자속결합형 초전도 한류기의 인덕턴스에 따른 특성해석
- Author(s)
- 남긍현
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- We investigated a flux-coupling type superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) using coils and analyzed its operating characteristics. The SFCL consisted of the primary and secondary coils, which were wound in series each other through an iron core. The superconducting unit, which was based on the YBCO thin films, was connected with secondary coil in parallel. The operation of the flux-coupling type SFCL can be divided into the subtractive and the additive polarity windings according to the winding directions between the primary and secondary coils. The short-circuit currents were effectively limited by adjusting the numbers of winding turns of each secondary coil and the winding directions of the coils. The flux generated from a coil in normal operation is cancelled out by its structure and the zero resistance of the superconducting unit. In this paper, in order to compare the influence by turn numbers between coils, the turn number of the secondary coil was varied from 42 to 84 while the turn number of the primary coil was 42, 63 and 84. We confirmed that the flux-coupling type SFCL was significantly efficient to reduce initial line current after fault instant. The quench time of the flux-coupling type SFCL in the additive polarity winding was also quicker than that of the subtractive polarity winding. The fault current of the flux-coupling type SFCL with the additive polarity winding during first-half cycle after the fault was limited effectively more than that of the subtractive polarity winding. In addition, the voltage generated in the superconducting unit was also lowered by reducing power burden of the YBCO thin film in the flux-coupling type SFCL. The structure of the flux-coupling type SFCL is similar to the flux-lock type SFCL but their operational characteristics are slightly different.
Each of magnetically coupled coils makes a difference according to the direction wound on an iron core. In addition, the flux-coupling type SFCL has more flexibility than that of the flux-lock type SFCL by adjusting the inductance between the primary and secondary coils. So, the operational characteristics of the flux-coupling type SFCL were investigated and compared to the flux-lock type SFCL. We confirmed that the flux-coupling type SFCL was significantly efficient to reduce initial line current than that of flux-lock type SFCL after fault instant. The flux-coupling type SFCL has more flexibility and reliability for the inductance variation than the flux-lock type SFCL in case of additive polarity winding. Therefore, it gives the application flexibility for power system when the flux-coupling type SFCL is adopted. In conclusion, the current limiting behavior of our flux-coupling type SFCL was more effective for fault current limiting operation.
- Alternative Title
- Analysis on the Inductance Characteristics of Flux-Coupling Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter
- Alternative Author(s)
- Nam, Geung-Hyun
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 전기공학과
- Advisor
- 崔孝祥
- Awarded Date
- 2007-02
- Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
Ⅱ. 구조 및 동작원리 = 3
A. 초전도 한류기 = 3
B. 구조 및 동작원리 = 4
1. 자속결합형 초전도 한류기의 동작특성 = 4
2. 결선방향에 따른 전압ㆍ전류특성 = 7
3. 자속구속형 초전도 한류기의 동작특성 = 10
Ⅲ. 설계 및 제작 = 12
A. 초전도 소자 제작 및 임계특성 = 12
1. 소자패턴 제작 = 12
2. 초전도소자 임계특성 = 14
B. 리액터 설계 및 제작 = 17
C. 초전도 소자 홀더 설계 및 제작 = 19
D. 실험 장치의 구성 = 21
1. 사고발생용 전원 시스템 = 21
2. 사고발생용 위상 제어 시스템 = 23
3. 사고발생용 스위치 및 드라이버 시스템 = 24
Ⅳ. 실험결과 및 분석 = 26
A. 단위 전류제한소자의 동작특성분석 = 26
B. 자속결합형 한류기의 초기사고전류 동작특성 분석 = 27
C. 자속결합형 한류기의 결선방향에 따른 동작특성 = 30
D. 전압증가에 따른 동작특성 분석 = 33
E. 자속결합형과 자속구속형 한류기의 특성비교 분석 = 37
F. 인덕턴스 변화에 따른 동작특성 = 40
1. 1차측 인덕턴스 변화에 따른 동작특성 = 40
2. 2차측 인덕턴스변화에 따른 동작특성 = 42
Ⅴ. 결론 = 49
참고문헌 = 51
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 남긍현. (2006). 자속결합형 초전도 한류기의 인덕턴스에 따른 특성해석.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6697
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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