한국지방자치와 시민참여에 관한 연구 : Citizen Governance를 향하여

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It is the purpose of this study to search for the way of increasing the citizen participation in Korea. This study analyzes three variable factors namely: institutional and non institutional system, decentralization of power, and citizen culture and social capital.
Local autonomy system has existed since founding of Korea legally. However, in reality, local autonomy system in Korea has been a nominal system and the national administration system was retained after the local assembly was reconstituted in 1991.
The centralized national administration system has contributed to Korea's economic success, but on the other hand, it has resulted into a political and social crisis. An integrated mobilization of national energy to cope with rapid social changes is considered as success while the lack of democracy and autonomy is often estimated as crisis. As one of the solutions to change 'crisis' to 'success', Korea paid great attention to local autonomy system and started its gigantic social experiment in 1991. The perfect local autonomy system was completed in 1995 through which the heads of self-governing bodies as well as local assemblymen were elected directly by the citizens.
Ten years after the resurrection of local autonomy, there are now manydifferent appraisals about the result of local autonomy. Notwithstanding many different opinions, the case of a country like Korea having successfully settled down its local autonomy system in such a short period of time is very rare anywhere else in the world. On the other hand, any legal systematic citizen's participation system has not been arranged yet. Thus, it may be difficult for such direct participation system of the citizens to be activated. In order for democracy roots to make steady progress, policy developments conforming to the diverse desires of the local citizens should be realized, and in such policy development stem, a system which can realize citizen's participation requires to be changed.
First of all, the study conducts a theoretical approach upon local autonomy and citizen's participation in public administration. The study examines the meaning and functions of citizens' participation in public administration. After that, the study analyzes the status and problems of it particularly seen from the researches carried out by scholars. The study also emphasizes the need to materialize citizens'participation in public administration and to find ways to expand it.
And then, the study analyzes the status and problems of administrative systems that carry out local administration and the surroundings and citizens that speak for both requests and support to local administration on the premise that local administration is interrelated with administrative environment, administrative systems, and citizens.
In particular, the study places it's concentration on such detailed subordinate variables as civil servants that organize the administrative system, administrative atmosphere, norms and citizens participating channels in public administration while focusing on administrative systems that give great influence upon citizen's practical participation in public administration in addition to policy process. Based on study findings, it is concluded that the community identity was awakened by the NGO. The community citizens' sense of identity was successfully mobilized and confirmed by the surrounding community's environment.
In conclusion, the success of local autonomy depends on how well citizens participate in public administration. In order to secure the success, various participating channels should be made and citizens should really participate in public administration. The study tries to find solutions with such elements of local administration as administrative surroundings, administrative systems, and citizens as key variables. The solutions will be found effectively and efficiently only when local self-governing bodies and their citizens work together in harmony. This was then finally social capitalized leading to the successful community movement.
Alternative Title
A Study on Local Autonomy and Citizen Participation in Korea : Toward a Citizen Governance
Alternative Author(s)
Jung, Doo-Sook
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 정치외교학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 목적 및 선행 연구 = 1
1. 연구 목적 = 1
2. 선행 연구 = 4
제2절 연구 범위 및 분석틀 = 11
1. 연구 범위 = 11
2. 연구 분석틀 = 13
제2장 지방자치와 시민참여 = 16
제1절 시민참여의 개념 = 16
1. 시민과 참여의 개념 = 16
2. 시민참여의 개념 = 19
제2절 지방자치와 시민참여 = 26
1. 지방자치와 민주주의 = 26
2. 지방분권과 시민참여 = 30
제3장 시민참여의 유형과 기능 = 37
제1절 시민참여의 유형 = 37
1. 자치 역량의 정도에 따른 유형 = 37
2. 참여자의 자발성에 따른 유형 = 41
3. 정치참여 스펙트럼에 따른 유형 = 49
제2절 시민참여의 기능 = 53
1. 시민참여의 순기능 = 53
2. 시민참여의 역기능 = 62
제4장 시민참여의 저조 요인 = 65
제1절 시민참여 제도의 한계 = 65
1. 제도적 시민참여 = 67
2. 비제도적 시민참여 = 94
제2절 지방분권의 저조 현황 = 98
1. 국가의 관여와 분권 = 98
2. 사무배분과 분권 = 100
3. 지방재정과 분권 = 106
제3절 허약한 시민문화와 사회자본 = 110
1. 시민문화와 사회자본 = 110
2. 시민운동과 시민단체 = 112
제5장 시민참여의 활성화 방안 = 118
제1절 시민참여의 환경변화 = 118
1. 세계화 = 121
2. 정보화 = 126
3. 지방화와 분권화 = 132
제2절 시민참여의 활성화 방안 = 136
1. 참여 제도의 개선 및 확대 = 136
2. 지방분권의 확대 = 141
3. 시민의식과 사회자본의 축적 = 143
제6장 결론 = 151
= 153
조선대학교 대학원
정두숙. (2006). 한국지방자치와 시민참여에 관한 연구 : Citizen Governance를 향하여.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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