公訴事實의 同一性에 관한 硏究
- Author(s)
- 전명길
- Issued Date
- 2009
- Abstract
A Study on the Same Offense
Jeon, Myung-Gil
Advisor : Prof. Kim, Jong-Goo, Ph.D
Department of Law
Graduate School of Chosun University
According to dynamic and developmental nature of Criminal Procedure Code, a charge may be changed into factual and legal as a case progresses. So judging identity of a charge is considered as important.
Identity of charges in the Law of Criminal Procedure involves in effect of prosecution, limit to change of a written arraignment, objective range of Res judicata, and preliminary and optional statement of charges. In particular, an issue if the range of the court is identical to the effect range of double jeopardy is presented. The range of subjects to be judged and the effect range of double jeopardy that are opposite ideas with effects of inverse proportion bring opposite effects to two ideas of ' defensive gains of the accused' and' positive truth finding' or ' realization of criminal justice' . If the range of subjects to be judged is broader than that the effect range of double jeopardy, it may meet an idea of positive truth finding more, but the effect of double jeopardy decreases, which brings somewhat disadvantageous results to defensive interests. However, if the effect range of double jeopardy is broader than the range of subjects to be judged, it is advantageous to defensive interests of the accused, but less effect will be given to positive truth finding. In criminal procedures, conflicts between interest of the accused, legal stability, positive truth or idea of justice should be coordinated. The written arraignment change system should have wider range in that it is designed to guaranty defensive right of the accused and secure case economy while pursuing actual justice. The range of Res judicata should be intended to protect interests of the accused, but its range should be somewhat limited so actual justice may not retreat.
Prosecuting against part of a crime based on Prinzip der Unteilbarkeit des Prozesgegenstandes have effect on whole crime and the court must allow change of written arraignment when identity of charges is not damaged. If so, whether whole crime that ent when id has an effect on or identity of charges as the range change of written arraignment is allowed is a case id histot ois a factual en arid hasmust be differentiated fntm identity of ctmposition or illegal content. As the written arraignment change system is designed to guaranty defensive right of the accused and sivoke the right of ht oer punisho, whedecreasing the range by limiting identity of natustemf crime or illegality makes the system meaningless. Therefore, identity of charges should be judged in a natural and omni-legal perspective based on the Basic Fact Identity Theory.
However, if the range of double jeopardy depends on the Basic Fact Identity Theory, it may violate the idea of criminal justice realization as it is too broad. Criminal justice may be ignored by protecting the rights of the accused excessively.
However, for the Identical Factor Theory the Supreme Court of the United States adopts, as the range identity of charges is recognized as too small, rights of the accused is not protected sufficiently.
Therefore, in judging identity, normative factors should be considered for realization of justice and specific validity, which limits the range of Res judicata.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Same Offense
- Alternative Author(s)
- Jeon, Myung Gil
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 법학과
- Department
- 일반대학원 법학과
- Advisor
- 김종구
- Awarded Date
- 2010-02
- Table Of Contents
- 目 次
第1章 序 論 1
第1節 硏究의 目的 1
第2節 硏究의 範圍와 方法 4
第2章 刑事節次에 있어서의 公訴事實의 同一性 6
第1節 刑事節次 段階別 公訴事實 同一性의 意味 6
1. 搜査段階 6
2. 公訴提起段階 7
가. 公訴提起의 物的 效力範圍 7
나. 公訴事實의 豫備的․擇一的 記載의 許容範圍 8
3. 公判段階 10
가. 審判의 對象 10
나. 公訴狀變更의 限界 13
다. 判決의 效力範圍 14
第2節 公訴狀 變更 15
1. 公訴狀變更의 意義 15
2. 公訴狀變更制度의 存在意義 16
가. 當事者主義的 觀點 16
나. 職權主義的 觀點 17
다. 小結 19
3. 公訴狀變更의 許容限界 20
가. 意 義 20
나. 公訴狀變更과 被告事件의 單一性 21
다. 公訴狀變更과 被告事件의 同一性 22
4. 公訴狀變更의 形態 23
5. 事件의 同一性의 機能 24
第3節 一事不再理의 效力 26
1. 裁判의 確定 26
2. 裁判確定의 時期 27
가. 不服이 許容되지 않는 裁判 27
나. 不服이 許容되는 裁判 28
3. 裁判確定의 效力 30
가. 形式的 確定力 30
나. 內容的 確定力 31
다. 旣判力 35
4. 審判對象의 範圍와 一事不再理 效力의 範圍 50
가. 見解의 對立 50
나. 訴因對象說이 보는 公訴事實의 同一性 51
第3章 公訴事實의 同一性에 대한 判斷基準 58
第1節 學 說 58
1. 獨逸 58
가. 歷史的事實說 58
나. 行爲基準說 59
다. 法益侵害基準說 60
2. 日 本 61
가. 構成要件的 側面을 基準으로 하는 學說 61
나. 事實的 側面을 基準으로 하는 學說 63
3. 우리나라 66
가. 構成要件共通說 66
나. 基本的事實同一說 67
다. 犯罪行爲同一說 69
라. 訴因共通說 71
마. 刑罰關心同一說 71
第2節 判 例 72
1. 大法院 判例의 態度 72
가. 大法院 判例의 基本的 立場 72
나. 非兩立關係를 同一性 判斷의 基準으로 본 判例 74
다. 規範的 要素를 고려한 判例 76
2. 外國의 判例 82
가. 日本 - 소인의 비양립성에 관한 판례 82
나. 獨逸 86
다. 美國 - 이중위험금지의 원칙 94
第4章 同一性 判斷基準으로서의 規範的 要素 98
第1節 大法院 93도2080 전원합의체판결의 考察 98
1. 事實의 槪要 98
2. 訴訟의 經過 99
3. 大法院判決의 要旨 99
가. 多數意見 99
나. 反對意見 101
4. 당해 判決의 意義 104
5. 判例에 대한 批判的 學說 105
가. 生活世界的 事件槪念과 事案構成에서 行爲多數性 105
나. 基本的 事實關係同一說과 規範的 要素의 共存不可能性 106
다. 犯罪行爲同一說 107
6. 判例의 批判에 대한 檢討 108
第2節 規範的 要素 導入의 必要性 110
1. 基本的 事實同一說의 問題點 110
2. 規範的 要素의 必要性 112
第3節 規範的 要素의 意義 및 基準 113
1. 意 義 113
가. 獨逸聯邦大法院의 判決 114
나. 獨逸의 規範的 行爲槪念理論 114
2. 大法院判決에서의 公訴事實의 同一性 判斷基準 115
가. 公訴事實의 同一性 判斷의 資料 115
나. 規範的 要素와 規範的 判斷 117
第5章 結 論 119
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 전명길. (2009). 公訴事實의 同一性에 관한 硏究.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/8443
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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