지방자치발전을 위한 지방의회의 역할 제고방안 연구

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A Study on the Improvement of Local Assembly's Roles for Local Autonomy Development

Jung, Soon-yeul
Advisor: Prof. Lee, Chang-hun Ph. D.
Dept. of Political Science and Diplomacy
Graduate School of Chosun University

In the case of Korea, local government decentralization is not only establishing democracy within Korean society but also fusing the improvement of the national economic efficiency and local competitive power.
In the process of this local decentralization, local assembly conducts a key role. Local assembly aims at the common goals of setting up a local decentralization and advancing local democracy and local economic power and development of competitive power with local autonomous entities. Especially, since the cause of building democracy is based on local autonomy system, establishment of grass root democracy and its firmness can be the primary goal in consisting of local assembly. Local autonomy operates according to its own charge while local residents themselves make up local autonomous entities and make their decision. Therefore, nothing is more essential than local assembly which centers among local autonomous entities in establishing local residential autonomy and grass root democracy is the core for the systematic management and progress.
Today local assembly is the important legislative organ in indirect democracy. As for local autonomy, originally direct democracy which the decision and management of local autonomy is made by legally equal residents is ideal. But due to the number of voters and the size of administrative organ, all local residents do not participate in so many policy decisions altogether. so we elect representatives on behalf of ourselves to realize its original purpose. This is the right secret of indirect democracy. It is realized in the form of legislative politic even in the area.
Like this local autonomy as the primary element in completing democracy is a keystone in the process of realizing democracy. It is the representative organ of the residents as the legislative organ of local autonomous entities unlike a local government head and the base of grass root democracy to check and monitor the executive. Local autonomy system was resurrected in korea in 1991. At this time of the fourth popular election local assembly that is to have an important role in has been denounced a lot whether it performs well.
Thus this study aims to search for examining the problems facing the Korean local assembly, propose them and activate its own role. For this, this study investigates the historical surroundings of local decentralization and the relations of local assembly, the social significance and local assembly's role, the management of local assembly, reviews the problems of local assemblymen's conference action theoretically and guests for the appraisal of performance of local assembly's roles through the survey and the improvement of local assembly's roles for local autonomy development and the appraisal for the residents summons system. This study is expected to contribute to find out a method.
The scopes and objects of this study are the appraisal of ex and present wide area and local assemblymen, public official, journalists and social group activists including the residents. The method of research employed in this study was based on theoretical materials concerning local government decentralization and survey research putting in practice with ex and present assemblymen in Jeonnam, public officials, journalists, social group activists and residents.
In conclusion, this study shows the summary on the study results and the activation's devices of local assembly's roles and indicates properly the significance and limitation of this study.
Alternative Author(s)
Jung, Soon-yeul
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 정치외교학과
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Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서 론 1
제 1 절 문제제기 및 연구목적 1
제 2 절 연구범위와 방법 3
제 2 장 이론적 배경 4
제 1 절 지방분권화의 역사적 배경 4
제 2 절 지방의회의 사회적 의의 및 역할 8
제 3 절 지방의정활동의 문제점 21
제 3 장 연구문제 및 조사 설계 28
제 1 절 연구 문제 28
제 2 절 조사 설계 방법과 절차 29
제 4 장 연구 분석 및 평가 31
제 1 절 응답자의 인구사회학적 특성 31
제 2 절 연구결과 및 평가 33
제 5 장 결 론 48
참 고 문 헌 53
설 문 지 55
< 표 목 차>
지방의회 의원의 직업별 현황 22
청원 처리 현황 23
응답자의 성별 구성 31
응답자의 연령대별 특성 32
응답자의 거주지역별 분포 32
응답자의 소속/직업별 분포 32
지방자치제 도입의 의의 평가 34
거주 지역에 따른 지방자치 도입의 의의 평가 34
연령대별 지방자치제 도입 의의 평가 35
직업에 따른 지방자치 도입 의의 평가 35
지방의회의 역할 수행 평가 37
연령에 따른 지방의회 역할 수행 평가 38
소속 및 직업에 따른 지방의회 역할 평가 차이 39
지방의회의 역할 제고 활성화 방안 평가 41
연령에 따른 지방의회제도 보완 활성화 방안 평가 42
거주지역에 따른 지방의회제도 보완/활성화 방안 평가 43
직업에 따른 지방의회제도 보완/활성화 방안 평가 44
주민소환제에 대한 평가 45
연령에 따른 주민소환제 도입 평가 46
거주 지역에 따른 주민소환제 평가 차이 46
직업에 따른 주민소환제 평가 차이 47
< 그 림 목 차 >
지방의회의 의결범위 15
조선대학교 대학원
정순열. (2007). 지방자치발전을 위한 지방의회의 역할 제고방안 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-02-19
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