일 대학병원에 입원한 주요우울장애의 증상특성
- Author(s)
- 이 진
- Issued Date
- 2007
- Abstract
- Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency and kinds of symptoms and the profile of depressive symptoms and somatic symptoms of admitted patients with major depressive disorder in a university hospital.
Methods : The study was cross-sectional study in chosun university hospital. A total of 299 patients who met the diagnostic criteria of major depressive disorder according to DSM-IV were participated in this study. Forty four item questionnairs were developed to check symptoms and the questionnairs checked from patient's medical record.
Result : Participation in the study were 299 patients ( 82 males and 217 females ; mean age 51.7±16.4 years). Common depressive symptoms were the following order : depressive mood (55.2%), initial insomnia (52.8%), anxious/tense (47.8%), tired/no energy (35.1%), suicidal ideation (28.8%). Common somatic symptoms were the following order : decreased appetite (33.1%), headache (22.1%), gastric discomfort (16.7%), palpitation (15.4%), chest discomfort (11.4%). Comparing depressive symptoms and somatics symptoms in terms of sex, the following symptoms were more frequent in female patients : anxious/tense, emotional/cry a lot, decreased appetite, gastric discomfort, palpitation(P<0.05). In male patients, interpersonal sensitivity, pessimism were more frequent than female patients(P<0.05).
Conclusions : The most frequent depressive symptoms and somatic symptoms of patients with major depressive disorder were depressive mood, initial insomnia, anxious/tense, tired/no energy, suicidal ideation and decreased appetite, headache, gastric discomfort, palpitation, chest discomfort. Some kind of symptoms were different between male patients and female patients. Further studies including more participants would be needed to be done.
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- Embargo2008-02-19
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