양자암호 시스템에서 의사난수 사용에 대한 취약성 개선방법

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In this thesis, quantum cryptography systems used in the design process inevitably open bit stream of pseudo-random number that exists multiple open channels between them and the need to share information on the part of the situation exposes a pair of bit stream. and, randomness is a basic security evaluation item for the most cryptographic algorithms.
NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology) has proposed a statistical test suit for random number generators for cryptographic applications in the process of AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) project. However the test suit of NIST(National Institute of Standards and
Technology) is customized to block ciphers which have the same input and output lengths.
And, we propose the base test of pseudo-random number I tested out this process and the merge bit binary column look out for randomness, quantum photons generators by the true random number using quantum cryptography algorithm propose.
Also, the resulting vector which is also used and generated real random number by applying the principles of quantum theory, quantum bits, showed the result of a random number of causes.
In particular, BB84 protocol an improvement over the double and single-photon generator of single-photon generator of the difference occurs in the gaps in the data flow but the cost and hardware for implementing true random number inconvenience caused random number sequence to improve the process quantum bit is applied.
The proposed double and single-photon generator of pseudo-code algorithm is applied using multiple real random number be able to take as a reference is considered.
Alternative Title
An Improvement Method of Vulnerability using Pseudo Random Number of Quantum Cryptography
Alternative Author(s)
Choi, Jin Suk
조선대학교 대학원 전자계산학과
일반대학원 전자계산학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차 ········································································ ⅰ

표 목 차 ······································································· ⅲ

그림목차 ······································································ ⅳ

ABSTRACT ·································································ⅴ

Ⅰ. 서론 ······································································· 1

Ⅱ. 관련연구 ······························································· 6

A. 양자역학의 기본적 성질 ··································· 6

B. 관용 암호방식 ······················································· 7

C. 공개키 암호방식 ·················································· 28

D. 난수성 테스트 ······················································· 29

Ⅲ. 양자암호 ·······························································44

A. 양자암호 ································································ 44

Ⅳ. 양자암호 취약성 및 개선 ···································· 52

A. 이진병합에 의한 양자암호 취약성 ······················· 52
B. 더블 광자 발생기를 이용한 실난수 생성 ············· 55
C. 싱글 광자 발생기를 이용한 실난수 생성 ············· 59
D. 양자 비트 발생의 난수성 입증 ······························· 63

Ⅴ. 결론 ········································································· 73
조선대학교 대학원
최진석. (2011). 양자암호 시스템에서 의사난수 사용에 대한 취약성 개선방법.
Appears in Collections:
General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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  • Embargo2012-02-02
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