푸코의 주체 개념에 관한 연구 : ‘성담론’을 중심으로

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The issue of ‘subject’ was the focus of interest for all modern philosophers, ranging from modern conception of the western subject by Descartes to the post-modern conception of Michel Foucault. Foucault had also studied the history of how in various ways man became subjects. He saw the history of sexuality especially as a history of subjectivation patterns and made interpretations based on archeological and genealogical methodologies. While Sartre saw a human subject as freely and creatively making choices based on his will, Foucault thought of man more as a subordinate being to power structure rather than a free and constructive subject. According to Foucault, a power structure appears in the form of institution, custom, a discourse, or knowledge, from the domination of which no human being is free. This, he thinks, is the most powerful result of discipline.
This study looks at Foucault's conception of subject centering on his theory of sexuality, in the following order.
First, in the second chapter, the process in which Foucault constructs his conception of subject will be discussed. The concepts of episteme from the Renaissance and the Classical era is examined, focusing on the construction of the modern western subject. This will be followed by an examination of Foucualt's interpretation that human is a concept of the modern age that can disappear from our interest.
Second, in the third chapter, an in-depth discussion of Foucault's construction of subject using two methods, that is, as a product of power and knowledge, or as an ethical subject, shall be featured. The process of constructing subject by external frames of power, such as pouvoir-disciplinaire, which disciplines subject, and bio-pouvoir, which governs life that acts on human bodies and population, shall be examined. This chapter shall also discuss the reason why Foucault defies the traditional theory of oppressed men, and suggest that his modern discourse of sexuality is based on the concept of hegemony which is maintained by creative rather than oppressive powers.
Next, through an observation of Greek life style, the issue of ethical subjectivation shall be dealt with. The Greeks, in dealing with sexual pleasure, practiced the following three ways in order to maintain discipline and self control; regimen, as a technique for controling one's body and mind; house management, by which a man maintains his household; and the skill of love, as an interactive behavior between an adult male with a younger person in terms of love making. These three items are further elaborated under the headings, ‘the physical body’, ‘the wife’, and ‘the boys’ respectively.
Finally, in chapter four, based on the discussions in previous two chapters, this paper shall summarize the modern interpretation on sexuality. Our modern society is overflowing with discourse of sexuality, mainly as a result of the mass media. However, this has also commercialized human bodies, especially women's bodies, leaving women feeling relatively deprived in terms of sexuality. This chapter will examine the idea of feminity which our society is enforcing upon women, and discuss women as a subject in sexuality within a man-governed social hegemony.
In our modern society, in which rapid fragmentation of past ethical rules is featured, Foucault requires from us practical attitude which can nurture an alternative form of subject. In order to transform ourselves into such ethical subjects, we must never cease to question or criticize our past history and our background, that is, the historical experience of our period. What is most important in such construction of the ethical subject should be consideration of ourselves, which underscores kinship, friendship, and social obligation, rather than a closed egotism or self interest. Even today, men and women are confronting each other. Modern women are being oppressed under the title of ‘feminity’. Therefore men should try to understand women's point of view and their culture, as well as recognizing them as equal and socially constructed subject of experience. A harmonious reconciliation between the two sexes is desperately needed.
Alternative Title
A Study on Foucault's Conception of Subject
Alternative Author(s)
No, Se-Ra
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 철학과
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Table Of Contents
영문초록 = ii
Ⅰ. 머리말 = 1
Ⅱ. 인간과학의 탄생 - 서구의 근대 주체 형성 = 4
1. 르네상스 시대와 고전주의 시대의 에피스테메 - 유사성과 표상 = 5
2. 19세기 이후 근대의 에피스테메 - 인간의 등장과 소멸 = 8
Ⅲ. 주체 형성의 두 가지 방식 = 12
1. 권력과 지식의 산물로서의 주체 형성 = 13
1) 권력의 작용 방식과 성담론 = 13
2) 생명을 관리하는 권력(bio-pouvoir) = 19
2. 윤리적 주체 형성 = 23
1) 쾌락의 활용 문제 = 24
2) 자신과 자신의 신체에 대한 배려 = 30
Ⅳ. 현대 사회와 성(性) = 37
1. 현대사회의 성담론 = 37
2. 성의 주체로서의 여성 = 42
Ⅴ. 맺음말 = 48
참고문헌 = 51
조선대학교 대학원
노세라. (2006). 푸코의 주체 개념에 관한 연구 : ‘성담론’을 중심으로.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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