과 중국 원잡극의 비교 연구

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The story of the two characters, Chunhyang and Lee Mongryong, was presented in the form of Seolhwa at the very beginning, developed in the form of Pansori by Gwangda, and further spread in the form of novel. During its progressive development, Chunhyangga was the source of the novel of Chunhyangjeon. Chunhyangga took a unique and traditional form of integrated arts which was initiated in Korean. Due to its progressive phase of Pansori, Chunhyangjeon carried the characteristics of oral literature shared by Pansori novels and at the same time, it is also a satire to the society and an exposure of people’s life during the process of its development.
The Romance of West Chamber is one of the best works in Chinese ancient literature. Moreover, it is often to be taken as the arguing and researching target by the scholars due to its far-reaching effect on Korean ancient literature. The story of the heroine, Yingying, originated from a legend of A Biography of Yingying in Tang dynasty and was demonstrated in various artificial formsin Song and Jin dynasty and finally got its form of poetic drama set to music in Yuan dynasty. During the process of its development, the Romance of West Chamber not only adopted the most popular folk artistic forms in different times but also changes its contents and characteristics accordingly.
Like the Romance of West Chamber, A Tumbledown Cave produced by Wang Shifu was based on the story of a real person in Song Dynasty who was called Lv Mengzheng. Although its literary achievement couldn’t exceed that of the Romance of West Chamber, it holds a unique literary value and status in the history of Chinese ancient Drama Literature for its beautiful melody and sharp personality. Furthermore, On the Wall and Horseback by Bai Pu, and the Romance of West Chamber were both regarded as one of the Four Big Love Dramas in the Yuan Dynasty. It originated from a very popular poem of Silver Bottle in the Well Bottom by Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty.
Like Chunhyangjeon, at different phases of its development, the production of the above three poetic dramas set to music of Yuan Dynasty was well affected by the people’s likes and dislikes at that time. Therefore, all the works included people’s consciousness of the two countries of different times.
Comparative study between Chunhyangjeon and Chinese classic literature has started long time before in the Sino-Korean literary circles and already gained a lot of achievements. But unfortunately, the targets of the comparative study on Chunhyangjeon mainly focused on the Romance of West Chamber, the Peony Pavilion, as well as the Injustice suffered by Douer and other very few works, which has some limitations. Thus, the dissertation expands the comparative targets of Chunhyangjeon. These targets not only include the Romance of West Chamber which is well known to Korean literary circles but also cover A Tumbledown Cave and On the Wall and Horseback which are not so well known to Korean literary circles.
The dissertation aims at fully presenting specific politics, economy, culture and people’s consciousness embodied in the works of post-Korean period and Yuan Dynasty in China through comparative study on the contents, structure, conflicts, characters as well as themes of the Pansori novel and masterpieces of the poetic drama set to music in Yuan Dynasty. A certain role is expected to play in help people have a better and more comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of Chunhyangjeon as an ethnic literature through the literary comparison of different ethnic groups.

Key Words: Chunhyangjeon, the Romance of West Chamber, A Tumbledown Cave, On the Wall and Horseback, Comparison, Pansori, Pansori novel, poetic drama set to music of the Yuan Dynasty, the feature of populace, structure, character, theme.|春香和李梦龙的故事从说话开始,经广大用Pansori演唱后,又以小说的形式得以流传与发展。这之中Pansori≪春香歌≫借用了韩国独创的、民族性的综合艺术形式Pansori,是Pansori小说≪春香传≫的源流。≪春香传≫由于经历了Pansori这一演绎阶段,因此具有口碑文学特点的同时,在作品不断演变、进化的过程中,还体现了民众的现实生活和百姓对社会的讽刺。

关键词:≪春香传≫、≪西厢记≫、≪破窑记≫、≪墙头马上≫、比较、 Pansori、Pansori小说、元杂剧、民众性、结构、人物、主题
Alternative Title
Comparative Study on Chunhyangjeon and Poetic Drama Set to Music of the Yuan Dynasty
Alternative Author(s)
Liu, Han Han
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 국어국문학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구 대상 및 목적 1
제2절 연구 방법 6
제3절 연구사 10

제2장 작품의 장르적 형성 및 비교 19
제1절 판소리의 형성과 소설화 19
제2절 元雜劇의 형성과 발전 25
제3절 판소리계소설과 元雜劇의 장르적 비교 32

제3장 작품 구성 비교 37
제1절 구성의 특징 37
1. 의 이야기 구성 37
2. 旣成世代와 新世代의 갈등 40
제2절 ․․ 구성의 특징 43
1. 원잡극 세 작품의 이야기 구성 43
2. 封建婚姻制度와 진보적인 婚姻觀의 갈등 51
제3절 비교를 통해 본 구성의 특징 54
1. 이야기 구성의 비교 54
2. 갈등 요소의 비교 57

제4장 인물 형상 비교 60
제1절 인물 형상의 특징 60
1. 새로운 이미지의 所有者 - 春香 60
2. 진보적인 양반 형상 - 李夢龍 63
3. 立體化된 보조인물 65
제2절 ․․ 인물 형상의 특징 68
1. 대갓집 閨秀로서의 여주인공 68
2. 風流才子로서의 남주인공 72
3. 個性化된 보조인물 78
제3절 비교를 통해 본 인물 형상의 특징 82
1. 春香과 원잡극의 여주인공들 83
2. 李夢龍과 원잡극의 남주인공들 89
3. 房子․卞學道와 원잡극의 보조인물들 93

제5장 주제 비교 97
제1절 주제의 특징 97
1. 적층적 성향의 97
2. 보수와 진보 양면적 시각의 99
제2절 ․․ 주제의 특징 103
1. 시대적 산물로서의 앵앵 이야기와 103
2. 念願과 理想의 106
3. 自由戀愛의 꿈 108
제3절 비교를 통해 본 주제의 특징 112
1. 민중문학으로서의 과 원잡극 세 작품 112
2. 전통과 개방의 열린 시각 113

제6장 결 론 118

참고문헌 122
조선대학교 대학원
류함함. (2010). 과 중국 원잡극의 비교 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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