은퇴 노인의 성공적 노화 영향 요인에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 이경숙
- Issued Date
- 2011
- Abstract
- Abstract
A Study on the Factors Affecting on Successful Aging of the Retired Elderly
- Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Religious Life -
GyeongSook, Lee
Advisor : Prof. Hwie-seo, Park, Ph.D
Department of Social Welfare
Graduate School of Chosun University
This study aims to apply SOC(Selective, Optimization, Compensation) model developed in Europe to the retired elderly, to find the factors that responding resource and strategy influence on successful aging and to analyze the factors using religion as a moderator variable.
Unlike other studies on existing successful aging, this study approached successful aging of elderly using SOC model and aging scale developed in Korea.
Previous studies on successful aging can be classified into two areas: first, the studies are focused on the subcomponents of successful aging to analyze the meaning; second, the studies assume components of successful aging and analyze various factors that affect the components. These previous studies on successful aging were focused on the ambiguity of successful aging concept, meaning that, successful aging may have different components and influence factors upon individuals and social environment. The earlier studies before the ambiguity tried to define successful aging under given environment more clearly and were able to find out the factors to a certain extent.
Based on the previous studies, this study analyzed how successful aging is influenced by SOC strategy on responding factor based on life-span development theory and whether the elderly has a religion or not in Korean society. Study subjects are limited to the retired elderly, not general elderly because aging condition may vary up to environment in the past and present and physical condition. Thus, studies on successful aging should be progressed upon various spectrum appeared in terms of the elderly. In this context, this study examined successful aging on the retired elderly who leave their position.
Successful aging scale developed in Korea are classified into six categories: self-regulating life, satisfaction with children, acceptance for others, self-completion orientation, active participation in life and self-acceptance. SOC strategy means successful aging application model that consists of three factors - selective, optimization and compensation - based on life-span development theory. That is, SOC strategy is a theory that successful aging is achieved by overcoming loss from aging by the following process:1) select appropriate action for given strategy; 2) optimize the skill owned; 3) compensate the loss.
This SOC strategy may vary according to general strategy of the elderly. In this study, successful aging is analyzed under the relationship between SOC strategy and the responding resources that affect the strategy, such as physical ability, cognitive ability, economic ability, human relationship ability, emotional ability and local community source, or directly without considering the relationship with the resources.
Also, this study analyzes how religion affects successful aging via SOC resources and strategy.
First, influence factors of successful aging are established through literature review from specialty texts, research papers, reports and other statistical materials on successful aging. Second, based on influence factors of successful aging, causality model is prepared by setting resource variables related to aging as independent variable, SOC (Selective, Optimization, Compensation) strategy as parameter, and religion as a moderator variable to see if there is any difference in influence factors of successful aging upon religion. Third, survey was performed to verify casuality model. We visit 500 elderly over 55 who live in G city, participate in the retired local government officials club or participate in the elderly care center. Among 474 survey materials collected, total 274 survey data answered faithfully by the retired elderly is used for analysis. To raise the reliability of survey, we visit the place of the retired local government officials club and elderly care center and more and fully explain about the study purpose and survey and perform pre-survey to solve any inconvenience for the subjects to participate in the survey, employing volunteers to help them read the survey questions to the elderly who have poor hearing, sight and are illiterate. For data analysis, AMOS V.8.0 program and SPSS V.18.0 were used to analyze hypothesis of study model using structural equation.
Study results are as follows: First, successful aging factors such as physical ability, cognitive ability, economic ability, human relationship ability, emotional ability and local community source are different upon characteristics of the retired elderly. For male, if the subjects are younger, live with someone, have high income level and are college graduates, the results are relatively positive.
Second, SOC strategy also indicates difference upon the characteristics of the elderly. In most cases, if they are younger, live with someone, have high income level and are college graduates and they are positive to their health, the results are positive in terms of the strategy.
Third, recognition on own successful aging level indicates that if they have a job, are male, live with someone, have high income level and are college graduates and they are positive to their health, the results show positive.
Fourth, the result of hypothesis testing on the relationship between successful aging factor and SOC strategy indicates that all the factors excluding physical ability, such as cognitive ability, economic ability, human relationship ability, emotional ability and local community source have a significant influence on SOC strategy.
Fifth, the result of hypothesis testing on the relationship between successful aging factors and successful aging level indicates that all the successful aging factors have a significant influence on successful aging level.
