韓國·臺灣·中國間 經濟協力 推進戰略에 關한 硏究

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중국|대만|경제협력|經濟協力|Economic Cooperation Strategies
東北亞地域이 密接한 經濟關係와 經濟協力의 必要性에도 불구하고 經濟協力에 있어서 可視的 成果를 거두지 못하고 있는 原因을 分析하고, 經濟協力을 成事시킬 수 있는 다양한 協力모델을 檢討하고자 한다. 특히 東北亞經濟協力에서 지대한 役割을 遂行할 수밖에 없는 中國의 立場을 보다 자세히 살펴보고, 보다 現實性 있는 經濟協力모델과 그 成功 可能性을 檢討해 보는데 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 第1章 序論에 이어 第2章에서는 國際經濟 環境의 變化와 東北亞經濟의 基本槪念에 대해 살펴보고, 經濟協力의 理論과 東北亞經濟圈協力의 諸모델을 考察하였으며, 韓國과 臺灣 兩國의 經濟現況을 分析하였다.
第3章에서는 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 貿易現況과 韓國과 臺灣 商品의 對中國 競爭力 및 市場 占有率을 比較分析하였으며, 向後 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 貿易을 展望하였다. 第4章에서는 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 投資現況 및 投資構造를 比較分析하였으며, 나아가 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 投資의 問題點과 向後 展望에 대하여 分析하였다. 第5章에서는 韓國과 臺灣 및 中國의 東北亞經濟協力 推進戰略을 提示하고 自由貿易地帶 推進方案을 摸索하였다. 마지막으로 第6章에서는 本 硏究의 內容을 要約整理하고 本 硏究의 政策的 示唆點 및 短·長期의 政策建議를 提示하였다.|Nowadays, Economy has been following the trend of globalization and regionalism, which expressed a great impact on the structure of the global economy and each region's economic development. Due to the drastic growth in China, economic development in Taiwan, and substantial economic growth in Korea, Northeast Asia has become the most energetic region, with economies of scales enormously increased.
The main purpose of this research is to emphasis on how will Korea and Taiwan interact with China in processes of the formation of the Northeast Asia economic circle. Because of the speedy economic growth in China, increasing the export volume and therefore the impact of Northeast Asia economic circle to the world's economy. On one hand, China's increasing export volume, enlarges its market share in the Japan, the USA and even the world market. On the other hand, Korea and Taiwan's market share in the world only shows a relatively smaller increase when compared with the China's share. Ultimately, China will become the largest export market for Korea and Taiwan because of the increasing needs of raw materials.
Due to Korea, China and Taiwan's increasing impact on the world's export market in the perspective of Northeast Asia; at the same time, increase of trade volume, competition, cooperation and interdependent relation reveals the essentiality for economic cooperation in Northeast Asia. Taiwan and Korea not only have geographical proximity, but also share the same historical background and frequent interchange of politic, economic and culture issues. However, after the suspension of diplomatic relation between Korea and Taiwan from 24th August 1992 onwards, the stopped exchange activities were restructured recently.
Taiwan's mode of economic development was nearly the same as Korea, neither the industrial structure. From 1960's onwards, Korea stressed on developing chemical industry, Taiwan focusing on developing small medium size enterprises(SMEs). Today, Korea has become the fifth largest trading partner, the fourth importing country, the sixth export market and the second trading unbalance country to Taiwan. Therefore, the trading relation between Korea and Taiwan has a heavy balance on the Taiwan's international trade.
Recently, China has become the biggest export market and foreign investment country to Korea, such relationship is not worse than that between Taiwan and China. The reliability of Korea in China market is also gradually increasing. The raise of China would results in opportunities or threats to Korea? There are many contradictions aroused from this topic. Especially in the foreign investment issues, Korean enterprises have been expecting their future in China because of the shrinking internal industries. The future Korean enterprises development in China will become a strong threat to Taiwan, especially Korean enterprises have started to stretch their investment from Shandong and Liaodong peninsula to eastern and southeastern China.
According to the analytical result, Korea's direct investment in China has the following characteristics;
1. Although Korea's investments in China are mainly done by large-scale enterprises, the scale of investment usually keeps in the size of SME.
2. Manufacturing industry is the main investment type in the format of sole investment.
3. Investment strategy turns from conservative to open.
4. Geographical areas tend to be concentrated for the result of efficiency in investment.
After China's open in economic and trading exchange activities, the economic and trading relationship between Taiwan and China has become closer, the trading volume between two countries has been developed fast, resulting in more Taiwanese enterprises invest in China. For the geographical area, investments mainly concentrate on Jiangsu, Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang and Hebei provinces. Fields of investment are usually focused on electrical manufacturing, basic metal manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, plastic manufacturing and fine mechanical manufacturing.
According to the analytical result, up to now, Taiwan's investment development trend in China and Taiwan enterprises investment type has the following characteristics;
1. Forming an industrial network by SME.
2. Flexibility in capital flow
3. Mainly sole investments
4. Localization in human resources
In the past China trade, majority Taiwan enterprises are more advantageous than that of Korea's, but there is a trend for Korean enterprises to surpass Taiwan's recently, the reasons are shown as below;
1. Korea's export volume to China has surpassed Taiwan's
2. Korea's increase in import volume from China has surpassed Taiwan
3. Taiwan and Korea's product competitive edge has obvious differences
4. Strengthening the competitiveness of important products has differences
5. In China market, Korean product's competitiveness has been surpassing Taiwan and therefore changing the market share.
6. Taiwan and Korea's export to China's difference become larger.
From the view of special development trend, Taiwan and Korea's important enterprises development in China are moving towards localization. That may influence Taiwanese enterprises future common development in China; geographically, Taiwan investment move from the south to central China, a northern movement; Korean enterprises use Hwanghai as centre, moving towards the south.
