WTO 紛爭解決體制에 관한 硏究

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Established in January 1st, 1995 with a goal to set a new order in world trade, World Trade Organization (WTO) has today secured a position as the 'UN in international trade,' with 149 member countries and 32 observer countries as of December 11th, 2005. Since its establishment, WTO has taken various measures to build a free and fair trade order. Especially, from the procedural point of view, WTO allowed its Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) to settle all trade disputes among the member countries under the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Dispute (DSU), denying the settlement of disputes based on unilateral retaliation.
Accordingly, the member countries must use and comply with the rules and procedures of DSU in rectifying and settling infringement on an agreement under WTO system, infringement or nullification of benefits under mutual agreements, or obstacle in achieving the goal of such agreements. This means that DSU has expressly stipulated multilateralism in dispute settlement. In other words, DSU is a stipulation of a political promise made by all countries to execute a multilateral dispute settlement procedure. It is also an epoch-making merit of WTO's dispute settlement system.
Not withstanding the above, the dispute settlement procedure under WTO system is subjected to the agreements among member countries whose interests conflict, and thus it cannot be absolute or perfect for all countries. To make the dispute settlement procedure under DSU effective, the followings must be secured; first, panels must be operated without hesitation within the scheduled deadline; second, the selected panels' report and appeal report must be respected by the subject countries; and third, the subject countries must sincerely follow the recommendations or judgments of DSB to settle the dispute under mutual agreement rather than retaliation. If the recommendations or judgments of DSB are not respected by the subject countries, infringement on the agreement will continue, and the appealing country will choose to execute unilateral retaliation rather than settle the dispute under the rules and procedures of DSU. Such continuous infringement and unilateral retaliation will cause a trade war to damage or even ruin the multi-trading system, and in the end, all countries will suffer from such damage.
With such recognition, this study analyzes and reviews the dispute settlement system of WTO, and then extracts and analyzes the problems in the operation of DSU. Afterwards, it suggests an improvement measure to forecast the WTO system and provide legislative stableness. This improvement measure will be used as a theoretical data for the Korean government and companies to effectively correspond to trade disputes.
As a preceding research to achieve the above objectives of this study, the dispute settlement system of WTO is summarized in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, the detailed procedures of WTO's dispute settlement system are analyzed, such as the agreement procedure, panel procedure, appeal procedure and execution procedure. Then, as the main theme of this study, Chapter 4 discusses about the problems and future improvements of WTO's dispute settlement system based on the preceding cases of WTO, related rules of DSU, accumulated judgments of panels and the operational status of the dispute settlement procedure. Finally in Chapter 5, this study concludes by suggesting some points that should not be passed over during the discussion on the improvement for the problems found in WTO's dispute settlement system.
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Choi, KWang-Soo
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 법학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 = 3
제2장 WTO 분쟁해결체제의 개관 = 5
제1절 1947 GATT체제하의 분쟁해결제도 = 5
1. 분쟁해결절차 = 5
2. GATT의 관행 = 8
3. GATT 분쟁해결제도의 문제점 = 12
제2절 WTO 체제하의 분쟁해결제도 = 13
1. DSU = 13
2. WTO 분쟁해결제도의 일반원칙 = 16
3. 분쟁해결제도의 담당기관 = 19
제3절 WTO 분쟁해결체제의 특징 = 22
1. 1947 GATT 분쟁해결제도의 승계 및 발전 = 22
2. 분쟁해결절차의 사법성 제고 = 23
3. 다자간체제의 강화 = 27
4. 분쟁해결절차의 공정성 제고 = 28
5. 집행절차의 강화 = 31
6. 관할대상의 확대 = 31
제3장 WTO의 분쟁해결체제에 대한 분석적 고찰 = 33
제1절 패널 이외의 절차 = 33
1. 협의 = 33
2. 주선, 조정 및 중개 = 36
3. 중재 = 39
제2절 패널절차 = 41
1. 패널절차의 개념 = 41
2. 패널의 설치 = 43
3. 패널의 위임사항 = 44
4. 패널위원의 구성 = 46
5. 패널작업절차 = 51
6. 잠정검토단계 = 57
7. 패널보고서의 채택 = 58
8. 채택된 패널보고서의 법적 효력 = 60
제3절 항소심절차 = 62
1. 상설항소기구 = 63
2. 항소적격 = 65
3. 항소심리 절차 = 66
4. 항소기구 보고서 = 68
제4절 이행절차 = 70
1. 권고 및 결정의 이행 = 71
2. 보상 및 양허의 정지 = 73
제5절 규정위반이 아닌 분쟁(비위반제소)의 처리 = 79
1. 대상협정에 저촉되지 않는 조치에 근거한 제소 = 79
2. 어떤 다른 사정의 존재에 근거한 제소 = 80
제4장 WTO 분쟁해결체제의 문제점과 개선방안 = 82
제1절 분쟁해결절차상의 일반적인 문제점과 개선방안 = 82
1. 패널 구성과 항소기구 구성의 문제 = 82
2. 패널 및 항소심리의 범위와 소송경제원칙의 적용 = 85
3. 공정성·효율성·투명성 문제 = 91
제2절 제도상의 흠결문제와 개선방안 = 96
1. 항소기구의 파기환송권 결여문제 = 96
2. 이행적합성 판정과 보상 및 양허정지의 = 순서99
3. 사적당사자의 참여결여 문제 = 101
제3절 분쟁해결제도로서의 완결성의 문제와 개선방안 = 103
1. 구제수단 불비(不備)의 문제 = 103
2. 선례(Precedent)의 역할 문제 = 106
제4절 분쟁해결절차에 관한 개선논의의 동향 = 108
1. 개선논의 개관 = 108
2. 논의의 쟁점과 현황 = 109
제5장 결론 = 112
조선대학교 대학원
최광수. (2006). WTO 紛爭解決體制에 관한 硏究.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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