지역아동센터의 통합적 복지서비스가 다문화 가정 아동의 사회적응에 미치는 영향

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A Study on the Effects of the Unity Welfare Service of 'Community Children Center' on Multi-cultural Family Children's Social Adaptation

Jung, Seon-Jin
Department of Social Welfare,
Graduate School of Chosun University

This study focuses on studying the difference between children from multi-cultural family with unity welfare service using the community children center and other children without unity welfare service and the effect of the unity welfare service of community children center on children from multi-cultural family in adapting to the society. Also it is focused on having children from multi-cultural family who need diversified unity welfare service get the unity welfare service of community children center within its vicinity, so that they can adapt themselves to Korean society without confronting any difficulty, hardship or discrimination. Therefore, supposing the unity welfare service of community children center improves the adaptation of children from multi-cultural family to the society, this study analyzes the effect of the unity welfare service on their adaptation to the society.
The study can be summarized as following.
First, there was a meaningful difference in adaptation of the subjects of the study to the society in terms of ages, Korean proficiency and financial state among population sociology characteristics. In age, categorized by the grade at school, analysis showed that the 4th graders were better at adaptation to the society and the 1st & 2nd graders adjusted very well in their family, the lowest level in adaptation to the society. For low graders who are greatly influenced by their family, the family plays a significant role in exercising the appropriate, positive influence on their children. So it is believed that mothers who seemingly spend time with their children the most should be educated in Korean language, culture to be better parents. Subjectively, children whose Korean were fluent and whose financial states were relatively better were good at adaptation to the society compared to those who were not.
This implies that Korean classes are necessary for children from multi-cultural family to adapt to the society and they shouldn't left alone just for the financial reasons. We should develop excellent educational materials, find the good examples and tell them to others, but it is needless to say that we make efforts to better understand with warm-heartedness and sincereness.
Second, it was shown that children using the community children center adapted themselves much better to the society compared to those who didn't use the center. In addition, those who were using the community children center were good in their family as a lower level in social adaptation, school and among friends. The unity welfare service they get while using the community children center was seen effective for the social adaptation in terms of time they spend at the community children center and the degree of satisfaction for the unity program(s).
This result also correspond with the one studying children using the community children center such as 'study on children from low-income family of single parent in adapting to the society (2008, Han Wang-seop)' and 'effect of community children center with the study room on children in rural areas in adapting to the society (2005, Oh Bong-wook).' This also shows that the unity welfare service of community children center has a positive influence on children from low-income family of single parent, multi-cultural family, etc.
Therefore, children from multi-cultural family should be provided with diversified the unity programs at the community children center. We can help them better adapt to the society by promoting the community children center among them and offering them easier access to the center. The community children center with the strong pride in their unity welfare service develops programs suitable for not only children in various crises but also children from multi-cultural family who undergo cultural deficiency and difficulties in adaptation to the society, educate Korean students using the community children center and let them better understand others with different cultures.
Third, mutual relation between social support as one of unity welfare services and social adaptation was seen meaningful. Teachers' support in effect of children from multi-cultural family on social adaptation corresponds with relation in family and school, friends' support corresponds with relation in family, school and friends. Teachers' support and friends' support were all positively effective in children's adaptation to the society.
In conclusion, teachers' support and friends' support as a lower factor in social support were effective and especially, friends' support were better effective than teachers' support.
Indicated in the study conducted in 1997 by Gottman who noted that children excluded from the relationship with others showed many psychological problems after 11-year long study examining the relationship of classmates among 3rd graders and in 1983 by Kohlberg who noted that the relationship with peers influence greatly on children in the development of knowledge, the importance of peers was once again proved.
Fourth, supposing that 'social support influences positively on social adaptation', teachers' support and friends' support as a lower factor of social support don't have a meaningful influence on overall social adaptation as a dependent variable. However, it was effective in relation with family and friends among lower levels of social adaptation.
For the subjects of this study, lower graders (1st to 3rd) accounted for 63.9% which showed that family support has more influences than the ones from the society like teachers and friends, provided by community children center. Also, it is shown from the previous study (2006, Kim Kyung-ran) saying peers' support influences less on social adaptation than family support and the previous thesis saying that as they age, their relationship move from family to friends and the sphere of surroundings they come in contact with becomes larger.
The result of this study showed that the unity welfare service of community children center has a positive influence on children from multi-cultural family in adapting to the society.
This result shows that the unity welfare service of community children center providing overall children welfare service to better foster children influences more positively on children's adaptation to the society who have diversified problems not related with protection, education of community children, wholesome play & entertainment, protectors and local society and it also emphasizes the importance and necessity of the unity welfare service of community children center.
For this, the community children center should endeavor to provide systematic unity welfare service with good quality. Also, it is necessary for children from multi-cultural family living outside the institutes and schools to get the unity welfare service, so that they can adapt themselves better and positively to the society.
Alternative Title
A study on the Effects of the Unity Welfare Service of 'Community Children Center' on Multicultural Family Children's Social Adaptation
Alternative Author(s)
jung, Seon Jin
일반대학원 사회복지
일반대학원 사회복지학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구 범위 4
1. 연구 문제 4
2. 연구 방법 5

제2장 이론적 배경 6
제1절 지역아동센터 6
1. 지역아동센터의 개념 6
2. 지역아동센터의 기능 8
제2절 지역아동센터의 통합적 복지서비스 10
1. 통합적 복지서비스의 개념 10
2. 통합적 복지서비스의 구성요소 13
가. 지역아동센터 이용 13
나. 사회적지지 15
제3절 다문화 가정 아동 18
1. 다문화 가정 아동의 개념 18
2. 다문화 가정 아동의 특성 19
제4절 사회적응 22
1. 사회적응 이론 22
2. 통합적 복지서비스와 사회적응 25
3. 다문화가정아동과 사회적응 28

제3장 연구설계 31
제1절 연구모형 31
제2절 연구가설 32
제3절 연구대상 및 측정도구 33
1. 연구대상 33
2. 측정도구 33
가. 사회적응 33
나. 사회적지지 36
제4절 자료수집 및 분석방법 39

제4장 연구결과 40
제1절 표본의 특성 40
제2절 다문화 가정 아동과 사회적응 42
제3절 지역아동센터 이용과 사회적응 51
제4절 통합적 복지서비스와 사회적응 60

제5장 결론 및 제언 78
제1절 결론 78
제2절 연구의 제언 및 제한점 82

참고문헌 84
설문지 90
정선진. (2008). 지역아동센터의 통합적 복지서비스가 다문화 가정 아동의 사회적응에 미치는 영향.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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