색상과 에지 특징을 포함하는 새로운 이미지 블록 기술에 근거한 CBIR

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The growth of multimedia information has been enormous recently, especially with the advent of the Internet. A huge digital image archive is made up of millions of images, photos created by hospitals, governments, companies and academic organizations. Originally, searching and retrieving images was based on the keywords of images. In the early 1990s, Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) was proposed to overcome the limitations of Text-based Image Retrieval. It is a typical task of computer vision. In CBIR, images in a database are indexed using their own primitive visual features instead of human annotations such as shapes, colors, and textures. The use of different visual features is also a criterion to categorize a CBIR system. Since the visual features of an image are only based on the image itself, there is no problem of subjectivity.
In this paper a CBIR algorithm which was based on image block method that combined both color and edge feature was proposed. In consideration of the main drawback of global histogram representation is dependent of the color without spatial or shape information, a new image block method that divided the image to 8 related blocks which contained more information of the image is utilized to extract image feature. Based on these 8 blocks, histogram equalization and edge detection techniques are also used for image retrieval. The experimental results show that the proposed image block method has better ability of characterizing the image contents than traditional block method and could perform retrieval system efficiently. The simulation was performed using MATLAB 7.0.
Alternative Title
Content based Image Retrieval based on A Novel Image Block Technique Combining Color and Edge Features
Alternative Author(s)
Zou Haoming
조선대학교 대학원 전자공학과
일반대학원 전자공학과
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Table Of Contents
I. Introduction 1
A.Image processing and Computer vision 1
1.Image processing 1
2.Computer vision 3
B.Content-based Image Retrieval 5
II.CBIR and Related work 8
A.Background of CBIR 8
B.Visual Features used in CBIR Systems 10
1.Color Features 10
2.Shape features 14
3.Texture features 17
C.Histogram Distance Metrics 18
D.CBIR Systems 19
III.Proposed algorithm 22
A.Overview 22
B.Proposed image block method 24
C.Color feature extraction 31
1.Grayscale image and histogram equalization 31
2.Procedure of color feature extraction 36
D.Edge feature extraction 39
1.Canny edge detection 40
2.Procedure of edge feature extraction 45
E.Similarity measure 47
IV.Simulation and results 49
V.Conclusion 56
References 57
추호명. (2009). 색상과 에지 특징을 포함하는 새로운 이미지 블록 기술에 근거한 CBIR.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2010-01-25
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