정보차 학습활동을 통한 영어 문법 학습 효과에 관한 연구

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The purpose of this study is to examine what affect learners' learning styles have on both a teacher-fronted class and a task- based class through information-gap activity, and to investigate an effective way to apply the task- based teaching to learners' individual learning styles.
For the overall experimental design, 59 college students in English grammar class were divided into teacher-fronted group and information-gap group. Felder-Solomon's ILS (The Index of Learning Styles) was administered to measure the students' learning styles. First, students' grammar learning outcome was compared between the two groups. Second, students' grammar learning outcome based on their learning styles was compared within each group. Experiments were performed twice with different grammar contents. Finally, students' experiences were examined based on their preference and involvement.
The results were as follows. There was no significant difference on students' grammar learning outcome between the two groups in the first experiment which is on categorial rules, but there was significant difference showing higher grammar learning outcome in the information-gap group between the two in the second experiment on prototypical rules. Within each group, students' grammar learning outcome was significantly related to visual/verbal learning styles in the teacher-fronted group. It showed that the teacher-fronted class which depends on teacher's explanation and teaching materials had a positive affect on students' grammar learning outcome in the verbal learning style.
In information-gap class, students' grammar learning outcome was significantly related to active/reflective learning styles. To complete the task, the information-gap activity which requires students to interact with other group members was more effective for those active style students who favor to discuss and process information with other students and then understand that later.
In the analysis of the students' experiences in information-gap learning class, active style students with better outcome improvement from the two post tests preferred the information-gap activity to the teacher-fronted teaching. Those students favoring the information-gap activity more voluntarily participated in the task.
The analysis of students' responses showed that there were differences in students' opinions on advantages/ disadvantages in the information-gap learning. The active style students preferred the free learning atmosphere the most, while the reflective style students did not prefer it. In addition, the worst disadvantage to the active style students was free-riding, however, it was not considered so by those reflective style students.
The findings of this study suggested that students' learning styles are significantly related to both grammar learning outcome and their experience. For the better learning outcomes of the task-based teaching, students' learning styles should be examined and interpreted clearly. Also, task development and its appropriate applying are to be considered.
Alternative Title
Effects of Information-gap Activity on Learning English Grammar
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Seung-eun
일반대학원 영어교육학과
일반대학원 영어교육
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구문제 2
3. 연구의 구성 3
4. 연구의 제한점 4
제2장 이론적 배경 5
1. 과업의 정의 및 유형 5
2. 정보차 과업 9
가. 정보차 과업의 접근 11
(1) 형식중심 접근 12
(2) 개인 변인에 관한 접근 14
나. 정보차 과업의 구성 16
다. 정보차 과업의 학습모형 17
(1) 직소과업 17
(2) Pica의 학습모형 19
라. 정보차 학습활동의 정의적 특징 24
3. 학습유형의 정의 및 분류 29
제3장 연구방법 34
1. 연구가설 34
2. 연구대상 35
3. 연구기간 및 절차 35
4. 교사중심 학습활동 37
5. 정보차 학습활동 38
가. 학습 집단 구성 38
나. 정보차 과업의 구성과 학습과정 38
다. 학습내용 42
라. 정보차 학습활동의 절차 42
6. 실험자료 46
가. 문법학습결과의 평가 46
나. 학습유형 진단 46
7. 자료 분석 47
제4장 결과 분석 및 논의 48
1. 각 집단별 학습유형 분포 48
2. 집단간 문법학습 결과 49
3. 정보차 집단의 학습유형과 문법학습 결과 비교 54
가. 정보지각방법에 의한 학습유형과 문법학습결과 비교 54
나. 정보입력방법에 의한 학습유형과 문법학습결과 비교 55
다. 정보처리방법에 의한 학습유형과 문법학습결과 비교 57
라. 정보이해방법에 의한 학습유형과 문법학습결과 비교 59
4. 교사중심학습 집단의 학습유형과 문법학습결과 비교 61
가. 정보지각방법에 의한 학습유형과 문법학습결과 비교 62
나. 정보입력방법에 의한 학습유형과 문법학습결과 비교 64
다. 정보처리방법에 의한 학습유형과 문법학습결과 비교 66
라. 정보이해방법에 의한 학습유형과 문법학습결과 비교 68
5. 정보차 학습 활동에 대한 학생들의 경험 69
가. 정보차 학습 활동에 대한 학생들의 선호도 70
나. 정보차 학습 활동에 대한 학생들의 참여도 71
다. 정보차 학습 분위기에 대한 학생들의 경험 73
라. 정보차 학습 활동에 대한 학습유형별 학생들의 장/단점 74
(1) 정보차 학습 활동의 장점 75
(2) 정보차 학습 활동의 단점 82
제5장 결론 및 제언 89
1. 결론 89
2. 제언 92
참고문헌 94
부록 1 105
부록 2 112
부록 3 116
부록 4 117
이승은. (2008). 정보차 학습활동을 통한 영어 문법 학습 효과에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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  • Embargo2009-02-04
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