we cannot completely explain about the phenomenon, but we can estimate that the improvement can be due to the calcium ions chemically precipitated from the PCL/β-TCP scaffolds. To evaluate the effect of the released calcium ions, we measured the change of physical shape of proliferated cells under the electric stimulation.
The result can mean that not only the applied electric field conditions can be important parameters for electric stimulation, but also the scaffold consisting materials are another important parameter to successful electric stimulation.
- Alternative Title
- The development of a new bioreactor using electrohydrodynamic process for tissue regeneration applications
- Alternative Author(s)
- Gyuhyun Jin
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교
- Department
- 일반대학원 기계공학과
- Advisor
- 김근형
- Awarded Date
- 2013-02
- Table Of Contents
- 제 1 장 서론
제1절 연구의 배경 ··········································· 1
제2절 연구의 목적 ··········································· 2
제 2 장 골 조직, 세포담체 그리고 바이오리액터
제1절 골 조직의 구조와 역할 ······························· 3
제2절 조직 맞춤형 세포담체 제작 ·························· 5
제3절 바이오리액터가 세포에 미치는 영향 ················ 7
제4절 참 고 문 헌 ··········································· 9
제 3 장 골 조직 재생을 위한 다양한 세포담체의 제작 및 교류(AC)전기자극과 조골세포 활성에 대한 영향
1. 서 론 ····················································· 41
2. 실 험 ····················································· 44
2.1 재료 및 세포담체 제작 방법 ······························ 44
2.2 세포담체의 특성 ········································· 44
2.3 세포담체의 공극률 측정 ·································· 45
2.4 세포담체의 기계적 강도 측정 ····························· 45
2.5 전기 자극을 위한 실험 설계 ······························ 45
2.6 P/T(PCL/β-TCP) 세포담체의 칼슘 방출 실험 ············· 46
2.7 Cell culture ············································· 46
2.8 MTT assay ············································· 46
2.9 Live/Dead cell analysis ································· 47
2.10 ALP activity analysis ·································· 47
2.11 Alizarin red-S staining ································ 47
2.12 Total protein content ·································· 48
3. 결 과 ------------------------------------- 49
3.1 세포담체의 제작과 특성 ·································· 49
3.2 기계적 강도 ·············································· 49
3.3 MTT assay를 통한 세포 증식 ···························· 50
3.4 전기 자극에 의한 MG-63 세포의 이동성 ·················· 51
3.5 Live/Dead cell analysis ································· 51
3.6 배양된 세포담체의 관찰 및 EDS 분석 ····················· 52
3.7 전기 자극, 세포 그리고 칼슘 이온의 관계 ················· 52
3.8 골 분화도 측정 (ALP activity, ARS-staining) ············ 53
4. 결 론 ····················································· 54
5. 참 고 문 헌 ·············································· 55
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 진규현. (2012). 전기 유체역학 공정을 이용한 조직공학용 바이오리액터 개발.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/9771
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2012-12-21
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