氣象廳 硏究開發(R&D) 豫算의 戰略的 確保 方案 - R&D 基金 新設을 爲한 事前 妥當性 調査를 中心으로

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A Strategic Plan to Secure the R&D Budget for
the Korea Meteorological Administration

- Focusing on a pre­feasibility study to establish R&D funds -

Chon, Chun-Hwang
Advisor : Prof. Ryu, Chan-Su, Ph.D.
Co Advisor : Prof. Chung, Hyo-Sang, Ph.D.
Department of Atmospheric Science,
Graduate School of Chosun University

Due to recent weather and climate change, the amount of annual damage (2001~2010) by weather disasters approaches approximately 1.7 trillion won.
The budget of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) for the public weather services in 2012 accounts for only 0.1% of the total budget of the government in Korea (329 billion won), while the R&D budget for developing meteorological technologies to mitigate weather-related disasters occupies only about 0.5% (77.9 billion won) among the entire R&D fund of the government. The annual increment rates in the budget of the KMA and R&D budget for meteorology during the recent 5 years (2008~2012) show 13.3% and 18.1% respectively, higher than the increase rate in the total expenditure of the government (5.5%). More R&D funds should be secured to effectively deal with the recent hazardous weather events.
The research project of the KMA began in 1978 when the National Institute of Meteorological Research (NIMR) of the KMA was established. For 35 years until 2012, total number of 1,651 research projects, including general research projects, specialized research, commissioned research, and research on a contribution were conducted with the investment of 432 billion won to contribute to improving prediction capability of severe weather and to develop related specific technologies.
In 1978, the size of one project costed about 11 million won, whereas it is about 10 billion won in 2012, which indicates a huge growth. In addition, it is meaningful to prepare for a foundation to secure long-term budget through feasibility studies from 2010. However, it is necessary to consider establishing a new fund to effectively respond to disastrous weather, because the plans to acquire budgets for the most of the research projects are not systematic enough.
Currently, 20 agencies in the government manage 65 funds with the budget of 379 trillion and 458.1 billion won (2012). Among these R&D part has 6 agencies that have 10 funds, 66 specific projects, and the budget of 190 trillion and 257.2 billion won. There are several other projects, such as Science and Technology Promotion Fund, similar to KMA's R&D funding.
It is desirable for KMA to establish a new fund either through enacting or revising an act. For example, the current Weather Act could be revised or a new act be made to establish new funds for such R&D projects as Meteorology and Earthquake Technology Development Project, Earthquake Technology Development Project, Project to monitor and predict climate change and to support the national policies, Korea's Numerical Model Development Project, Asia-Pacific Climate Information Service and R&D Project, Next-generation Urban-Agriculture Smart Weather Service Project, and Project to build Climate Change Monitoring Center in Ulleung-do and Dok-do. The revision of the Meteorological Industry Promotion Act could be also made to fund for a project to support the weather industry and to develop application technologies.
The project to launch a next generation geostationary meteorological satellite and its operation and application technologies need an enactment of a new law. Considering the future of the National Institute of Meteorological Research (NIMR) to assist the operational tasks of the KMA. through research, it seems properly to have a new fund after becoming a government-funded agency. One of the most important aspects to consider when establishing a fund is to make resources. Main resources normally contain government contribution, allotment, and returns from the fund management. For the KMA, the most of its resources will come from the government contribution. Therefore, also it needs to study how to secure additional resources from allotments.
There are two ways (public bill and private bill) to enact or revise laws and/or regulations. In case of the public bill, it has to go through many steps from confirming KMA's draft plan and approval by the president through several steps within the government, to the submission to the National Assembly and its approval. On the other hand, the major process of a private bill includes a motion by an Assembly person, and examination by its several Committees. Having this in mind, it is necessary to take the most efficient process strategically for the securement of the KMA's R&D fund, following the experience of revising the last Meteorological Industry Promotion Act.
Alternative Title
A Strategic Plan to Secure the R&D Budget for the Korea Meteorological Administration - Focusing on a pre-feasibility study to establish R&D funds
Alternative Author(s)
Chon, Chun-Hwang
조선대학교 대기과학과, 기상청
일반대학원 대기과학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차


