디지털 증거의 수집과 증거능력에 관한 연구

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With the advant of "digital Information Age", most of the information is digitally being formed. Various kinds of documents including video are digitally being stored and other existing information is renewedly being stored. However, this digitalization of information has the positive side of the sharing of information and on the other hand the negative side of the information crimes. And the application of digital evidence in a criminal prosecution and trial has some unique characteristics which are difficult to control in the existing criminal procedure law and proceedings, because the criminal procedure code do not fully reflect the characteristics of digital evidence.
As a kind of proof during the prosecution's investigation, digital evidence should conform to the criminal procedure law in the execution of search and seizure. It needs to specify the contents about compulsory execution including a spot and target in a search and seizure warrant. The existing criminal procedure law limits the objectives of the search and seizure process to material things, and the revised criminal procedure law prescribes that the objectives of seizure are ‘computer disc and other information applications and the like', but it is desirable to prescribe the objectives as ‘digital data’. And in the computer crime there are often no real benefits in searching and seizing a house and a computer of the suspect with a warrant, owing to storing information in a third-party server such as webhard. For this reason, it is necessary to revise related laws in order to include the digital evidence in itself as the objective of the search and seizure process. However in this case, it should not be wholly allowed to search and seize an immaterial evidence.
Digital evidence which is collected and presented to a court must integrity and identity with original evidence. Even if these requirements are satisfied, hearsay evidence in the form of digital evidence shall be subject to the hearsay rule. The electronic documents in the form of printouts can be analogized to documentary evidence in evidence law, because of the similarity in character and function. Therefore if the statement evidence containing human thoughts, feelings, and expressions, is included in the electronic documents, hearsay rule can be applied to this case. Moreover the electronic data containing statement shall be subject to the hearsay rule, even if it is not included in documentary evidence. For an exception to the hearsay rule ‘statement' or ’sign and seal' of a writer is required in documentary evidence. But it is inappropriate to impose same requirements on digital evidence and documentary evidence, so that electronic signature and activation improvement of technology to support this are necessary.
Also digital evidence shall be subject to the exclusionary rule in the criminal procedure law. All steps taken for its collection, analysis and storage need to be lawful in procedure. Given the massiveness and opacity of digital evidence, it is deemed inevitable, to some extent, to issue general search and seizure warrants. But the objectives of warrant execution should be limited to a scope probably related to a crime in the time when search and seizure warrant is issued and executed..
Digital evidence which is the new form of evidence to crime makes little difference in value and function with existing evidences. As time goes on, digital evidence will be the important part of the collection and the admissibility of evidence. Explicit provisions for procedure and admissibility in the criminal procedure law are necessary to eliminate the confusion of law-imperfection.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Collection and Admissibility of Digital Evidence
Alternative Author(s)
Jeong Byeong Gon
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 법학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 3

제2장 디지털 증거의 의의와 특성 6
제1절 디지털 증거의 의의 6
제2절 디지털 증거의 특성 8
1. 매체 독립성 8
2. 비가시성(非可視性), 비가독성(非可讀性) 8
3. 취약성 9
4. 원본과 사본 구별의 난이성(難易性) 10
5. 대량성 10
6. 네트워크 관련성 10

제3장 디지털 증거의 수집 12
제1절 디지털 증거의 압수·수색 대상여부 13
1. 서설 13
2. 외국의 입법례 14
3. 형사소송법 개정 과정 17
4. 소결 19
제2절 압수·수색의 장소 19
1. 압수·수색 장소의 특정 19
2. 서버에 보관중인 정보의 압수·수색 20
제3절 압수·수색의 대상 22
1. 하드웨어 22
2. 소프트웨어 25
3. 이메일 27
4. 로그(log) 기록 등 34
5. 공개된 디지털 증거 35
제4절 압수·수색의 영장주의와 집행방법 36
1. 영장주의와 영장제시의 원칙 36
2. 영장제시 원칙의 예외 37
3. 압수·수색영장의 집행방법 44
제5절 압수물의 환부와 가환부 46
제6절 제3자에 대한 압수·수색의 실효성 확보방안 48
1. 제출명령 49
2. 보전명령 51
제7절 디지털 증거 수집과 관련한 입법론 54
1. 형사소송법 개정과 개정방안 54
2. 형사소송법 제106조 55
3. 형사소송법 제109조 제2항 57
4. 형사소송법 제115조의2 58
5. 형사소송법 제130조 제4항 58
6. 형사소송법 제221조의5 59

제4장 디지털 증거의 증거능력 61
제1절 디지털 증거의 증거능력에 관한 전제요건 61
1. 원본성 61
2. 진정성과 무결성 62
제2절 디지털 증거와 전문법칙 64
1. 전문증거로서의 디지털 증거 65
2. 전문증거의 예외로서의 디지털 증거 66
3. 전문법칙에 관한 판례의 태도 82
4. 소결 86
제3절 디지털 증거와 위법수집증거배제법칙 87
1. 서설 87
2. 위법수집증거 배제법칙에 관한 법규정과 판례 87
3. 이메일 압수·수색 92
4. 범죄와의 관련성 문제 99
5. 사인이 위법하게 수집한 디지털 증거 104
제4절 디지털 증거에 대한 증거조사 107
1. 증거조사 방법 108
2. 검증절차 109
3. 디지털 증거에 대한 증거조사방법 110
제5절 디지털 증거와 증거개시 112
제6절 디지털 증거의 증거능력과 관련한 입법론 112
1. 형사소송법 제310조의2 113
2. 형사소송법 제313조 제1항 114
3. 형사소송법 제315조 115

제5장 결 론 117

참고문헌 120
조선대학교 대학원
정병곤. (2011). 디지털 증거의 수집과 증거능력에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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