유아교육 프로그램의 특성에 따른 다중지능 차이에 관한 연구 : 주제중심, 몬테소리, 생태 프로그램을 중심으로

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the theme-oriented program, the Montessori program and the ecological program; and to elucidate how they influence the multiple intelligences of young children.
The research questions for this study are as follows:
1. Do the theme-oriented program, the Montessori program and the ecological program show differences in the following nine characteristics: the degree of structuralization (types of activities), the frequency of interaction among children and teachers and teaching materials, the type of mediation used for interactions between children and teachers, children's behavior tendency, the state of concentration when teaching materials are used, the types of teaching materials when children use them, the nature of children activities, the role of teachers, and the size of a group when teachers pay attention?
2. Do the theme-oriented program, the Montessori program and the ecological program indicate any differences in the multiple intelligences of young children?
Subjects were chosen from three kindergartens in G City: G Kindergarten using the theme-oriented program; M Kindergarten using the Montessori program and H Kindergarten using the ecological program. Three-year-old children in three classes from the three kindergartens were selected. Sixty children were observed for this study.
The observer visited kindergartens twice every week, putting certain time blocks between each visit so as to collect data evenly from Monday through Friday. Sixty-four observations were made for each child. The record form of observation were utilized after making some corrections to the study of Lee, Ki -Sook and Lee, Eun-Hae (1983, 1992).
For the assessment of children's multiple intelligences, the pre-test and post-test were administered by parents and teachers. The tool used for the multiple intelligences test was MIDAS (Multiple intelligences Development Assessment Scale by Shearer(1996).
The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS WIN 11.5 Program. In order to analyze the first issue, the mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentile of the characteristics of three programs were produced. In addition, ANOVA was performed to examine the differences among three programs and Scheffe as a post-test was administered for multiple comparisons among the groups. In order to make an analysis into the second issue, ANCOVA was performed and LSD was executed for a post-test.
The results obtained from this study can be summarized as follows:
First, the most highly structuralized program proved to be the theme-oriented program; the ecological program was in the middle; and the Montessori program was the lowest in the structuralization.
There were the most child-to-child interactions and child-to-teacher interactions in the ecological program. The Montessori program showed the most child-to-teaching materials interactions. The program which demonstrated the lowest levels of child-to-child and child-to-teacher interactions was shown to be the Montessori program.
Children in the ecological program used language most frequently as a mediation during interactions. On the other hand, children in the Montessori program showed the most frequent non-verbal gestures like facial expressions, bodily movements, physical contacts, etc. most frequently.
Children's behavior tendencies shown during social interactions indicated that children in the theme-oriented program started the most voluntary behaviors. The program in which children participated most actively was the ecological program; and the program in which children took part most inactively was the Montessori program. Behaviors such as the rejection of activities, interference and non-cooperativeness were most prominent in the theme-oriented program; and the Montessori program showed the least amount of those behaviors.
When children had interactions with teaching materials, they concentrated most intensely in the ecological program; and they were paying the least attention in the Montessori program. Children were most careless in the Montessori program; and they were least careless in the ecological program.
The theme-oriented program made the most use of teaching materials for art, music, home play, physical education and bodily activities. The utilization of teaching materials for language, reading, writing and building blocks was most frequent in the Montessori program. The ecological program was shown to have the most amount of interactions with math and science, biological picture books and natural objects.
The examination of children's activities showed that dramatic plays were performed frequently in the order of the theme-oriented program, the Montessori program and the ecological program. Purposeful activities were prominent theme-oriented program, the ecological program and the Montessori program in the listed sequence. Random activities were most common in the order of the Montessori program, the ecological program and the theme-oriented program.
The analysis of teachers' role for three programs revealed that permission, praise and encouragement were most frequent in the decreasing order of the ecological program, the theme-oriented program and the Montessori program. Additionally, control, direction and punishment were most widely used in the decreasing order of the ecological program, the Montessori program and the theme-oriented program. Direct assistance activities were most common in the order of the theme-oriented program, the ecological program and the Montessori program. Open questions were most frequently asked in the order of the theme-oriented program, the ecological program and the Montessori program. Closed questions were most frequently asked in the order of the ecological program, the Montessori program and the theme-oriented program. Individual conversations were most frequently employed in the order of the ecological program, the Montessori program and the theme-oriented program. Nonresponsive inactions were most often in the order of the Montessori program, the ecological program and the theme-oriented program.
In the matter of the size of a group when teachers pay attention, individual attention was achieved most effectively in the order of the Montessori program, the ecological program and the theme-oriented program. Small group attention was most effective in the order of the ecological program, the Montessori program and the theme-oriented program; large group attention was most effective in the order of the theme-oriented program, the Montessori program and the ecological program.
Second, an analysis made into the multiple intelligences of children in three programs showed that there were no significant differences in the areas of musical intelligence and visual-spatial intelligence, but that there were statistically significant differences in the areas of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, logical- mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence and naturalistic intelligence.
In the area of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, the ecological program was shown to be highest. There was a significant difference between the ecological program and the Montessori program; and there was a significant difference between the theme-oriented program and the Montessori program. The former registered a higher score than the latter.
In the area of logical-mathematical intelligence, the Montessori program registered the highest score and was significantly different from the ecological program.
In the area of linguistic intelligence, the score was highest in the ecological program. There was a statistically significant difference between the ecological program and the theme-oriented program.
In the area of interpersonal intelligence, the ecological program registered the highest score and had a statistically significant difference from the other two programs.
In the area of intrapersonal intelligence, the score of the theme-oriented program was higher than those of the other two programs and there were statistically significant differences among them.
In the area of naturalistic intelligence, the ecological program registered the highest score and showed significant differences from the other two programs. In addition, the theme-oriented program registered a higher score than the Montessori program in the naturistic intelligence and there was a significant difference between them.
In light of the results above from this study, three programs had differences in their characteristics and showed that they registered different scores in the multiple intelligence of the young children. These results can be interpreted to indicate that the outcomes come from the different traits of the three programs.
Therefore, if early childhood institutions incorporate the strengths of three programs and complements their weaknesses, the programs can make a great progress in educating young children in a whole and comprehensive manner.
Alternative Title
Differences of Multiple Intelligences by Early Childhood Program's Characteristics
Alternative Author(s)
Noh, Woon-Seo
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 교육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
A. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 = 1
B. 연구 문제 = 6
C. 용어 정의 = 8
D. 연구의 제한점 = 12
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 = 14
A. 유아교육 프로그램의 유형 및 특징 = 14
B. 다중지능 이론 = 25
C. 선행연구 고찰 = 34
Ⅲ. 연구방법 = 46
A. 연구대상 프로그램의 선정 = 46
B. 연구 절차 = 48
C. 연구 도구 = 51
D. 자료 분석 = 52
Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 해석 = 53
A. 주제중심, 몬테소리, 생태 프로그램의 차이 = 53
B. 프로그램 유형에 따른 유아의 다중지능 차이 = 78
Ⅴ. 논의 및 결론 = 94
A. 요약 = 94
B. 논의 및 결론 = 97
참고문헌 = 107
부록 = 117
조선대학교 대학원
노운서. (2006). 유아교육 프로그램의 특성에 따른 다중지능 차이에 관한 연구 : 주제중심, 몬테소리, 생태 프로그램을 중심으로.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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