제1장 서론 1
제2장 자료조사 및 분석 2
1. 연구자료 2
2. 분석 내용 3
제3장 분석 결과 4
제1절 정부예산 대비 기상청 예산분석 4
1. 정부총지출 대비 기상청 예산 4
2. 정부 R&D 대비 기상청 R&D 5
3. 기상재해 피해현황 5
제2절 기상청 연구사업 6
1. 기상연구소 설립 이전 6
2. 국립기상연구소 연구사업 7
가. 기본연구/주요사업 7
나. 특정연구 8
다. 수탁연구 9
라. 현장연구 10
마. 기획연구 11
3. 기상청 출연금사업 11
가. 기상기술개발사업 11
나. 지진기술개발사업 12
다. 기후변화감시·예측 및 국가정책지원강화사업 13
라. 기상산업지원 및 활용기술개발사업 13
마. 기상산업지원 및 활용기술개발사업 14
바. 아태 기후정보서비스 및 연구개발사업 14
사. 정지궤도기상위성개발사업 15
아. 차세대 도시농림융합스마트 기상서비스사업 15
4. 기상청 직접 운영사업 16
가. 기상위성 운영 및 활용기술개발 16
나. 울릉도독도 기후변화감시소 신설 16
다. 과제발굴연구회 17
제4장 기금에 대한 자료조사 17
제1절 기금의 개요 18
1. 기금의 개념 18
2. 기금의 성격 19
가. 기금과 예산의 비교 19
나. 기금의 일반적 특성 21
3. 기금의 기능 22
가. 자원의 분배기능 23
나. 소득의 재분배 기능 23
다. 경제안정과 성장기능 24
라. 금융기능 24
제2절 기금의 유형분류 24
1. 사업성에 따른 분류 25
2. 관리주체에 따른 분류 25
3. 설치목적에 따른 분류 25
4. 운용방식에 따른 분류 25
5. 기금관리방식에 따른 분류 26
제3절 기금의 조성 26
1. 정부출연금 26
2. 민간인의 출연금 27
3. 부담금 27
4. 외부차입금 27
5. 기금운용수익 27
제4절 기금운용의 절차 28
1. 기금의 설치 28
2. 기금운용계획안 제출 28
3. 기금운용계획안의 내용 28
4. 기금운용계획안의 국회 제출 28
5. 기금운용계획의 변경 29
6. 기금결산 29
7. 기금운용의 평가 29
8. 기금의 폐지 29
제5절 현재 기금현황 30
1. 현재 운용중인 기금 30
가. 연도별 기금수 변동 추이 30
나. 신설 및 폐지기금 31
2. 부처별 기금현황 32
3. R&D 기금현황 33
제5장 법률 개·제정 타당성 조사 36
제1절 기상관련 법률 개·제정 현황 37
1. 기상업무법 전부개정 37
2. 기상관측표준화법 제정 38
3. 기상산업진흥법 제정 39
제2절 향후 법률 개·제정 39
1. 정부의 기금 입법통제 등 강화 39
2. 기상청 R&D 기금 설립방안 검토 40
가. 정부입법 프로세스 43
나. 의원입법 프로세스 46
3. 사례조사 47
가. 국유재산관리기금 47
나. 석면피해구제기금 49
제6장 요약 및 결론 51
제1절 연구요약 51
제2절 결론 53

참고문헌 56

참고사이트 58

부록 59
조선대학교 대학원
전준항. (2012). 氣象廳 硏究開發(R&D) 豫算의 戰略的 確保 方案 - R&D 基金 新設을 爲한 事前 妥當性 調査를 中心으로.
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