호르몬 대체요법에 따른 중년기 여성의 폐경과 노화 ,삶의 질에 대한 비교연구

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The Comparative Study of Menopause․Aging and Quality of Life of Middle-Aged Women According to Hormone Replacement Therapy

Jeong, Ae- Sun
Advisor : Prof .Park, Sang-Hag ,M.D.Ph.D.
Department of Alternative Medicine,
Graduate School of Health Sciences
Chosun University

This study aims to provide information to middle-aged women who want to receive hormone replacement therapy(HRT) to improve their health. As well as analyzing menopause, aging, and quality of middle-aged women's lives and the study compares the results of different types of hormone replacement therapy.
The research portion of this study was conducted between August, 9th, and September 25th in 2011 among 100 menopausal women aged 45-65 in the department of obsteric gynecology at a general hospital. Fifty patients received HRT (HRT group) and the rimaning 50 patients did not receive HRT (non-HRT group). The method was a structured questionnaire. Each patient was asked to answer a structured questionnaire(for data collection).
The collected data was organized into frequency and percentage distribution and a t-test and an One-way ANOVA test were performed using SPSS/PC 15.0.
Following is the summary of the result of this study.

First, the study compares two groups of their acknowledgement of menopause and aging. The overall average value for the two groups was 3.1400 (SD=.4490), and the average of HRT group was 3.4943 (SD=.3718). Therefore, HRT group responded to menopause and aging with more positivity than the non-HRT group.
Second, the study compared two groups in quality of life. The average value for the non-HRT group was 2.5906 (SD=.4730), and 2.7206 (SD=.3142) for the HRT group. Therefore, HRT group responded with more positivity than non-HRT group in quality of life.
Third, the result of the significance test by general characteristics on menopause and aging demonstrated significant differences in education (p=.008) within the non-HRT group. Nevertheless, there were no significant differences in age, religion, occupation, and marital satisfaction. The HRT group had significant differences in religion (p=.019) and economy (p=.000); however, the HRT group did not show significant differences in education, age, occupation, and marital satisfaction.
Fourth, the results of the significance test on menopause and aging by one's health showed no significant difference in physical condition, menopausal condition, diet, intake of multi-vitamin intake and the kind of multi-vitamins with in the nor-HRT group. Although HRT group showed significant differences in physical condition(p=.000), and diet(p=.034), there were no significant differences in menopausal condition, multi-vitamins intake, and the kind of multi-vitamins.
Fifth, the result of the significant test on the quality of life by general characteristics showed that non-HRT group presents significant difference in education (p=.020), but does not possessed significant differences in age, religion, occupation, married life, and economy. While the HRT group possessed significant difference in economy (p=018), they did not show significant differences in age, religion, education, occupation, and marital satisfaction.
Sixth, the result of the significance test on the quality of life by one's health showed significant differences in physical condition (p=.002) and menopausal condition(p=.034) within the non-HRT group, but does not present significant differences in diet, intake of multi-vitamins, and the kind of multi-vitamins. HRT group as a whole did not show significant difference in physical condition, menopausal condition, diet, intake of multi-vitamins and the kind of multi-vitamins.
Seventh, both non-HRT group and HRT-group demonstrated highly significant differences on menopause and aging of menopausal women, as the p-values of the significance test for both groups were p=.000. Non-HRT group and HRT-group, however, present p=.109 which is not significant difference.
To conclude, HRT improves the quality of life for middle-aged women and affects their attitude towards menopause and aging. However, research on the advantages and disadvantages of HRT is still ongoing; therefore, it is essential to properly promote HRT as a method improving for the quality of life. Also, health professionals must create and maintain effective HRT education programs available to all middle-aged women.
Alternative Title
The Comparative Study of Menopause․Aging and Quality of Life of Middle-Aged Women According to Hormone Replacement Therapy
Alternative Author(s)
Jeong, Ae- Sun
조선대학교 대학원
보건대학원 대체의학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

표목차 ⅲ

제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 1
제2절 연구의 목적 3 제3절 용어의 정의 4

제2장 이론적 배경 6
제1절 건강과 폐경 6
제2절 호르몬 대체요법 8
제3절 폐경기 여성의 폐경과 노화에 대한 태도 11
제4절 폐경기 여성의 호르몬 대체요법과 삶의 질 12

제3장 연구방법 14
제1절 연구설계 14
제2절 연구대상 및 자료수집 14
제3절 연구도구 15
제4절 자료분석 방법 17

제4장 연구결과 18
제1절 일반적 특성과 건강관련 특성 18
제2절 폐경?노화와 삶의 질에 대한 인식정도 22
제3절 일반적 특성과 건강관련 특성에 따른 폐경?노화에 대한 인식차이 28
제4절 일반적 특성과 건강관련 특성에 따른 삶의 질에 대한 인식차이 30
제5절 폐경기 여성의 폐경과 노화 그리고 삶의 질에 대한 인식차이 33

제5장 고 찰 35

제6장 결론 및 제언 38
제1절 결 론 38
제2절 제 언 40

참고문헌 41

부록 47
조선대학교 대학원
정애선. (2011). 호르몬 대체요법에 따른 중년기 여성의 폐경과 노화 ,삶의 질에 대한 비교연구.
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Medicine & Parmacy > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2012-02-02
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