可動堡 設置에 따른 河床變動 豫測에 關한 硏究
- Author(s)
- 문수회
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- To estimate the change of riverbed geography by the operation of movable weir, two-dimensional RMA-2 and SED-2D were used in this study. Hydraulic elements like flowrate or depth were simulated by RMA-2 and the change of riverbed geography according to sediment transport was simulated by SED-2D. Suktop stream was chosen as a project river for the simulation. Under the condition of 50-year rainfall frequency, the estimated flood of Suktop was 123cms. At the points of movable weir the simulation results showed that the difference of high water level from the result of HEC-RAS was less than 0.64m. And the difference of water velocity was less than 0.21m/sec.
Based on the sediment simulation by SED-2D, predicted riverbed elevation was 29.70-30.22m at the point of ST1 and 28.26~28.82m at the point of ST2. Measured riverbed elevation was 29.70~30.16m, 28.28~28.69m, respectively. So, the predicted elevations are closely similar to the measured elevation. At the point of ST1, sediment transport simulation results showed that erosion of riverbed was predicted by the operation of movable weir. This erosion was ranged up to 200m upstream and the riverbed would be eroded away as much as 0.07m for one year. At the point of ST2, upstream of movable weir would be eroded and the erosion depth was estimated 0.261m. The erosion was higher at the point of movable weir and the erosion depth was estimated 0.310m. But the sediment would be deposit downstream of the movable weir.
SED-2D followed by RMA-2 is well applicable to the stream which has movable weirs and can estimate not only hydraulic parameters such as flowrate or depth but also riverbed elevation change caused by erosion or deposit of fluvial sediment.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Bed Change Prediction Depending on Movable Weir Establishment
- Alternative Author(s)
- Moon, Soo-Hwoi
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 토목공학과
- Advisor
- 金雲中
- Awarded Date
- 2007-02
- Table Of Contents
- 표목차 = iv
그림목차 = ⅵ
제 1 장 서론 = 1
1.1 연구 배경 및 목적 = 1
1.2 연구 내용 및 범위 = 2
1.3 연구 동향 = 3
제 2 장 수치해석 모형 = 7
2.1 SMS 모형의 개요 = 7
2.2 SMS 모형의 구성 = 8
2.2.1 RMA 모형 = 8
2.2.2 SED-2D 모형 = 9
2.2.3 HIVEL-2D 모형 = 10
2.2.4 FESWMS 모형 = 10
2.3 모형의 실행 = 11
2.3.1 RMA-2 모형의 실행과정 = 11
2.3.2 SED-2D 모형의 실행과정 = 13
2.3.3 HEC-RAS 모형 = 14
2.4 침식 및 퇴적량 산정 = 15
2.4.1 동수역학의 기본방정식 = 18
2.4.2 유사이송의 기본방정식 = 19
제 3 장 대상유역 현황 및 특성 = 25
3.1 대상유역의 선정 = 25
3.1.1 대상유역의 일반현황 = 25
3.1.2 유역의 자연현황 = 26
3.2 기초수문특성의 조사 = 30
3.3 하상특성 = 34
3.3.1 하상특성 조사 = 37
3.3.2 하상변동 관측 = 38
3.4 계획홍수량의 산정 = 41
3.4.1 홍수량의 산정 절차 = 41
3.4.2 확률강우량 산정 = 43
3.4.3 강우강도식 결정 = 47
3.4.4 강우유출 분석 = 52
3.5 홍수량 산정 = 53
3.5.1 기본홍수량 = 56
3.5.2 계획홍수량 = 57
3.6 홍수위 = 58
3.6.1 기점홍수위 = 58
3.6.2 빈도별 홍수위 계산 = 59
제 4 장 수치모형 적용 및 고찰 = 65
4.1 유한요소 격자망 구성 = 65
4.2 RMA-2 모형 = 70
4.2.1 입력조건 = 70
4.2.2 수리계산 결과 = 77
4.2.3 동수역학적 해석 = 82
4.3 SED-2D 모형 = 86
4.3.1 입력조건 = 86
4.3.2 SED-2D 모형 모의결과 = 87
4.3.3 유사이송의 해석 = 90
제 5 장 결론 = 96
참고문헌 = 99
부록 = 106
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 문수회. (2006). 可動堡 設置에 따른 河床變動 豫測에 關한 硏究.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6528
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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