한국 전후소설 연구 : 6·70년대 성장소설을 중심으로
- Author(s)
- 나종입
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- It is reported that the characteristic of division recognition in post-war novels in the 1950s is that epic development of the whole picture was greatly withered due to the aftermath of the war. So, we have to consider that active presentation of problems on national division under the particularity of war basis was not easy. In short, logical processes of national division were buried because of existential recognition that the war was a tragedy and absurdity. However, the April 19 was a turning point of cultural history that is out of the post-war condition originated from war basis and post-war recovery economy. Accumulated social capability to resist against political corruption prevailed in the society of the 1950s is the evidence. The accumulated power erupted and ruined the political power of the Liberal Party. Political taboo relating to national division had a gap. This gap was a specific chance to bring a switch in recognition of the division.
This study is to speculate growth novels by Lee Dong-ha, Kim Won-il, Yoon Heung-gill and Kim Seung-ok based on the conditions of 1960s and 1970s.
The 1960s relied on conceptual recognition and symbols while the 1970s focused on realistic life. The period was dominated by anti-communist ideology. The desire to develop with a national slogan of " be rich " was developed and national consciousness of developmental despotism was established through voluntary service. In short, the people of the developmental despotism period were the subjects of oppression and control politically and those of active and voluntary service economically by combining developmental ideology with anti-communist ideology. The national slogan of " Be rich " stimulated feeling of populace who wanted to escape out of poverty, and worked as a basis on which the nation could invest all the energy of the people to economic development. Anti-communism was internally tabooed as a search of other values except economic growth was identified with communist and externally was compatible with the ideology of system competition based on economic growth.
Stories on national division search by writers who considered the period of the war as growth period in the history of Korean novels have a common thing that they showed preparation of identity on division and awakening process. The growth periods in division stories were the subjects of writing owned by memories on tragic items affecting individual growth periods while they were corrupted in evil reality and confirmed the weight of pollution of purity and painful life. These writers elucidated painful pieces imposed on their growth periods through historical awakening. Through this process, they confirmed reality of fatal tragedy and established identity to overcome it. The awakening of the subjects was a retrospection to discover adolescence which was hurt and a serious confrontation toward historical fault by calling madness of ideologies and violence of national power. Objectifying the historical shock given to the base of consciousness was a pain that could not be controlled by aesthetic distance because it was an experience of growth period smeared with tragic shocks.
Young speakers were subjects of non-ideology who speculated growth periods and the meaning of growth in division stories that were liberated from inspection as stories of non-ideology, separated themselves from tragic reality, saved themselves to achieve self-organization, and expanded the horizon of historical understanding on national division. They prosecuted the whole aspect of the events and the violence of the world to find meaning of the world which caused tragic adolescence and their identities, and made memories on their community as a place for self-identification. In addition, they heard about success stories of the persons who overcame the tragedy of national division from their hometown and decided not to repeat the unnecessary war in the history of their fathers. Finally, the division stories connected to the growth period defined the pain of growth in dark experiences limited in their memories to recognition of the history through young speakers.
The suffering children experienced due to the war increased the meaning of tragedy the most as they never accepted the violence of the world and downfall of life. The division stories intended to demonstrate that the world is evil when they arranged the young ones in the composition of cruel suffering. The young ones who were not involved in the violence at all were arranged in reality of the war, which caused doubled violence. They highlighted the tragedy that induced the evil world dramatically through tanks, squirrels, empty towns, starved children, wild flowers, greed of adults, inspector's induction, and children. So, this study examined it in < War and Squirrel> by Lee Dong-ha, < Wild Flowers in Memories > and < Rainy Season > by Yoon Hong-kil. The stories sought for highlighting effects to show tragedy caused the absurd condition of war. Furthermore, they used young speakers to progress the discourses, targeting the effects.
- Alternative Title
- A STUDY ON THE KOREA POST-WAR NOVELS : Centering on Growth Novels in 1960s and 1970s
- Alternative Author(s)
- Na, Jong-Ib
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 국어국문학과
- Advisor
- 임영천
- Awarded Date
- 2007-02
- Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1. 문제의 제기 = 1
2. 연구사 검토 = 6
3. 연구 대상과 방법 = 15
Ⅱ. 전후 세대 전쟁 체험과 성장소설 = 19
1. 6·25 전쟁과 전후 세대의 전쟁 체험 = 19
2. 6·70년대의 시대적 상황 = 29
3. 성장의 계기로서의 전쟁 체험 = 33
Ⅲ. 전후 소설에 나타난 성장의 형상화 양상 = 38
1. 감각적 세계 인식과 아버지 되기의 실현 : 김원일 = 38
1) 감각으로 기억된 유소년의 모습 = 38
2) 아버지 되기를 통한 억압적 과거의 극복 = 43
2. 대립적 세계 인식과 원형성의 발견 : 윤흥길 = 50
1) 대립이 초래한 일상적 삶의 해체 = 50
2) 결합과 상징으로 표상되는 원형성 = 57
3. 부정적 세계인식과 위악의 정신 : 김승옥 = 63
1) 폭력으로 인식된 어른의 존재 방식 = 63
2) 자기 검열과 위악적 주체의 발견 = 69
4. 탈공동체적 세계 인식과 통과제의적 귀향 : 이동하 = 80
1) 이념적 대립으로 인한 공동체의 파괴 = 80
2) 통과제의 형식으로서의 귀향 = 86
Ⅳ. 결론 = 90
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 나종입. (2006). 한국 전후소설 연구 : 6·70년대 성장소설을 중심으로.
- Type
- Dissertation
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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