쑥뜸요법이 신체건강지수에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

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On the year 2000, now the old age population above the age of 60 is getting over 10% so that Korea's old age population is tending more rapidly upwards than the advanced countries' which already has set in the aging society
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The more serious problem is that the prevalence rate of chronic disease (annual chronic disease patient per 100 people) is increasing more and more as like from 1995, 20.5% to 1995, 29.9% and 1998 41.0%. Korean typical chronic diseases have been come out mainly such as cutaneous diseases and arthritis and lumbago, sciatica and gastritis, digestive ulcer.
This thesis will research about moxa treatment, which is academically designated as moxibustion and moxa-combustion, as a means of settling the problem about the entry into the aging society, the increase of chronic diseases and the curtailment of the healthy life expectancy. This research's result is condensed as below.
First, This thesis will show the fact that after and before performing operations of the moxa treatment into the nature of diseases of the total questionnaire's each clauses, all the people performed through it responded to the questions of the physical healthy index with the relief of their organic conditions and physical discomforts.
Second, this thesis will examine Artemisia and the moxa treatment with use of it, this treatment's principle and function, the research trends and results, and also study the spreading effects to human physical body through the moxa treatment, by the basic respond inquiries into people already in practice of it. This thesis will show that most people in use of it wish for recommending this treatment to others, and the enlargement of the business related to moxa treatments and various research results should promote the popularization of the moxa treatment.
Third, the inpatients needed hospitalization treatments due to geriatric diseases show as like these, the first, senile cataract (27.1 per 1000), the second, cerebral infarction (13.1) the third, pneumonia (8.0), the fourth, diabetes (7.1), the fifth, angina pectoris (5.3), and outpatient's diseases are in order like these, the first, influenza (512.1 per 1000), the second, essential hypertension (322.7), the third, dental surgical problems (265.6), the fourth, back pains (186.9), the fifth, arthritis in lower limbs (171.9).
This thesis will show the result that by the moxa treatment, the diseases above mentioned such as cerebral infarction, influenza, hypertension, back pains, arthritis etc. would be improved for the better, for which various researches also have been demonstrating.
Bernard Lown, a laureate of the Nobel prize for peace, a famous doctor for heart diseases, introduces his painful and surprising experience to us. While travel in gin china, he seriously suffered from back-pains and then was treated by acupuncture, moxa treatment. After the 3 days treatments in China, he realized that the pain usually lasting one month had disappeared, and the severe lumbago didn't come for about 1 year. In the end, like St. Augustine's proverb "there is no miracle, only we don't know principles." Bernard Lown explains the background of the motivation for starting to study acupuncture and moxibustion without prejudice..
Now, the world pays attention to the acupuncture and moxibustion's function and effect. Not only the attitude for natural ways but also the scientific study and analysis are important. However, like the excessive confidence in alternative complementary medicine such as the alternative therapy and moxibustion, the prejudice and insolence always should be thrown away. There are various ways of recovering from diseases, which may be near to people, and clearly exist. People should take note of malicious businesses of some alternative therapists who generally exaggerate simple medical treatments into seriously complicated treatments, and people should be aware of the fact that although surgical operation on the side of western medical science may be an object to be afraid of for people in favor of natural therapy, it may be a more helpful break through for recovering from diseases.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Index of Body Health Influenced by Mugwort-Moxibustion Therapy
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Kyung-Koo
조선대학교 보건대학원
보건대학원 대체의학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 = 1
제2절 연구의 목적 = 2
제3절 연구 문제 = 3
제4절 연구 가설 = 3
제5절 연구의 제한점 = 4
Ⅱ. 문헌고찰 = 5
제1장 쑥 = 5
제1절 쑥의 이해 = 5
1. 쑥의 종류 = 5
2. 쑥의 성분과 효능 = 6
제2절 쑥의 고증 = 9
1. 쑥의 효능에 대한 고찰 = 9
2. 쑥을 활용한 뜸 요법의 효과에 대한 고찰 = 11
제3절 뜸법의 재발견 = 14
1. 뜸의 정의 = 14
2. 뜸의 종류 = 15
3. 뜸의 연구동향 = 17
4. 뜸의 작용기전 = 22
5. 뜸의 원리 = 26
제4절 쑥뜸요법의 정체성 = 34
1. 쑥뜸요법의 정체성 = 34
2. 쑥뜸요법의 중요성 35 3. 쑥뜸요법의 관계성 검토 = 37
제2장 국내 쑥뜸요법 현황 = 39
제1절 인산 김일훈(仁山 金一勳) 선생의 인산쑥뜸 = 39
1. 인산(仁山) 뜸뜨는 법 = 39
2. 뜸자리 잡기 = 39
제2절 심주섭(沈周燮)식 뜸 활용 = 40
1. 심주섭(沈周燮) 옹의 쑥뜸 방법 = 40
2. 심주섭(沈周燮) 뜸의 준비물 = 41
제3절 김남수(灸堂 金南洙) 선생의 무극보양(無極保養)뜸 = 41
1. 무극보양(無極保養)뜸의 특징 = 42
2. 무극보양(無極保養)뜸 방법 = 42
제4절 미니뜸(MINI MOXA) 사용 = 43
1. 서암(瑞岩)미니뜸 = 43
2. 광명(光明)미니뜸 = 45
제5절 뜸을 놓는 경혈(經穴)의 종류 = 47
1. 무병장수(無病長壽)를 위한 穴 = 47
2. 몸에 좋은 특효혈(特效穴) = 49
3. 뜸을 뜨지 말아야 할 곳 = 50
Ⅲ. 연구 방법 및 운영 = 51
제1절 연구대상 및 기간 = 51
제2절 측정도구 = 51
제3절 연구 절차 및 방법 = 51
1. 연구절차 = 51
2. 연구방법 = 52
Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 논의 = 54
제1절 연구 결과 = 54
1. 설문 응답자 기초조사 = 54
2. 쑥뜸요법 후 신체증상 변화 조사 = 59
제2절 논의 = 60
Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론 = 66
제1절 요약 = 66
제2절 결론 = 67
참고문헌 = 70
1. 국내문헌 = 70
2. 국외문헌 = 73
3. 홈페이지 = 74
부록 1. 설문지 = 75
조선대학교 보건대학원
강경구. (2005). 쑥뜸요법이 신체건강지수에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구.
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Medicine & Parmacy > 3. Theses(Master)
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