학교시설 프로젝트의 중점 사업관리 요소 분석 연구

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Although revision of construction management in basic law of construction industry was enacted in 2001, construction management methods except large construction projects have not been activated.
There are several reasons for this, but profound researches and concrete applications on this should be performed. Thus, this study conducts questionnaire of provisional school construction project with construction management organization, authorities of board of education, designers and contractors and obtains the following conclusions.
In pre-design phase, four cores of total 14 items such as quality of business by demander, request of shortening of construction duration, delay and rigidity of construction approval procedures and estimation of appropriate project performance period are analyzed as core management factors, and it is considered that consumer requires quality of project and shortening of construction duration without proper understanding and application of project.
In design phase, two cores of total 7 items such as consideration of proper design performance hours and production and application of clear specification are analyzed as core management factors and wrong estimation of project phases by consumers and resultant lack of design period affects construction phase.
In procurement phase, 3 of total 7 items are core management items and proper communication among project partners, project coordination, establishment of cooperative system, selection of field manager with proper experiences and knowledge, estimation and application of proper project duration are analyzed as core management factors. As a result of analysis, it is found that there is no adjustment or management organization to be applied to project by collecting opinions and demands from board of education, design office and construction company.
In construction phase, 8 of total 21 items including utilization of service facilities (electricity, communication and water), limitation of construction methods, change of design, environmental factors (noise, dust, wastes) from work performance, clear suggestion of technical specification (detailed design/clear specification), security of construction cost based on reliable cost information, process plan considering characteristics of project, detailed construction schedule and restriction of working hours are analyzed as management factors. As a result of analysis, these factors require more systematic and organized management as items which are controllable and applicable in pre-design phase before construction phase.
Therefore, professional organization which can consider core management items comprehensively, understand core construction management items, examine requirements for efficient management, establish orientation of project and perform systematic construction management is required.
This study analyzes and suggests features of core construction management items by project phases of school construction through questionnaire.
It focuses on analyzing features of construction management items throughout the whole areas of project. It is considered that separate research on checklist and work process to cope with each factor should be performed.
In addition, continuous research on clear analysis and strategy of each feature, technique, educational organizations and CM is required in understanding construction management factors of school construction in detail.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Core Project Management Element in School Facilities Project
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Dong-Han
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 건축공학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 방법 및 범위 = 2
제2장 건설 사업관리(CM)의 이론 연구 = 5
제1절 건설사업관리의 정의 및 유형 = 5
1. 건설사업관리의 개념 = 5
2. 건설사업관리의 정의 및 목표 = 7
3. 건설사업관리의 계약유형 = 9
4. 건설사업관리의 발전배경 = 10
제2절 건설사업관리 도입의 필요성 및 현황 = 13
1. 건설사업관리 도입의 필요성 = 13
2. 국내의 건설사업관리 현황 = 13
3. 미국의 건설사업관리 현황 = 19
4. 일본의 건설사업관리 현황 = 24
제3장 학교시설 건립과정 및 업무 = 26
제1절 학교시설 건립과정 = 26
제2절 시행주체의 업무내용 = 26
1. 시행주체 소관과별 업무내용 = 26
2. 시행주체 사업추진에 따른 협의체 구성 = 29
제4장 사업관리 요소 발굴 예비조사 = 30
제1절 학교건축 중점 사업관리 요소 발굴의 필요성 = 30
제2절 사업관리 요소 분류 및 특징 = 분석
1. 기획단계에서의 사업관리 요소의 분류 및 특징 분석 = 31
2. 설계단계에서의 사업관리 요소의 분류 및 특징 분석 = 34
3. 조달단계에서의 사업관리 요소의 분류 및 특징 분석 = 35
4. 시공단계에서의 사업관리 요소의 분류 및 특징 분석 = 36
제5장 중점 사업관리 요소 특징분석 = 40
제1절 조사 개요 = 40
1. 조사 목적 = 40
2. 조사 내용 = 40
3. 조사 대상 및 기간 = 41
제2절 단계별 사업관리 요소 분석 = 42
1. 응답자 일반사항 = 42
2. 기획 단계 사업관리 요소 종합 분석 = 45
3. 설계 단계 사업관리 요소 종합 분석 = 53
4. 조달 단계 사업관리 요소 종합 분석 = 58
5. 시공 단계 사업관리 요소 종합 분석 = 63
6. 조사 분석 결과 = 72
제5장 결론 = 76
※ 참고문헌 = 78
조선대학교 대학원
박동한. (2006). 학교시설 프로젝트의 중점 사업관리 요소 분석 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-06-27
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