한국 공무원연금의 재정 건전성에 관한 연구

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A Study on Financial Soundness in Korean Government Employees Pension System

Yulian Jin
Department of Social Welfare
Graduate School
Chosun University

The public employee pension system has performed from 1960 for one of the social insurance system. The public employee pension is a compulsory plan which a contributor pays a contribution in his or her workable period and is guaranteed the minimum standard of living of his or her who is incapable of supporting herself or himself due to physical disability, disease, old age or other reasons.

However, the public employee pension faces a serious financial crisis. This paper describes the causes triggering current financial unbalance of pubic employee pension as increase of beneficiaries vs. decrease of contributors, low contribution but high coverage, and low-profitable fund operation. This study attempts to analyze the present conditions of the public pension systems and to secure the sound finance for the public pensions. this study seeks the alternatives for the national system management. the problem of the unbundling of the public pension system is due to the pension system structure of the more expenditures than incomes.

As the analysis, we suggest that to secure financial the health for the public pension the incremental insurance premium increase, reduction of the pension benefits, the age of acquiring qualification for the pension benefits and rational funding system is required.

Firstly, the public employee pension has more beneficiaries than its contributors. Taking into consideration the extension of average span of life, the age eligible for the pension will be increased.

Secondly, the public employee pensions originally have an odd actuarial model with low contribution but high coverage. What is worse, when persons on long-term service and extension of pensionable qualifying period are added, they touch off more serious issue. Therefore, raising contribution payment and adjusting the proper level of benefits for contributions paid are needed to improve its financial structure.

Lastly, for the efficient, transparent, specialized, and responsible operation.

It should be noted that this study is mainly intended to provide some insights to policy-makers who desire the better part of the korean government employees pension system. that is this paper might lack some important theoretical qualities, which will be hopefully corrected in the future study of this field.
Alternative Title
A Study on Financial Soundness in Korean Government Employees Pension System
Alternative Author(s)
일반대학원 사회복지학과
일반대학원 사회복지학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차

제 1 장 서론 1

제 1 절 연구목적 1

제 2 절 연구 범위와 방법 3
1. 연구범위 3
2. 연구방법 4

제 2 장 이론적 배경 5

제 1 절 연금제도 5
1. 사회보험 5
2. 공적연금 6

제 2 절 공무원연금제도의 도입배경과 변천과정 11
1. 도입배경 11
2. 변천과정 13

제 3 절 공무원연금제도의 재정체계 20
1. 재원조달체계 20
2. 연금급여체계 24

제 4 절 재정건전성 30
1. 연금재정 건전성의 의의 30
2. 연금재정 건전성 지표 32

제 5 절 분석의 틀 34

제 3 장 공무원연금의 현황과 문제점 36

제 1 절 재원조달체계 37
1. 적용대상자 37
2. 비용부담방식 43
3. 기금 45

제 2 절 연금급여체계 49
1. 연금지급 개시연령 49
2. 연금지급 51
3. 연금액 조정방법 53

제 4 장 공무원연금 재정건전성의 개선방안 56

제 1 절 재원조달체계 57
1. 기여금의 인상 57
2. 부담금의 인상 58
3. 기금투자에 의한 재정증식 58

제 2 절 연금급여체계 61
1. 연금지급개시연령의 상향조정 61
2. 연금지출의 인하 61
3. 연금액 조정방법의 변경 63

제 5 장 결론 65

참고문헌 68


표 목 차

공적연금제도 개요 8
공무원연금제도의 기능 12
공무원연금 비용부담금의 유형 23
보수월액 대비 연금과 일시금 27
연금법 적용대상 공무원 증감 추이 38
연금수급자 추이 39
연금 선택 추이 40
인원전망 41
정부․민간기업 부담률 비교 43
외국정부 부담률 비교 44
1990년~2000년 공무원연금재정추이 45
공무원연금 재정현황 46
연금기금조성 추이 47
투자부문별 기금운용 추이 48
공무원 평균연령의 변화추세 50
유족연금수급자 및 유족급여 추이 53

그림 목차

공무원연금의 급여종류 25
분석의 틀 35
김옥련. (2009). 한국 공무원연금의 재정 건전성에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-02-04
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