지리적 근접성과 지식네트워크가 기술개발성과에 미치는 영향

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Research on social networks of small and medium sized industry outside Korea has been conducted based on the assumption that universities, research centers, and industries have established strong relationship ties through active social networks utilizing geographical proximity. However, small and medium sized industry in Korea is under the circumstances where they need to establish and activate networks for themselves. Therefore, their strategy for utilizing networks has shown different characteristics from those of clusters in developed countries. Specifically, although clusters have been established based on geographical proximity to promote knowledge exchanges, industries, related organizations, and th e companies in the same business rather work together regardless of proximity forming knowledge networks such as consortium, industry-academia collaboration, etc. (Kim, 1997). Therefore, the present study attempted to investigate the actual effects of geographical proximity and knowledge network on industry communication and to explore their strategic use for technology development performance.
Based on the claim in Ganesan et al. (2005) that geographical proximity is related to knowledge acquisition, the following research questions were generated for the study to investigate in Korean situations.
First, how does geographical proximity affect knowledge networks, technological knowledge development, communication, and pursuit of collaborative activities?
Second, how do knowledge networks affect knowledge networks, technological knowledge development, communication, and pursuit of collaborative activities?
Third, how does communication affect technological knowledge development and pursuit of collaborative activities?
Fourth, how do technological knowledge development, communication, and pursuit of collaborative activities affect technology development performance?
The data of the study was collected by surveying managers, directors, supervisors, and technology development managers of the firms in industry parks nationwide by visiting them or sending mail. SPSS 12.0 and LISREL were utilized in the analysis of the data. The findings of the study are as follows:
First, geographical proximity had a significant effect on knowledge network. The results indicate that the cluster projects that are strategically promoted by the government have a spreading effect on the companies selectively establishing various knowledge networks. That is, the companies within certain proximity can acquire necessary information more effectively and have access to knowledge networks they need more easily.
Second, geographical proximity showed a significant effect on technological knowledge development, communication, and general knowledge learning. On the other hand, knowledge network only affected communication. The results show that geographical proximity plays a more important role than knowledge networks in incurring communications with related organizations directly.
Third, communication was shown to affect technological knowledge development and general knowledge learning. The results indicate the importance of establishing constant communication channels with partners, through which they can build up trust. In the long run, companies can get practical help by having relationships with related government organizations, research centers, and other companies in the same business with their diversity.
Fourth, Technological knowledge development and pursuit of collaborative activities affected technological knowledge development, but not communication. The results imply that although maintaining communication with partners can be a very good strategy, technological knowledge development can lead to technological development performance mediated by the process of enhancing capacity through communication.
Theoretical and practical implications from the study are as follows:
First, previous research in the overseas has centered on the process of enhancing capacity such as knowledge acquisition through strong relationship networks. On the other hand, the research interest in Korea has been in the bottom-up paradigm that utilizes clusters according to the government policy. However, unlike these previous studies the present study shows that domestic small and medium sized industry, which, in general, has established rather weak social networks with related resource organizations, strategically utilize knowledge networks regardless of geographical proximity.
Second, unlike the cases in other countries, domestic clustered areas called an industry park have poor research infrastructure and industry-academia collaboration systems, leading to poor performance. Therefore, the findings of the present study suggest the important role of a mediator who can effectively encourage participating in knowledge networks using the local buzz phenomenon that occurs in the local cluster.
Third, the results of the present study confirm that knowledge networks have a greater effect on communication than geographical proximity. The results indicate that although communication with partners occurs based on geographical proximity, it is the efforts by the related government organization to establish strategic knowledge networks that activate communications between partners. Therefore, from the perspective of companies, which are in need to pick and choose, in the long run it could be more beneficial, in terms of getting a greater synergy effect, to utilize knowledge networks effectively although maintaining mutually beneficial relationships between partners within geographical proximity can have an advantage in the short run.
Fourth, the present study shows the important role of communication in establishing stronger relationship ties and better performance. Most domestic small and medium sized industry interact with related organizations and different industries within geographical proximity. They also interact with universities and other companies in the same industry through consortiums and industry-academia collaboration, taking advantage of the strengths of each strategy. Nevertheless, they are often engaged in a short-term relationship with these organizations only until a certain research project is over, overlooking the importance of lasting relationship ties. In other cases, although industry wants a long-term relationship in order to make profits, there are not proper channels through which they can maintain the relationship with related organizations. Thus, it is necessary for the industry to exert efforts to have close networks with related organizations, taking the long-term perspective. At the same time, the government should work as a mediator setting up systematic relational networks so that companies can be connected to and interact with related resource organizations.
Alternative Title
The Effects of Geographical Proximity and Knowledge Networks on Technology Development Performance
Alternative Author(s)
Yeom, Seoung Yeob
조선대학교 경영학과
일반대학원 경영학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1