Sixth, the result of hypothesis testing on the relationship between SOC strategy and successful aging level indicates that as the better SOC strategy is, the higher successful aging level they have.
Seventh, analysis result of moderating effect of religion on successful aging factors and SOC strategy indicates that for the subjects with religion, cognitive ability, emotional ability and human relationship ability among successful aging factors have a higher influence on SOC strategy than for the subjects without religion.
Eighth, analysis result of moderating effect of religion on the relationship between successful aging factors and successful aging level indicates that for the subjects with religion, cognitive ability and emotional ability have a relatively higher influence on successful aging than for the subjects without religion.
The following implications are shown in the study results: First, recent studies are focused on the view on successful aging related to elderly life satisfaction from negative view on aging and aging society and from positive aspects on this. This study sets successful aging factors, SOC strategy and successful aging as study variables and analyzes the moderating effect by religion. Thus, it follows the flow of studies on new gerontology and investigates the parts that have not been proved to contribute to theoretical development in this area.
Second, this study employed SOC model as a successful aging responding strategy that uses selection, optimization and compensation, which is developed with life management strategy for successful aging in terms of life-span development theory. This model recently issued is based on strength perspective that consider the elderly as active and positive independent subjects. This study is considered to contribute to the application and verification of SOC model and development of successful aging theory based on it by verifying causal relationship between the established model and successful aging factors such as physical ability, cognitive ability, economic ability, human relationship ability, emotional ability and local community source.
Third, studies on successful aging in Korea have approached from various angles: study on successful aging model, development of components, recognition and definition of successful aging and relationship between successful aging and religion and development of scale and so on. However, there is lack of studies on successful aging in practical society in Korea using successful aging model. Therefore, this study is considered to offer the opportunity to expand the scope of study on successful aging by applying successful aging scale developed in Korea to the elderly and verifying it scientifically.
Key words : successful aging, Selection, Optimization, Compensation, retired elderly, religious.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Factors Affecting on Successful Aging of the Retired Elderly - Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Religious Life
- Alternative Author(s)
- GyeongSook, Lee
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원 사회복지학과
- Department
- 일반대학원 사회복지학과
- Advisor
- 박희서
- Awarded Date
- 2011-08
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차
제1장 서론
제1절 연구목적 1
제2절 연구범위 및 방법
1. 연구범위 4
2. 연구방법 6
제2장 이론적 배경
제1절 은퇴노인과 성공적 노화의 개념
1. 은퇴노인의 이해 7
2. 노화연구의 관점 10
3. 성공적 노화의 개념과 구성요소 22
제2절 SOC 대처전략
1. SOC 모형의 주요내용 36
2. SOC의 구성요소 38
3. 구성요소들간의 역동적 관계 40
제3절 성공적 노화의 영향요인
1. 신체능력 43
2. 인지능력 44
3. 경제능력 44
4. 인간관계능력 45
5. 정서능력 47
6. 지역사회자원 48
7. 종교생활 49
제4절 선행연구
1. 대처자원과 SOC대처전략 53
2. 대처자원과 성공적 노화 55
3. SOC 대처전략과 성공적 노화 60
제3장 연구설계
제1절 연구모형
1. 변수의 선정 62
2. 연구 모형의 정립 63
제2절 연구가설 64
제3절 변수의 조작화 및 측정 66
제4절 자료의 수집 및 분석 74
제4장 실증분석
제1절 표본의 특성 75
제2절 측정도구의 검증 78
제3절 기술통계분석
1. 변수의 기술통계 85
2. 변수의 특성별 차이분석 88
3. 변수들 간의 상관관계 분석결과 92
4. 확인적 요인분석 94
제4절 연구모형 및 가설의 검증
1. 연구모형의 적합성 검증 97
2. 가설 검증 결과 99
3. 매개효과 검증 결과 101
4. 종교생활의 조절효과 검증 103
제5절 분석결과의 논의
1. 특성별 차이분석결과 108
2. 가설 검증 결과 110
3. 조절효과 분석결과 111
제5장 결론
제1절 연구결과의 요약 113
제2절 본 연구의 의의
1. 이론적 의의 114
2. 정책적 의의 115
제3절 향후 연구방향 119
부록1. 설문지 142
부록2. 분석결과 149
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 이경숙. (2011). 은퇴 노인의 성공적 노화 영향 요인에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/9188
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2011-08-12
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