공동주택 경관 관리를 위한 차폐도 기준 설정에 관한 연구

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Concentration of population on urban area since the advent of industrial society brought about increase of rapid housing demand and it made efficiency of land use unavoidable and construction of apartment cluster with a huge mass of accommodating many households within a limited area has been generalized.
However, appearance of such a large apartment house achieved a great result in solving its demand and improving the level of individual householder, but it also occurred other problems such as environmental worsening due to extreme high-rise building construction, damage of urban view and violation of prospect right and shielding problem of apartment house has been also social problem. Thus several standards to solve these problems centering around local governments have been made and used, but verification of these standards are not achieved yet.
Therefore, this study examined features and appropriateness of blockage ratio index through investigation of three factors such as standard of elevation area, elevation blockage ratio and building open index with 9 apartment complexes to be built in Gwangju and the results are as follows.
1. As a result of examining elevation area standards, average elevation area was 2739.55㎡ and the mean maximum elevation area was 3290.96㎡, which was lower than standard elevation area 3500㎡, but considering that it is based on standard value of Seoul, adjustment of area suitable to locational characteristics of Gwangju is needed.
2. As a result of case complexes, average elevation blockage ratio was 26.62m, elevation blockage ratio of main direction was 32.44m and that of minor direction was 24.49m, which was lower than standard value, 35m and in case of change of sky line into 15~20%, sense of openness was increased greatly and preparation of standard considering it is needed.
3. According to building openness ratio, since average of case complexes was 46.61% and deviation of average of minor direction was great and piloti playing the role of giving openness was not included, it was judged that complement of measurement range was needed.
This study suggested improvements of index suitable to Gwangju metropolitan city through analysis of case complexes for appropriateness and standard of blockage related index, but complement of research through more case studies and sample model analysis is needed due to limitation of analysis range.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Standard selection of Blockage Ratio for the Multi-family Housing landscape management
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, On
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 건축공학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서론 = 1
1.1 연구의 배경 = 1
1.2 연구의 목적 = 2
1.3 연구의 범위 와 방법 = 3
제 2 장 아파트 경관관리의 이론적 고찰 = 4
2.1 시지각 이론의 고찰 = 4
2.2 지구단위 계획과 경관관리 = 7
2.3 고층아파트 경관형성의 특성 및 문제점 = 14
제 3 장 차폐 관련 지표의 종류와 특성 = 16
3.1 기존 차폐 관련 정량적 지표 = 16
3.1.1 입면 건폐율(立面 建蔽率) = 17
3.1.2 조망 차폐율(眺望 遮蔽率) = 19
3.1.3 천공차폐율(天空遮蔽率) = 21
3.1.4 입면적 기준(立面積 基準) = 22
3.1.5 입면 차폐도(立面 遮蔽度) = 26
3.1.5 건축물 개방지수(建築物 開放指數) = 32
제 4 장 차폐 기준 설정을 위한 지표 및 사례분석 = 34
4.1 분석의 개요 = 34
4.2 입면적기준 분석 = 38
4.2.1 사례단지의 일반적 특성 분석 = 38
4.2.2 건축물의 형태와 입면적 기준의 관계성 분석 = 40
4.3 입면차폐도 분석 = 43
4.3.1 조망축 설정에 따른 사례단지 분석 = 43
4.3.2 스카이라인 변화에 따른 분석 = 47
4.3.3 시점 변화에 따른 분석 = 51
4.4 건축물개방지수 분석 = 54
4.4.1 지표면 경관 특성에 따른 사례단지 분석 = 55
제 5 장 결론 = 60
참고문헌 = 62
부록 = 63
조선대학교 대학원
김온. (2006). 공동주택 경관 관리를 위한 차폐도 기준 설정에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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