현대미술관의 방문객 중심 경영관리 연구

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A Study on Visitor-centered Management to Contemporary Museum of Art
- Focused on Aesthetic Response and Culture Seeking Behavior-

Jang, Kyung - Hwa
Adviced By Prof. Park, Chung - Gi, Ph.D.
Jung, Hyung - Shik, Ph.D.
Department of Aesthetics and Art History,
Graduate School of Chosun University

More people participate in cultural activities actively owing to increase of their income and rise of their concerns on culture from the five-day workweek. Thus art museum manager also makes efforts to reflect on visitors' opinions and improve their experiences in order to attract more visitors. Although more subdivided and systematized research of art museum for its efficient management and functional extension should be conducted, existing researches were centered on characteristics of art museum visitors and their education and research of art museum management factors to attract more visitors is insufficient. Therefore this study divides managerial factors available by art museum managers into visitor factor, physical and environmental factors of art museum, responsive factor through art museum visit and further behavioral factor, reveals the process of relevance and causation among these factors and aims to present managerial suggestions of art museum.
Data for this study were collected through questionnaire and the period of survey was about one month. Subjects of questionnaire were art museum visitors and the researcher interviewed them personally at art museum for achieving their high understanding and responsiveness of survey and had them make questionnaire on the spot and collected their answers. Total 320 questionnaires were distributed, 300 questionnaires were collected and 292 except 8 unfaithful responses were used for analysis.
The empirical results are shown as follows.
First, frequency of visit and experience of art museum and time required for viewing exhibition at art museum which are characteristics of art museum visitors had significant influences on functional and cognitive images of art museum and it is found that as they experience and visit art museum frequently and they spend more time at art museum, they have more affirmative image of art museum. Further characteristics of art museum visitors have greater relative influence on functional image of art museum than cognitive image and for inducing visitors to have an affirmative image of art museum, art museum should be academic and interesting and be place of playing the functional roles like explaining the past history, having rich academic resources and knowledge of the future.
Second, influence of relative phase recognition of art museum on functional and cognitive image of art museum have not significant influence on its functional image. Such a result means that art museum visitors had greater recognition of cognitive image in emotional side through art museum rather than its functional image which emphasizes functions and roles of art museum through relative level recognition compared to foreign and domestic art museums.
Third, exhibition and physical environment of art museum have significant influence on its functional image, but it has not significant influence on its cognitive image. Thus physical and environmental factors have an affirmative influence on its functional image, but the cognitive image having a strong emotional aspect is not made. Therefore, for making art museum visitors have functional image of art museum positively, consideration of circulation related to exhibition, exhibition methods and reinforcement of physical environment such as installation of resting place and museum shop and supply of brochures should be achieved.
Fourth, influence of functional and cognitive images of art museum on aesthetic responses of art museum visitors have significant influences on both functional and cognitive images of art museum. Of the two images of art museum by art museum visitors before visiting art museum, functional image shows greater influence on aesthetic response of art museum visitors after visiting museum and it is found that aesthetic response of art museum is increased more by influence of functional image.
Fifth, functional and cognitive image of art museum have significant influence on its visitors' satisfaction. In addition, functional image has more influence on art museum visitors' image of art museum than cognitive image and it is considered that strengthening functional aspects of art museum image can increase art museum visitors' satisfaction. Such a result suggests that since cognitive and functional image made before visiting an art museum is seen as attitudinal factor of art museum, their satisfaction can be enhanced.
Sixth, although aesthetic response of art museum visitors has not significant influence on their satisfaction, it has a significant influence on behavior for pursuing culture and art museum visitors cannot have satisfaction only through aesthetic impression of harmony among colors, qualities and designs of exhibition works and relics and learning of historical background. However, aesthetic response within art museum follows behaviors for pursuing culture and then it will be effective to improve aesthetic response by developing a variety of programs including fine arts centered design, architecture, image and animation strengthening aesthetic impression and effective sides of learning and offering wide visual art education.
Seventh, as art museum visitors' satisfaction is higher, it has a significant influence on behaviors for pursuing culture and then experience of art museum, participation in its special programs and art lectures, opinions of government's support policies for art museum and participation in making communication between art museum and general public can be accomplished. As art museum visitors' concerns on art have been enhanced through art museum visit, they can take part in a variety of education programs and lectures offered by museum, policy concerns on art have been also increased and extension of professionals in the area of art and active communication between art museum and general public can be achieved.
In conclusion, it is suggested that inducing art museum visitors' satisfaction should be preceded to enhance concerns on the areas of culture and art and attract policies for supporting art. Since art museum visitors are seen as culture consumers having high concerns on culture unlike potential customers who don't visit art museum, relationship to and management of them will be important.
Alternative Title
A Study on Visitor-centered Management to Contemporary Museum of Art : Focused on Aesthetic Response and Culture Seeking Behavior
Alternative Author(s)
Jang, Kyung Hwa
일반대학원 미학-미술사학과
박정기, 정형식
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차


