일반계 고등학교 선택중심 교육과정의 실행에 대한 영향요인과 실행수준 분석

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In this thesis, an analytic framework to identify the degree of the elective-centered curriculum implementation has been developed through the analyses of documents. A nationwide degree of the elective-centered curriculum implementation has been also examined in terms of conducting an empirical survey based on the analytic framework of the degree of curriculum implementation. Through this study, some avenues for the further development of the elective-centered curriculum in general high schools has been suggested.
To give focus to this research, the following issues have been identified. First, what is the role of schools in implementing the elective-centered curriculum? Second, what are the main ideas concerning theoretical viewpoints of the implementation of the elective-centered curriculum, and what are the factors affecting upon it? Third, how appropriately the elective-centered curriculum is implemented at general high schools , and what are the affecting factors of it?
The results of the first research problem are as follows. As the seventh elective-centered curriculum focuses on outlining the broad base of the national curriculum, it is possible for general high schools to operate their own educational programs effectively reflecting the conditions of the school as well as the situations of the community. The seventh curriculum can also maximize the self-determination of a school in organizing and operating educational programs by activating the curriculum suitable for the community. As it can reflect various situations of the school, it can extend teachers' autonomy and professional expertise, and lead to the realization of the student-oriented curriculum. As to the organization and management of the elective-centered curriculum, the roles of a local school can be divided into three areas, dealing with organizing and operating educational courses, such as optional subjects by schools and students, the subjects other than core subjects prescribed by nation, and the installation of subjects unlikely to be adopted at a local school.
The major results of the second research problem are as follows. The roles of a local school can be considered in the light of the fidelity perspective of how substantially the school performs what the nation means to educate the students and the mutual adaptation perspective of how adequately the school rearrange the required subjects by nation taking the school's conditions into consideration. In Korea's educational situations, it is difficult for teachers and students to transform and establish curriculum by themselves, because the time has not come to arrive yet for their autonomy and accountability in carrying out the curriculum on their own.
Some factors which influence on the implementation of the elective-centered curriculum have been also explored. Those factors are to include the curriculum itself, national policies of education, and the local education office and some school-level factors.
The following things are the outcomes of the third research problem. Government has allowed schools to adopt and operate their own optional subjects having co-relations with each other in the elective-centered curriculum in order to help students choose subjects according to their own interests. But contrary to the government's expectations, it is not implemented faithfully at general high schools. Not reflecting the characteristics of a local school and its community in the curriculum, most schools are reducing their options in organizing school curriculums. Most of the schools are not operating their own educational programs, but are limiting their options preparing for the college entrance exams. So the elective-centered curriculum, which aims at offering a variety of optional subjects considering students' preference and interests to schools, is not carried out fully, In the elective-centered curriculum, a local school can plan and adopt educational courses with the help of the authorities of the community, because school facilities are not relatively equipped well and sometimes schools are difficult to secure teachers for some subjects. Schools also don't meet these kinds of government's needs. There can, it has been argued, be several reasons for that the unlikely implementation of the elective-centered curriculum at schools as intended by nation.
First, the possibility of arriving at the top-level achievement of the elective-centered curriculum is not so easy to achieve. The low expectation for achieving the goal limits the organization and operation of the curriculum and adds also restrictions to students' choices.
Second, the elective-centered curriculum can be influenced by the system of college entrance examinations. As the curriculum is under the control of the college entrance examination system, a local school cannot organize various subjects for students to choose. Third, municipal and provincial education offices are not providing local schools with proper administrative supports. A small local school is difficult to adopt and operate various educational courses independently, so the education office in the community should take appropriate measures to provide a place to learn by linking a few neighboring schools together. Because of the lack of support, only a few schools can take part in the elective-centered curriculum effectively.
Fourth, the willingness of all the people involved in implementing the elective-centered curriculum is not strong enough. It needs to be noted that the will of schools and attitude of teachers are vital factors which enable the elective-centered curriculum to be implemented successfully in the contexts of local schools. However, their inactive participation in the curriculum makes them difficult to get over disadvantaged conditions of schools. In order to the elective-centered curriculum to be implemented successfully, we should improve the curriculum itself, upgrade the preconditions for successful operation, and concentrate on all the efforts of the educators. It can be summed up like this.
First, the elective-centered curriculum needs partial revision in order to be implemented successfully at the educational scenes of schools. Second, on a national level, government should improve the college entrance examination system so that it can have a positive influence upon the curriculum. Third, local education offices should provide necessary support and guidance so that they can help schools prepare for proper conditions to implement the elective-centered curriculum effectively. Fourth, on a school level, positive efforts and strong will to take part in actively are also needed.
Alternative Title
An Analysis of the relation between Factors Influencing on it and the Degree of Implementation of Elective-Centered Curriculum in General High School
Alternative Author(s)
Chun, Il-Suk
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 교육학과
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Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
A. 연구의 필요성과 목적 = 1
B. 연구문제와 방법 = 4
C. 연구의 제한점과 한계점 = 7
Ⅱ. 제7차 교육과정의 선택중심 교육과정과 학교의 역할 = 9
A. 선택중심 교육과정의 도입 의의와 성공을 위한 전제조건 = 9
B. 선택중심 교육과정의 성격 = 13
C. 선택중심 교육과정 편성·운영에 있어서 학교의 역할 = 22
Ⅲ. 교육과정 실행에 대한 접근방식과 영향요인 = 34
A. 교육과정 실행의 의미와 접근방식 = 34
B. 교육과정 실행에 대한 영향요인 = 45
C. 선택중심 교육과정 실행에 대한 영향요인 = 50
Ⅳ. 고등학교의 선택중심 교육과정 실행수준 분석 = 68
A. 실행수준 분석의 틀과 분석모형 = 68
B. 실행수준 분석방법 = 72
C. 실행수준 분석 결과 = 76
Ⅴ. 결론 = 151
A. 요약 = 151
B. 결론 = 158
C. 제언 = 160
참고문헌 = 168
부록 Ⅰ 일반계 고등학교 선택중심 교육과정 실행에 대한 설문지 = 175
부록 Ⅱ 선택중심 교육과정 실행의 영향요인에 대한 요인분석 결과(예비조사) = 184
부록 Ⅲ 선택중심 교육과정 실행의 영향요인에 대한 요인분석 결과(본 조사) = 185
조선대학교 대학원
천일석. (2006). 일반계 고등학교 선택중심 교육과정의 실행에 대한 영향요인과 실행수준 분석.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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