고령화시대의 노인복지시설 종사자의 이직의도와 직무만족도에 관한 연구

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A Study on Factors to Influence the Quit Intention and
Job Satisfaction of Employees
in Elder Welfare Facilitis.

Cho, Ki-Jeon
Advisor : Prof, Chi, Kwang Soo, Ph.D.
Department of Economics,
Graduate School Chosun University

Korean society is aging at the fastest speed in the world, and the traditional family relationship has been disrupting rapidly. In this situation, the roles of employees in elderly welfare facilities are becoming more important. Generally many studies have researched organizational commitment and turnover intention, but there are few studies which have dealt with the organizational commitment and quit intention of servers employed in elderly welfare facilities.
The purpose of this study is to inquire into the factors that have effect on the organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover(or quit) intention of employees in elderly welfare facilities. In order to achieve the purpose, the writer specified research hypotheses after reviewing the precedent studies. In order to collect data for testing the hypotheses, the writer investigated a good many elderly welfare facilities in Seoul-Gyunggi area and Gwangju-Junnam area. For the period from August 20, 2007 to September 25, 2007, the writer explained the purport of this study to the persons in charge of the elderly welfare facilities, and asked their help.
328 copies of questionnaire were collected out of 400 copies which had been distributed, the collection rate accounting for 82%. 8 copies, which were written improperly or with over-centralization tendency, were discarded, and 320 copies were used in analyzing data, the effective collection rate accounting for 80%. The data were analysed by means of SAS program and by the methods of frequency analysis, difference analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis.
The results of this study are summarized as follows:
First, the result of correlation analysis of the data shows that organizational commitment, especially affective commitment and continuous commitment have statistically significant relation to extrinsic job satisfaction as well as intrinsic job satisfaction. The relationship between demographic variables and organizational commitment shows that married men who are well up in years have the relatively higher degree of organizational commitment. Therefore, depending on the condition of organization, personal variables can be used to enhance the degree of organizational commitment.
Second, the result of regression analysis to get hold of the relative importance of variables influencing organizational commitment shows that intrinsic job satisfaction and wage satisfaction are, in general, important variables to influence the degree of organizational commitment, although there are some differences according to components of organizational commitment.
Third, the result of factor analysis of the components of organizational commitment and turnover(or quit) intention shows that continuous commitment and normative commitment have statistically significant negative effect on turnover (or quit) intention, and affective commitment has negative effect, but it is not statistically significant.
This study analyzes, centering on the variables of personnel and organization management, the determinants of organizational commitment, which are used as prior indicators to forecast morale, turnover rate, absence rate, will to work, etc., each one of which is meaningful to organization. Particularly this study analyzes the components influencing the organizational commitment and turnover(or quit) intention of the social welfare servers employed in the elderly welfare facilities, of which the results could give significant suggestions as to the management of personnel and organization to the persons who are in charge of running the elderly welfare facilities.
Especially it should be taken into account the fact that the variables of intrinsic job satisfaction have important effects on organizational commitment and turnover intention. The levels of wage and welfare of employees in social welfare facilities including the elderly welfare facilities are low, and their length of continuous service is rather short. Considering the fact that social welfare facilities are, in general, run by juristic persons, and the most of their personnel expenses are dependent on the subsidies from local self-governing bodies, the working condition of the social welfare servers is hard to be highly improved. Improving their extrinsic job satisfaction such as wage, welfare and promotion might increase various costs, and causes diverse difficulties in managing the facilities. Therefore, it is necessary, by redesigning the jobs, to enhance the intrinsic job satisfaction such as task identity, pride in job, feedback and autonomy of social welfare servers so as to compensate for their low extrinsic job satisfaction, and to alleviate their turnover(or quit) intention.
Alternative Author(s)
Cho, Ki-Jeon
일반대학원 경제학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차

제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 연구방법 5
제3절 논문의 구성 5

제2장 이론적 배경 7
제1절 노인의 개념 및 노인문제 7
제2절 직무만족의 개념 및 영향요인 24
제3절 이직의 개념 및 영향요인 39

제3장 노인문제 및 노인복지시설종사자의 현황과 과제 49
제1절 노인문제의 실태 49
제2절 노인복지시설 및 종사자의 현황과 과제 71

제4장 실증분석을 위한 조사방법 76
제1절 연구모형 및 가설의 설정 76
제2절 변수의 조작적 정의 및 척도 79
제3절 측정도구 80
제4절 연구대상 및 분석방법 83

제5장 실증분석 결과 87
제1절 기초통계분석 87
제2절 차이분석 88
제3절 가설의 검증 97

제6장 결 론 104
제1절 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 104
제2절 연구의 한계와 앞으로의 연구과제 106


참고문헌 113

이직의 순기능 및 역기능 44

고령화 진전의 국제비교 50
세계 연령별 인구구조 51
부양비 추이 52
노령화지수 국제비교 53
연령계층별 고령인구 추이 53
OECD 주요 선진국의 합계출산율 55
모의 연령별 출산율 추이 56
출생아수 변화 56
노인비율 9% 수준 당시 합계출산율 국제비교(2005) 57
도시근로자가구 소득분배 추이 59
출산연령과 초혼연령 60
혼인상태별 여성인구 61
모의연령별 출생 구성비 61
기대수명 추이 65
세계의 기대수명 65
저축률의 결정요인 분석 68
4대 공적연금의 전망 69
노년부양비 69
고령화 관련 재정지출 전망 71
노인복지시설 추이 72
직종별 연령, 근속연수, 근로시간, 임금 및 근로자수 74

설문의 구성 81
변수의 신뢰성 계수 82
표본의 인구통계학적 분포 85

빈도분석 88
차이분석 : 성별 89
차이분석 : 결혼여부별 90
차이분석 : 연령별 91
차이분석 : 교육정도별 92
차이분석 : 총근속년수별 93
차이분석 : 현재 근무기관 근속한 연수별 94
차이분석 : 소속기관의 운영주체별 95
차이분석 : 직위별 96
차이분석 : 사회복지사 자격증 급수별 97
직무만족도와 조직몰입도 98
조직몰입과 이직의도 99
직무만족, 조직몰입 및 이직의도의 영향요인 100
인구통계학적 변수와 조직몰입 및 이직의도의 상관관계 분석 103


본 연구의 개념적 모형 76
조기전. (2007). 고령화시대의 노인복지시설 종사자의 이직의도와 직무만족도에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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