지방정부의 BPR 도입에 관한 연구 : BPR 도입의 영향요인과 예상효과를 중심으로

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With Special Regard to Influence Factors and Anticipated Effects of BPR Introduction
Through the empirical survey of local government officials, this study aimed to present the reasonable and systematic pursuit directions to our country's public sectors which plan or seek to introduce BPR(Business Process Reengineering), by analyzing the structural relations of factors which have influences, in case the BPR is to be applied to local government.
For this purpose, the study, targeting local government officials, made a positive analysis of the factors which affect the introduction of BPR, to diagnose practical phenomena and propose policy measures for raising the BPR standards of local government.
First, the study constructed the theoretical background for empirical analysis by establishing the concept of BPR and examining related literature comprehensively.
Then, the study established an analysis model by combining the success factors of BPR introduction and the factors which had supported the desired results obtained as a consequence of the introduction, from the preceding studies of BPR.
The study selected two variables of the participation and support of the highest management and the participation-oriented organizational culture as foundation factors of BPR introduction; three variables of innovation-oriented values and behaviors, IT utilization abilities and information communication technology utilizability as BPR practice factors; two variables of members' satisfaction with duties and devotion to organization as effect factors of BPR practice. Accordingly, this study established hypotheses, focusing on the analysis of structural relations among these factors.
For empirical analysis, the study developed a questionnaire with 5 point response scale and conducted a questionnaire survey of 5 local governments. Using collected questionnaire sheets, the study made a statistical analysis: first, credibility and factor analyses for verifying measurement tools, then verification of structural relations among BPR's factors of foundation, practice and effect.
The whole analysis results reconfirmed that BPR necessarily requires the participation and support of the highest management and the participation-oriented organizational culture, core factors in its introduction, for the strategic purpose of its being successfully pursued: there are significant relationships of the participation and support of the highest management and the participation-oriented organizational culture with innovation-oriented values and behaviors, members' IT utilization abilities, and information communication technology utilizability.
Also in relations among BPR practice factors, innovation-oriented and behaviors significantly affect IT utilization abilities, which significantly affect information communication technology utilizability.
All of BPR practice factors affect members' duty satisfaction, BPR effect, but only innovation values and behaviors affect the devotion to organization.
This empirical analysis extracted the following policy suggestions:
First, the highest management's role and the participation-oriented organizational culture cause changes in values and behaviors as organizational members, as seen in the structural relations among unit factors, which arouse greater interest in subordinates and duties, thus affecting duty satisfaction and organizational devotion.
In light of this finding, the highest management, if it wants to introduce BPR to the organization, should believe that BPR is a new organizational management technique to improve organizational productivity through members' duty satisfaction and organizational devotion.
Also, the management needs to show members its strong will to induce a continuous management improvement so that a new organizational culture, open to BPR, can be formed.
Second, the local government's success of BPR introduction strategy requires the transition into the participation-oriented organizational culture which activates BPR within the organization. For this purpose, it seems urgent to establish BPR culture in the direction of overcoming the insufficiency of members' broad communication, the limitation in subordinates' authority and participation, utilizing the proposal system, etc. Third, though study target is somewhat limited in scope, our local governments' organizations in general are not yet so high in the level of foundation to which BPR can be applied to somedegree. Therefore, local governments should make efforts to activate BPR-related factors more and thus to construct the organizational climate and system suitable for introducing BPR in public sectors so that they can apply BPR.
In this respect, it is necessary to perform any innovation in duty process on the whole organizational basis in terms of the highest management's participation and support, participation-oriented organizational culture, innovation-oriented values and behaviors, user's utilization ability, information communication technology utilizability, etc. so that local governments can have members introduce BPR smoothly and construct a practical BPR system.
Furthermore, the pursuit strategies for effectively constructing BPR system should be excellent in order to actualize the organizational performances by the construction of BPR system in administrative organizations. For this purpose, it is a prerequisite to establish the pursuit strategies of BPR system suitable for the characteristics of administrative organization. Then, concrete pursuit methods should be sought to develop, and in-depth education on BPR should be given to all members continuously.
However, this study has limitations in the scope of questionnaire targets, the concrete character of study contents and the examination of other effect variables obtained as an effect of BPR.
In the future, it is hoped that analyses will be made of much more factors than those presented in this study along with the discussions of the public organizations' characteristics affecting BPR application and the public official's characteristics.
Alternative Title
A study in the BPR Introduction of Local Government : With Special Regard to Influence Factors and Anticipated Effects of BPR Introduction
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Seong
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 행정학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구목적 = 1
제2절 연구대상 및 범위 = 4
제3절 연구방법 = 5
제2장 BPR에 관한 이론적 고찰 = 7
제1절 BPR의 의의 = 7
1. BPR의 개념 및 의미 = 7
2. BPR의 특징 = 12
3. BPR의 적용원리 = 17
제2절 공공부문의 BPR 적용에 관한 논의 = 24
1. BPR 적용의 필요성과 한계 = 24
2. BPR적용의 기본원칙 및 전략구현방안 = 32
3. 공공부문의 BPR 적용사례 = 44
제3절 공공부문 BPR 적용의 영향요인 = 46
1. 선행연구의 검토 = 46
2. BPR의 영향요인 = 54
3. BPR의 효과 = 62
제3장 연구설계 = 68
제1절 분석모형의 정립과 가설의 설정 = 68
1. 분석모형의 정립 = 68
2. 가설의 설정 = 70
제2절 변수의 조작화와 측정 = 77
1. 변수의 조작화 = 77
2. 설문의 구성과 측정 = 81
제4장 자료분석과 검증 = 83
제1절 표본추출 및 표본의 특성 = 83
1. 표본의 추출 = 83
2. 표본의 특성 = 84
제2절 측정도구의 검증 = 87
1. 신뢰도 분석 = 87
2. 타당도 분석 = 88
3. 변수 간 상관관계분석 = 90
4. 연구변수의 기초통계량 = 92
제3절 분석모형과 가설의 검증 = 100
1. 분석모형의 검증 = 100
2. 가설의 검증 = 102
3. 가설검증 요약 및 함의 = 109
제5장 결론 = 113
제1절 연구요약 및 시사점 = 113
제2절 연구의 한계점과 연구과제 = 116
참고문헌 = 118
부록 설문지 = 125
조선대학교 대학원
김성. (2006). 지방정부의 BPR 도입에 관한 연구 : BPR 도입의 영향요인과 예상효과를 중심으로.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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