지구단위계획에서의 경관영향평가 기법에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 봉종진
- Issued Date
- 2006
- Abstract
- Our society shows increasing trend to deal with view as important factors of development program with increase of concerns and demands of quality of urban environment and in particular, it has been important factor of view impact evaluation program with legalization of district unit program system.
However, in spite of importance of view impact evaluation, case of its actualization was extremely little due to short period of execution and evaluation method was not settled and verification of it has not made.
Therefore, results of examining and analyzing view impact techniques with 8 district unit programs in Jeonnam region since legalization of district unit program centering around process and evaluation items are as follows.
1. View impact evaluation is composed of three stages such as analysis of natural and artificial environment and planning factor, prediction of view impact based on these and quantitative and qualitative view impact measurement and cases of view impact evaluation through three stages are merely half (50%).
2. Natural and humane environment and planning factor analysis which are the subjects of view impact evaluation and the most fundamental aspects in view impact evaluation were conducted at all survey regions, but there was a great deviation by survey items. Since it may be resulted by regional conditions and connected to inferior evaluation, analysis and suggestion for such geography, vegetation, land use, architectural conditions and road are needed.
3. 2/3 of the whole simulation (75%) were used and CG was most by used items, followed by photo composition and sketch. The most important perspective and selection of view point of middle and near distance in predicting simulation are merely half of survey subjects.
4. Measurement of view impact as verification stage is merely half of survey subjects (50%) and there is no qualitative prediction by items and use of Maertens law which is quantitative evaluation is found.
View impact evaluation of planning in district unit program was not settled or neglected and since it has arbitrary potential of prediction with inferior impact evaluation, three stages of structurization of natural and humane environment - simulation - qualitative and quantitative evaluation should be kept for view impact evaluation of high quality and selection of efficient evaluation items and its reasons should be defined.
This study needs complement of research on quality of post evaluation centering around process and evaluation items of view impact evaluation.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on Techniques of Landscape Impact Assessment in District Unit Plan
- Alternative Author(s)
- Bong, Jong-Jin
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 건축공학과
- Advisor
- 조용준
- Awarded Date
- 2006-08
- Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1.1. 연구의 배경 = 1
1.2. 연구의 목적 = 3
1.3. 연구의 범위 및 방법 = 5
1.4. 선행연구 검토 = 6
Ⅱ. 경관영향평가에 대한 이론적 연구 = 10
2.1. 경관의 기본개념과 유형 = 10
2.2. 경관파악 및 경관분석 = 14
2.2.1. 경관파악 요소 = 14
2.2.2. 경관분석 및 유형 = 16
2.3. 시뮬레이션(simulation) 기법에 의한 경관영향 예측 = 20
2.3.1. 시뮬레이션 작성 프로세스 = 20
2.3.2. 시뮬레이션 기법 = 25
2.4. 경관영향 측정 방법 및 판단 방법 = 27
Ⅲ. 조사대상지역 경관영향평가 기법 = 33
3.1. 조사·분석모델 설정 = 33
3.2. 금당 2지구 지구단위계획 = 35
3.3. 상삼지구 지구단위계획 = 37
3.4. 청계지구 지구단위계획 = 39
3.5. 완도읍 가용리 지구단위계획 = 41
3.6. 율포관광지 지구단위계획 = 45
3.7. 장성 대도지구 지구단위계획 = 48
3.8. 나주 우산지구 지구단위계획 = 50
3.9. 영광 군관리계획 = 54
3.10. 종합분석 = 57
Ⅳ. 결론 = 60
참고문헌 = 62
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 봉종진. (2006). 지구단위계획에서의 경관영향평가 기법에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/6420
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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