경락기화와 오운육기의 적용에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 정인순
- Issued Date
- 2012
- Abstract
A Study on the Application of the Meridian and Collateral System & Qi Transformation, and the
Five Circuits & Six Qi’s
Jeong In Soon
Advisor: Prof. Lim Gyung Joon, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Alternative Medicine
Graduate School of Health Science
Chosun University
The meridian and collateral system, as the cyclic path of Qi and blood, is an important basis for diagnostics and treatment as it reflects the physiology and pathology of the human body. Huangdi Neijing emphasizes the importance of the meridian and collateral system by pointing out "the twelve meridians are means for humans to live, causes of the formation of diseases, means to treat patients and causes of the onset of diseases. Thus, a novice should begin with the meridian and collateral system, and even medical experts should be careful with it.“
One who studies medicine should first establish concepts because he or she can build logics, clarify meanings, and achieve unification of knowledge only by doing so. Oriental scholars have taken correct naming as the basis of philosophy because they believe that principles and practices correspond only with completion of correct naming as humans grasp, recognize, and judge things in terms of their names.
The purpose ofthis study is to apply the theory of the meridian and collateral system & Qi transformation to clinical situations more easily and simply. As the names of meridians are combinations of their meanings and contents, one can not only understand the core contents of the meridian and collateral system & Qi transformation but also even operate them with the analysis of the names of the twelve meridians.
The names of meridians consist of three components: the sites there the meridians flow, six Qi’s, and five phases, of which six Qi’s and five phases are the core theoretical system of oriental medicine.
As a result of the exploration of the theory of the meridian and collateral system & Qi transformation with special reference to those three elements, this study has reached the following conclusions.
1. The view of the human body based on the "correspondence between nature and human" is the core philosophy of oriental medicine as the human body corresponds to Great Nature, changes, and is adjusted.
2. The meridian and collateral system & Qi transformationis realized by the body water ascending and fire descending with the reflection of the Five Phases of Yin and Yang and the Five Circuits & Six Qi’s.
3. The realization of the meridian and collateral system & Qi transformation by the body water ascending and fire descending is the result of the antagonism of the exterior and interior relations of six Qi’s including Greater Yin and Yang Brightness, Lesser Yin and Greater Yang, and Reverting Yin and Lesser Yang
4. We can tell that the characteristics of the Five Circuits & Six Qi’s are revealed at the five transport points of meridian vessels.
< 참조용어 >
經絡 meridian and collateral study
氣化 qi transformation
五運 five circuits
六氣 six qi
氣血 qi-blood
十二經脈 twelve meridians
經脈 meridian vessel
五行 five phases
天人相應 correspondence between nature and human
陰陽 yin-yang
水昇火降 body water ascending and fire descending
表裏 exterior and interior
太陰 greater yin
陽明 yang brightness
少陰 lesser yin
太陽 greater yang
厥陰 reverting yin
少陽 lesser yang
五輸穴 five transport points
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Application of the Meridian and Collateral System & Qi Transformation, and the Five Circuits & Six Qi's
- Alternative Author(s)
- Jeong In Soon
- Department
- 보건대학원 대체의학과
- Advisor
- 임경준
- Awarded Date
- 2013-02
- Table Of Contents
- 目 次
표목차 ................................................................................................ ⅲ
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................... ⅳ
第一章 緖論 ......................................................................................... 1
第二章 本論 ......................................................................................... 4
第一節 經絡體系의 運行法則................................................................... 4
1. 水昇火降 ........................................................................................ 4
2. 經絡의 流注 ................................................................................... 7
第二節 經絡의 構成要素 ........................................................................ 8
1. 陰陽 五行 ...................................................................................... 8
가. 陰陽
나. 五行
2. 三陰 三陽 .................................................................................... 16
가. 五運과 六氣
나. 三陰三陽
(1) 厥陰風木
(2) 少陰君火
(3) 太陰濕土
(4) 少陽相火
(5) 陽明燥金
(6) 太陽寒水
第三節 十二經脈 名稱에 대한 理解 ....................................................... 24
1. 正名思想 ...................................................................................... 24
2. 經脈의 構成 ................................................................................. 25
가. 部位
나. 氣運
다. 臟腑
第四節 經絡氣化의 原理........................................................................ 31
1. 經絡의 機能 ................................................................................. 31 가. 陰陽調和
나. 病邪에 對抗하고 그 症候를 反映
다. 治療上 傳導作用
2. 經絡氣化 ...................................................................................... 32 가. 標本中氣
나. 標本同氣
다. 標本異氣
라. 濕從燥火. 風從火化
3. 經絡氣化와 病症 ........................................................................... 37
第五節 經絡氣化와 臨床的 運用 方法 ................................................... 41
1. 經絡의 運用原理 ........................................................................... 41
2. 陰陽調節에 따른 運用 ................................................................... 42
3. 五運六氣 特性의 活用 ................................................................... 43
4. 五輸穴 ......................................................................................... 44
5. 關係理論에 따른 配經과 配穴 ........................................................ 47
가. 開闔樞理論에 따른 相通經絡의 活用
나. 天干相合關係 經絡의 活用
다. 表裏關係 經絡의 活用
第三章 結論 ....................................................................................... 53
참고문헌 ............................................................................................ 54
表 目次
< 表 1 > 經絡의 三通路 ....................................................................... 7
< 表 2 > 五行 色體表와 診斷 基準에 대한 理解 ................................... 14
< 表 3 > 經脈의 構成要素 .................................................................. 26
< 表 4 > 六氣의 病理現象 .................................................................. 28
< 表 5 > 經脈構成과 特徵的 要素 ....................................................... 30
< 表 6 > 是動病 所生病 ..................................................................... 39
< 表 7 > 陰·陽經의 五輸穴 ................................................................. 45
< 表 8 > 開闔樞 理論에 따른 相通臟腑 ............................................... 50
< 表 9 > 天干相合.............................................................................. 52
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 정인순. (2012). 경락기화와 오운육기의 적용에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/974
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- Medicine & Parmacy > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2013-02-05
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