고령화와 임금피크제에 대한 연구

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A Study on Population Aging and Peak Wage System

Lee, Young Geun
Advisor : Prof, Chi, Kwang Soo, Ph.D.
Department of Economics,
Graduate School Chosun University

Korean society is aging fast. Researches forecast that Korea, currently categorized as an aging society in which people over the age of 65 account for 7 percent of the population, will take about 20 years to become an aged society in which they account for 14 percent. The problem of a rapidly aging population along with low birthrate has emerged as Korea`s top national concerns, with its far-reaching and profound implications in social and economic situations.
The increasing rank of elderly people is becoming a heavy burden on the shrinking working-age population. As the rate of children and elders over 65 compared with the people of a working age rises, it becomes harder to maintain living standards for the dependent population because the workforce is put under strain. Population aging in a context of stagnant or declining labor supply can affect economic growth. Higher taxes are needed to fund pension and health systems, to the detriment of productive investment and work effort. The expansion of the elderly population will directly raise the question of how to guarantee the living standards of the elderly who often have insufficient or almost no source of income.
Korea should strive to tackle the problems of an aging population and low birthrate that could threaten the country`s productivity and economic growth in the long run. The government authorities should draft and carry out a comprehensive plan that centers on providing social support for nurturing children and establishing the infrastructure for a secure and healthy elderly life.
In order to curb the decreasing birthrate, the government should increase financial benefit for raising children ranging from tax exemptions and advantages in buying apartments, The wages paid to female employees during the three-month maternity leave should be fully covered by the government, relieving the burden from employers and consequently easing the job security concerns of pregnant workers. It is necessary to reform the employment system by adopting flextime or telecommuting systems in order to relieve women`s burden of housework and raising children, and difficulty in balancing work and family. The government authorities should build and expand educational facilities such as public or private nurseries and preschools. The patriarchal cultures and men`s behaviors should be changed, and housework should be divided fairly between husband and wife.
The government should set up long-run care insurance for senior citizens in order to address the welfare needs brought on by the growing elderly population. The new social scheme should be introduced to cover age-related healthcare costs - such as dementia and palsy treatments at recuperation centers - separately from existing health insurance, relieving financial burden of the aged from individual families. The government should expand public health and medical facilities as the demand for medicine services by the aged is expected to rise.
Equally important is how to improve job opportunities for the aged who can and wish to work. It is vital from an economic point of view to utilize the aged group in the labor market. The demographic shift will require the people to work a few more years after the retirement age and even lead to the age-based retirement concept being discarded. The government should cultivate industries to care for elderly people, which includes health, treatment and food services, medical equipment, housing and finance.
The rigid seniority-based wage system should be changed to the flexible productivity-based wage system, and the peak wage system and the retirement pension system should be introduced to guarantee income for a secure and healthy elderly life. The government and enterprises should offer more opportunities of job training and life-long learning for the aged to enhance their employability, and expand the services supporting turnover to suitable jobs and thus cut the cost of employment adjustment.
The reemployment system should be enforced in order to make the best of the aged who have diverse experiences and wish to take part in economic activity. The government and enterprises should make every effort to develop and reorganize types of occupation and jobs which are suitable for the aged. The government should establish the employment stabilization infrastructure and expand network system which help to improve the function of the aged labor market by serving the elderly workers with information, education & training, and consultation for jobs.
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Young Geun
일반대학원 경제학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차

제 1 장 서 론 1
제 1 절 문제의 제기 및 연구의 목적 1
제 2 절 연구의 방법 및 범위 2

제 2 장 이론적 배경 4
1. 노동시장에 미치는 영향 4
2. 자본시장에 미치는 영향 5
3. 재정에 미치는 영향 6

제 3 장 고령화의 실태 9
제 1 절 고령화 사회의 도래 및 원인 9
1. 고령화의 현황 9
2. 저출산 11
3. 주요국의 저출산 대책 18
4. 기대여명 21
제 2 절 인구 23
1. 연령계층별 인구구조 23
2. 성별 고령인구 24
3. 부양비 및 노령화 지수 25
4. 인구구조 국제비교 26
제 3 절 고령자 노동시장의 변화 27
1. 고령자의 경제활동 현황 27
2. 고령자의 경제활동참가율 현황 29
3. 고용현황 31
제 4 절 임금근로자의 평균근속연수 34
1. 평균근속연수 34
2. 평균근속연수 국제비교 36
3. 고령자의 취업의사 및 취업을 원하는 이유 37
4. 마. 고령자 실업자의 특성 39
제 5 절 정년제도의 의의 및 조기퇴직 42
1. 정년제도의 의의 42
2. 퇴직이유 43
3. 퇴직과 은퇴의 결정요인 43
4. 조기퇴직의 문제점 46
5. 고령자 기피원인 47
6. 사회보장제도를 통한 소득보장과의 관계 48
7. 중고령자 인사정책 및 중고령인력의 고용의 장단점 49
제 6 절 노후생활보장제도의 실태와 국제비교 52
1. 노후생활보장제도의 실태 52
2. 노후생활자금의 원천 62
3. 노후생활보장 제도의 국제비교 72

제 4 장 임금체계 77
제 1 절 연공임금과 중고령자의 임금 77
1. 이연임금 77
2. 능력주의 그리고 성과주의로의 변화 82
제 2 절 임금피크제 85
1. 임금피크제의 개념 85
2. 임금피크제의 도입효과 86
3. 임금피크제와 퇴직금과 국민연금문제 87
제 3 절 임금피크제의 유형 87
1. 정년보장형 87
2. 고용연장형 임금피크제 모델 92

제 5 장 개선방안 94
1. 임금체계 개선 95
2. 연령우대문화의 불식 98
3. 노동생산성 제고 98
4. 변화적응력 배양과 건강 유지 99
5. 배치전환 등 이동에 대한 부정적 태도 타파 99
6. 임금인상위주의 노동운동 불식 100
7. 직업훈련과 취업알선 기능의 강화 100
8. 시장수요에 부응하는 인적자원의 개발 101
9. 직업안정망 확충 104
제 6 장 요약 및 결론 105
참고문헌 110
이영근. (2007). 고령화와 임금피크제에 대한 연구.
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