제 1 장 서 론 1
1. 문제제기 1
2. 연구목적 9
3. 연구방법 12

제 2 장 현대미술관 방문객의 심미적 반응과 문화추구 15

제 1 절 포스트모던미술관 입장과 화이트큐브(White cube) 16
1.1 화이트 큐브(White cube)의 탄생 16
1.2 포스트모던미술관의 출범과 입장 24
1.3 포스트모던미술관과 화이트큐브(White cube) 27
제 2 절 현대미술관 방문객의 심미적 반응 36
2.1 현대미술관의 기능과 방문객에 대한 인식변화 36
2.2 현대미술관 방문객의 심미적 반응 39
제 3 절 문화추구의 장으로 현대미술관 50
3.1 현대미술관의 상대적 위상지각 50
3.2 현대미술관 방문객 유치를 위한 사례조사 52
3.3 현대미술관의 방문객 중심의 문화복지 59
제 4 절 현대미술관 방문객 만족 및 문화추구행동 69
4.1 미술관 방문객의 만족개념 및 기존연구 69
4.2 방문객 만족의 기존 선행연구 75
4.3 방문객의 의사결정 과정 78
4.4 미술관 방문객의 문화추구행동 81
제 5 절 현대미술관 경영관리의 필요성 83
5.1 미술관 경영의 목적 및 마케팅의 필요성 83
5.2 현대미술관과 문화소비자 90
5.3 현대미술관 경영관리의 문제점 91
5.4 현대미술관의 전시 92
5.5 현대미술관의 서비스 증거 관리 95

제 3 장 연구모형의 설계 및 가설설정 102

제 1 절 연구모형의 설계 102
제 2 절 연구가설 설정 103
2.1 미술관의 방문객 특성 103
2.2 국내미술관의 상대적 위상 104
2.3 미술관 전시 및 물리적 환경 106
2.4 미술관 방문객의 심미적 반응 108
2.5 미술관 방문객의 만족 109
2.6 미술관 방문객의 문화추구행동 110
2.7 미술관 방문객의 만족과 문화추구행동의 상관관계 111
제 3 절 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 112
3.1 방문객의 특성 112
3.2 미술관의 상대적 위상지각 112
3.3 미술관의 전시 및 물리적 특성 113
3.4 미술관의 기능적 및 인지적 이미지 113
3.5 미술관 방문객의 심미적 반응 114
3.6 미술관 방문객의 만족 및 문화추구행동 114

제 4 장 실증적 분석 115

제 1 절 자료수집 및 분석방법 115
1.1 표본의 대상 및 자료수집 115
1.2 표본의 특성 115
제 2 절 변수의 신뢰도 및 타당성 분석 118
2.1 측정항목의 평가 118
제 3 절 연구가설의 검증 및 논의 128
3.1 구조모형의 검증 128
3.2 가설검증 129

제 5 장 결 론 139

5.1 연구성과 139
5.2 미술관 경영관리의 의의 143
5.3 제안 146

참고 문헌 148
설문지 156
장경화. (2009). 현대미술관의 방문객 중심 경영관리 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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