간호 학생을 대상으로 시행한 기본 인명구조술 교육 효과에 대한 연구
- Author(s)
- 추대혁
- Issued Date
- 2010
- Keyword
- cardiopulmonary resuscitation|basic life support|students|nursing
- Abstract
- Background : The incidence of cardiac arrest within the hospital is numerous. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) should be done immediately by the nursing worker at the bed side. This study was done to evaluate the effectiveness of basic life support(BLS) training to nursing students and also contribute to the BLS training course.
Method : Using a questionnaire to 137 nursing students after BLS training by slide show, video, and hands-on practice, CPR experience, opinion about BLS training before and after the course, and opinion regarding retraining were evaluated.
Result: 51% of the nursing students had CPR training. However, only 10% of the nursing students had actual CPR experience. There were many who had seen an automatic external defibrillator(AED). However, there were only a few who had experience with AED. The time of training course was replied as adequate. The students showed most interest in chest compression, and was most confident about chest compression after the course. Most students thought that retraining is necessary within one or two years. Various opinions were noted about the retraining course. Most students thought that BLS training should be administered to a lay person.
Conclusion: The students had much interest in CPR training. However, the ability to perform CPR adequately was assumed to be low. Retraining course for the CPR was deemed necessary, and new courses should be added. Practical training and the capability of administering CPR is necessary.
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- Embargo2011-03-03
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