In the nutshell, Taiwan's export to China has been in the growing trend, Taiwan and China's economic and trading relation has been maintained for twenty years, Korea only have fifteen years, however, Taiwan's trading effect has started deteriorating, Korea has started inclining, this phenomenon is quite related to China's economic and trading activity procedures.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Economic Cooperation Strategies among Korea, Taiwan and China.
Alternative Author(s)
Yen, Kuo-ruey
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 무역학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
第1章 序論 = 1
第1節 問題의 提起 = 1
第2節 硏究의 範圍와 方法 = 2
第3節 先行硏究 動向과 檢討 = 4
第2章 東北亞 經濟圈과 韓國 및 臺灣 兩國의 經濟現況 = 9
第1節 東北亞 經濟圈의 槪況 = 9
1. 東北亞 經濟圈의 槪念과 地政·經學的 環境 = 9
가. 東北亞經濟圈의 槪念 = 9
나. 東北亞經濟圈의 地政學的·地經學的環境 = 12
2. 經濟協力의 理論과 東北亞 經濟圈協力의 諸모델 = 19
가. 經濟協力의 一般理論 = 19
나. 東北亞經濟圈協力의 諸모델 = 20
第2節 韓國과 臺灣 兩國의 經濟 現況 = 28
1. 韓國과 臺灣 兩國의 經濟 關係 比較 = 28
가. 經濟構造 槪況比較 = 28
나. 1人當 平均GDP 增減의 比較 = 30
2. 韓國과 臺灣 兩國의 經濟發展 比較 = 38
가. 新科學技術의 開發과 政策의 比較 = 38
나. 新興産業의 發展 比較 = 43
第3章 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 貿易現況 分析 = 47
第1節 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 貿易現況 = 47
1. 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 貿易 및 商品現況 比較 = 47
가. 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國貿易現況比較 = 47
나. 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 競爭優位 商品의 比較 = 51
2. 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 商品市場 占有率 比較 = 55
가. 商品의 市場 占有率 分布 比較 = 55
나. 商品의 市場 占有率 變化 比較 = 57
第2節 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 貿易展望 = 70
1. 韓國의 對中國 貿易展望 = 70
2. 臺灣의 對中國 貿易展望 = 72
第4章 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 投資 現況과 展望 分析 = 75
第1節 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 投資現況 = 77
1. 韓國의 對中國 投資 現況 = 77
가. 韓國의 對中國 投資地域 및 金額分析 = 77
나. 韓國의 對中國 投資 特徵分析 = 89
2. 臺灣의 對中國 投資現況 = 94
가. 臺灣의 對中國 投資規模 및 投資地域 分析 = 94
나. 臺灣의 對中國 投資 特徵分析 = 98
第2節 韓國과 臺灣의 對中國 投資構造 分析 = 108
1. 韓國의 對中國 投資 現況 = 110
가. 韓國과 臺灣企業의 對中國 投資地域 分布現況 分析 = 110
나. 韓國과 臺灣企業의 對中國 投資規模 比較 = 116
2. 韓國과 臺灣企業의 對中國 投資協力과 現地化 比較 = 122
가. 韓國과 臺灣企業의 對中國 投資 分析 = 122
나. 韓國과 臺灣企業의 對中國投資의 現地化 分析 = 124
第5章 韓國과 臺灣 및 中國의 經濟協力 推進 戰略 = 128
第1節 韓國과 中國의 經濟協力推進戰略 = 128
1. 韓國과 中國의 經濟動向 = 128
가. 韓國의 動向 = 129
나. 中國의 動向 = 131
2. 韓國과 中國의 經濟協力環境 = 132
가. 地政學的 文化環境 = 132
나. 地域主義的 環境 = 133
3. 韓國과 中國間의 經濟協力方案 = 135
第2節 臺灣과 中國 兩國의 經濟協力 推進戰略 = 141
1. 海峽兩岸의 基本立場과 協力 = 141
가. 兩岸關係에 대한 兩側의 基本立場 = 141
나. 兩岸 經濟交流에 대한 兩側의 接近方式 = 143
2. 臺灣의 對中國 投資制度 = 145
가.中國의 臺灣投資 誘致制度 = 145
나. 臺灣의 中國投資에 대한 制度的 裝置 = 146
3. 臺灣企業의 對中國投資와 經濟協力 方案 = 149
第3節 韓國과 臺灣 兩國의 經濟協力 推進戰略 = 154
1. 貿易圓滑化 推進을 通한 韓·臺灣 産業協力 = 154
가. 韓·臺灣事業協力의 現況 = 154
나. 貿易圓滑化와 韓·臺灣 産業의 協力方向 = 155
다. 韓國과 臺灣의 相互協力 方案 = 156
2. 韓國과 臺灣의 經濟協力方案 = 162
가. 韓·臺灣 FTA 締結의 必要性 = 162
나. 臺灣의 對韓國 FTA締結을 위한 努力 = 163
다. 韓國의 FTA戰略이 臺灣에 미치는 影響 = 165
第6章 要約 및 結論 = 168
第1節 硏究結果의 要約 = 168
1. 臺灣과 韓國 및 中國의 貿易現況 = 168
2. 臺灣과 韓國의 對中國 投資現況 및 戰略分析 = 171
가. 現地化 趨勢 = 171
나. 對中 投資領域의 變化發展 推移 = 171
3. 臺灣과 韓國의 對中國 經濟貿易 關係分析 = 173
가. 臺灣과 韓國의 差異點 = 173
나. 單放向 및 雙方向의 活動 = 173
第2節 示唆點 = 175
參考文獻 = 179
조선대학교 대학원
안국서. (2007). 韓國·臺灣·中國間 經濟協力 推進戰略에 關한 硏究.
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