함정수사에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Entrapment

Lee, Yong Ho
Advisor : Prof. Kim, Jong Goo, Ph.D.
Department of Law
Graduate School of Chosun University

Difficult problems are occurring that against current crimes through complicated and elaborate plans, post-corresponding investigations alone can not restrain crimes and punish against them properly. Therefore, investigational services have come to use a technique of entrapment against covertly and meticulously planned crimes as a pre-measure, which properly and effectively deals with various aspects of crimes that are secretly planned and complicated. However, for the entrapment, investigational services make themselves or others to incite persons to commit crimes to arrest them. However, several problems occurs in its execution.

Therefore, this study is to identify many problems involved in the entrapment, that is, illegality and tolerance field appearing in that the government incites the accused to commit crimes through a deception or allurement. And for the case the entrapment is permitted, this study examines a few academic assumptions on the tolerance field, its theoretical grounds, ways to control the entrapment out of the tolerance field, and attitudes and precedents of foreign countries centering on American precedents of the entrapment.

Then this study examines several perspectives on the entrapment in our country to confirm the background of revising the Law of Illegal Evidence Collecting Exclusion in Section2 Article 308, Revised Law of Criminal Procedure and cases of foreign legislation. It is to find some problems of the Law of Illegal Evidence Collecting Exclusion and develop plans to improve it. Based on the results, this study is to speculate whether the entrapment is appropriate for pre-corresponding investigation against very destructive crimes, that is, mutually-agreed crimes such as drugs, smuggling, bribes, prostitution, trade of stolen goods, those without victims or covert crimes.

In conclusion, it is to look at proper ways to control the entrapment and to balance conflicting branches of social defense and guaranty of human rights reflecting social ambivalence.
Alternative Title
A study on the Entrapment
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Yong Ho
조선대학교 법학과
일반대학원 법학과
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Table Of Contents
目 次


第1章 序 論 1
第1節 硏究의 目的 1
第2節 硏究의 範圍와 方法 4

第2章 陷穽搜査의 理論的 基礎 6
第1節 陷穽搜査의 意義와 沿革 6
1. 意義 6
2. 陷穽搜査의 沿革 8
第2節 陷穽搜査의 違法性論 10
1. 適法說 10
2. 違法說 12
3. 折衷說 13
4. 小結 14
第3節 陷穽搜査의 法的 性格 15
1. 任意搜査와 强制搜査의 性格 15
2. 見解의 對立 16
3. 陷穽搜査의 必要的 當爲性 18

第3章 陷穽搜査에 대한 比較法的 考察 23
第1節 美國 23
1. 主要判例 23
2. 陷穽搜査에 관한 美國 聯邦大法院 判斷 基準 31
3. 模範刑法草案과 17個 州의 '客觀的 基準說' 採擇 34
4. 小結 34
第2節 獨逸 35
1. 身分僞裝搜査官 投入에 관한 刑事訴訟法의 規定 35
2. 主要判例와 學說 36
3. 法的效果 39
4. 小結 39
第3節 日本 40
1. 主要 判例 40
2. 最近 日本 下級審 判例의 檢討 42
3. 小結 43

第4章 違法한 陷穽搜査의 法的 效果 44
第1節 序言 44
第2節 違法한 陷穽搜査의 法的效果 45
1. 法的效果 45
2. 陷穽搜査에 의하여 蒐集한 證據의 證據能力 48
3. 小結 48

第5章 陷穽搜査의 適法한 統制方案 50
第1節 被敎唆者의 刑事責任 否定을 통한 統制 50
1. 序言 50
2. 陷穽搜査의 違法性 與否와의 關係 52
3. 違法한 陷穽搜査의 證據能力 54
第2節 陷穽敎唆者의 刑事責任 認定을 통한 統制 64
1. 序說 64
2. 故意의 段階에 따른 陷穽敎唆者의 槪念範圍 65
3. 共犯의 處罰根據에 따른 陷穽敎唆者의 刑事責任 67
4. 共犯論에 의한 陷穽敎唆者의 刑事責任 70
第3節 搜査機關 內部의 統制 73

第6章 結 論 77

參 考 文 獻 80
조선대학교 대학원
이용호. (2009). 함정수사에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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