노인복지시설 종사자관리가 종사자의 직무태도에 미치는 영향

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A Study on the Influence of Employee Management
in Senior Centers on Their Job Attitudes

Kyung-Sook Kim
Advisor : Prof. Eul-Im Oh, Ph.D.
Department of Social Welfare
Graduate School of Chosun University

This study analysed the cause and effect of employee management in senior centers on their job attitudes. And suggested staffing of the personnel in Senior Centers to secure competent human resources, incentive system to motivate employees, empowerment involved in discretion of employees, and reinforcement of their job competence.
This study assumes that staffing of employee managers in senior centers, incentive system and empowerment will have significant influence on organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intention. To maximize the efficiency of senior centers through organized management of employees in senior centers, we verified the cause and effect of such various factors. For this study, we followed 429 employees in senior centers in Gwangju and Jeonnam for a statistical analysis with the SPSS 14.0 and AMOS 6.0.
The results of analysing the influence of employee management in senior centers on job attitudes are as follows:
First, staffing of employee managers in senior centers had significant influences on enhancement of personal, interpersonal ,and environmental competence, and incentive system had a great influence on individual , interpersonal and environmental empowerment. Empowerment has a sizable influence on personal competence and relationship.
Secondly, personal empowerment of employee managers in senior centers also had a significant impact on organizational commitment, relationship empowerment had a considerable influence on organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and environmental empowerment exercised significant influence on organizational commitment and turnover intention.
Thirdly, organizational commitment as one of the job attitudes of employees in senior centers significantly affected turnover intention.
This study made some suggestions as follows:
First, this study presented an integrated research model based on theoretical speculations and results of the previous studies, which was a new approach on employee management in senior centers. Through an assumption based on the research model, this study carried a positive research on employee management in senior centers.
Secondly, it is desirable to expand an organized human resources management system for reasonable recruiting in consideration of several environmental factors of senior centers.
Thirdly, to provide quality service and programs for the increasing number of senior centers, as professionals , care givers and supporting staff should be secured and the central or local government should give financial support for this.
Fourthly, in consideration of financial difficulties of senior centers, physical compensation is limited within a range. For non-material motivation, model employees should be evaluated based on various criteria, 5% of whom are selected for overseas training or benchmarking of overseas advanced institutes. And their professional qualification should be promoted through the fair evaluation of achievements at the general meeting, with compliment of accomplishment, bonus day off, and regular training.
Fifthly, employees in senior centers need to identify their own merits and demerits and provide services in line with their own interests and abilities. They are required to establish a culture where techniques or skills involved in their tasks are managed and shared in an more organized manner to enhance expertise and problem-solving competence of employees.
And finally, employee management should be promoted in senior centers. For this, employee management is to take the present and expected achievements into the consideration. In particular, if all the employees have more opportunities with the acceleration of the introduction of personnel exchange or dispatch working systems and the merits and demerits of other centers are identified and converged, the turnover rate of competent employees can be diminished. When their visions are outlined in a visual form for easy understanding with a view to activating the organization, promoting their motives and building the hope for the future of centers, a synergy effect can be secured through voluntary participation of the staff.

key words: senior centers, staffing, incentive system, empowerment, competence reinforcement, organizational commitment, turnover, job satisfaction, and job attitude
Alternative Title
A Study on the Influence of Employee Management in Senior Centers on Their Job Attitudes
Alternative Author(s)
일반대학원 사회복지학과
일반대학원 사회복지학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차

제 1 장 서 론 1

제1절 연구목적 1

제2절 연구범위 및 방법 4
1. 연구범위 4
2. 연구방법 5

제 2 장 이론적 배경 7

제1절 종사자관리의 연구동향 7
1. 연구동향의 접근방법 7
2. 선행연구의 평가 15

제2절 노인복지시설 종사자관리 18
1. 노인복지시설의 개념 18
2. 노인복지시설 종사자관리의 의의 28
3. 노인복지시설 종사자관리의 중요성 33

제3절 종사자관리의 주요차원 37
1. 요원화 37
2. 보상체계 38
3. 임파워먼트 40

제4절 종사자관리의 역량강화 43
1. 역량강화의 개념 43
2. 종사자의 역량강화 52

제5절 종사자의 직무태도 54
1. 직무태도 54
2. 조직몰입 56
3. 직무만족 60
4. 이직의도 65

제6절 선행연구 69
1. 종사자관리와 역량강화와의 관계 69
2. 역량강화와 직무태도와의 관계 70
3. 종사자관리와 직무태도와의 관계 71

제 3 장 연구설계 73

제1절 연구모형 설정 73

제2절 가설설정 76

제3절 변수의 조작적 정의와 측정도구 84
1. 변수의 조작적 정의 84
2. 설문지 구성 88

제 4 장 실증분석 91
제1절 자료수집과 표본의 특성 91
1. 자료수집 및 분석방법 91
2. 표본의 인구통계학적 특성 92

제2절 측정도구 검증 95
1. 신뢰도분석 95
2. 확인적 요인분석 97

제3절 특성별 차이분석 99
1. 기술통계량 분석 99
2. 특성별 차이분석 103

제4절 연구모형 검증 119
1. 변수간 상관관계 분석 119
2. 연구모형의 검증결과 111

제5절 가설검증 및 조절효과분석 115
1. 가설검증결과 115
2. 조절효과분석 118
제6절 분석결과 종합적 논의 135
1. 특성별 차이분석 결과 135
2. 가설검증 결과 137
3. 조절효과 검증 결과 140

제 5 장 결 론 145

제1절 연구결과 요약 145

제2절 연구의 시사점 147

제3절 향후 연구방향 150

1. 설문지
2. 노인복지시설의 구분
3. 분석결과

표 목 차

보편적 접근법의 인적자원관리제도 9
상황적 접근법을 고려한 상황변수의 내용 12
인적자원관리 시스템의 구축방법에 따른 구분 14
종사자관리의 정의 31
역량강화 개념 정의 47
설문지 구성 89
표본의 인구통계학적 특성 93
요인분석결과 및 신뢰도 96
확인적 요인분석결과 98
변수의 기술통계량 분석 101
변수 간 상관관계 111
연구모형의 적합도 지수 113
경쟁모형의 적합도 지수 114
연구모형 가설검증 116
조직풍토에 따른 연구모형 적합도 지수 119
조직풍토에 따른 가설검증 121
시설유형에 따른 연구모형 적합도 지수 124
시설유형에 따른 가설검증 126
지역에 따른 연구모형 적합도 지수 129
지역에 따른 가설검증 132

그 림 목 차

연구모형 75
경쟁모형 76
연구모형의 분석결과 118
조직풍토에 따른 가설 검증결과 123
시설유형의 가설 검증결과 128
지역에 따른 가설 검증결과 134
김경숙. (2008). 노인복지시설 종사자관리가 종사자의 직무태도에 미치는 영향.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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