제1절 문제의 제기 1
제2절 연구의 목적 4
제3절 논문의 구성과 연구의 범위 및 방법 6

제2장 이론적 배경 7

제1절 사회적 네트워크 7
1. 사회적 네트워크의 개념적 정의 8
2. 사회적 네트워크의 특징 8
3. 사회적 네트워크의 구조 및 구성요소 11
4. 네트워크 형성 이론 13
5. 네트워크와 기업 간의 관계 18
6. 네트워크 이론과 기업가치사슬의 관계 24

제2절 지리적 근접성 29
1. 지리적 근접성과 산업클러스터 29
2. 지리적 근접성 관련 이론 고찰 32
3. 기업의 네트워크 구축에 있어 집적경제의 효과 45
4. 국내상황에서의 지리적 근접성과 지식네트워크 47

제3절 지식네트워크 49
1. 지식네트워크의 개념 49
2. 지식네트워크와 기업의 혁신 53
3. 지식네트워크 연구의 동향 54
4. 지식네트워크의 핵심 연구내용 58

제4절 기술지식개발 64
1. 기술학습(기술지식개발)의 개념적 정의 64
2. 기업 조직 간 성과차이 있어서 기술지식개발과 선행연구 64
3. 기술지식개발과 기업성과 66
4. 기술지식개발의 영향요인 66

제5절 커뮤니케이션 68
1. 커뮤니케이션의 개념적 정의 68
2. 커뮤니케이션을 통한 관계지향성 추구 71

제6절 공동활동추구 73
1. 공동활동추구에 대한 개념과 자원습득 73
2. 조직간 상호의존성에 따른 공동활동 74
3. 공동활동추구를 통한 기술개발 75

제7절 기술개발성과 77
1. 공동활동추구에 대한 개념과 자원습득 77

제3장 연구가설의 설정 및 연구방법 79

제1절 연구모형 및 가설의 설정 79
1. 연구모형의 설계 79
2. 가설의 설정 80

제2절 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 91
1. 지리적 근접성과 지식네트워크(전략적 특성) 91
2. 기술지식개발, 커뮤니케이션, 공동활동추구(네트워크 활성
화 및 역량강화) 92
3. 기술개발성과(최종성과) 94

제3절 자료의 수집 및 분석방법 96
1. 자료의 수집 96
2. 분석방법 96

제4장 실증분석 98

제1절 기초자료 분석 98
1. 표본의 특성 98
2. 표본 업체의 일반 특성 99
제2절 변수의 타당도 및 신뢰도 분석 104
1. 탐색적 요인분석과 신뢰도 검증 104
2. 구성개념에 대한 확인적 요인분석 107
3. 판별타당도 검증 109

제3절 가설의 검증 114
1. 구조모형의 검증 114
2. 연구가설의 검증 115

제5장 결론 및 제언 120

제1절 연구의 요약 및 시사점 120
제2절 연구의 한계점 및 장래 연구과제 123

참고문헌 125
조선대학교 일반대학원
염승엽. (2010). 지리적 근접성과 지식네트워크가 기술개발성과에 미치는 영향.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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