임파워링 리더십이 조직구성원의 혁신행동과 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향

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Leadership has been dealt as one of central matters in the business field. Many companies in Korea, especially the big corporations, have introduced a lot of organizational innovation programs to cope with the international atmosphere making a feature of limitless competition and glottalization since 1990. Due to changes of organizational atmosphere influencing the study of leadership, we come to need new paradigm about leadership. Recently, a variety of theories about leadership have come out.
The cause of studying new theories about leadership is related with the changes of business atmosphere. Businesses have changed their atmosphere seeking stable efficiency into flexible and innovative atmosphere that is suitable for the rapidly changing world situation. Therefore, individual abilities of organization members are considered as one of the most important factors. Gradually, we emphasize leader's role influencing to organization members in a little different style comparing with the way used in the past.
In harmony with situation emphasizing leadership, this research will show the conceptual system about empowering leadership, which doesn't have theoretical frame yet. Also we are going to investigate the extent of influence in the team-effectiveness dimension when organization members would recognize empowering leadership. But, the process from perceiving empowering leadership to taking actions is so complicated. For that reason, this research will study complicated psychological process in detail.
Specific aims of this research is as follows.
First, we will examine the existing researches about empowering leadership. On the basis of them, we will search out the relation between recognition of empowering leadership and innovative and organizational citizenship behaviors.
Second, we will practically examine how much can recognition of empowering leadership directly related with innovative behaviors and team commitment explain innovative behaviors and what mediation roles are done.
Third, we will also practically examine how much can recognition of empowering leadership directly related with organizational citizenship behaviors and team commitment explain organizational citizenship behaviors and what mediation roles are done.
Fourth, we will verify the validity of the model planned this research through examining the influencing power of subordinate variables of empowering leadership which has effect on innovative behaviors and organizational citizenship behaviors.
Finally, we will present administrative implication that helps you to raise the level of innovative behaviors and organizational citizenship behaviors through analyzing concepts of empowering leadership on the basis of results of previous researches.
We distributed questionnaires related with this research to workers who were employed in an bank and in a financial institution from October 14th to November 10th in 2005. There are 287 samples gathered through making up a question. But we use 251 samples to draw a conclusion because a few answers are not enough to raise reliability of measurement and get useful results.
We made use of statistical package named SPSS V.10.1 and LISREL 8.30 to verify a hypothesis practically. The ways of statistical analysis used this research are as follows.
First, we used the LISREL analysis in the main and also used the SPSS V.10.1 analysis in the basic fields. Then, we revised data users' errors by basic frequency analysis and technical statistic analysis. We analyzed distributions of all items for a response as a basic data. Moreover, we applied the Cronbach's Alpha reliability calculation to explain reliability and appropriateness of empowering leadership, team commitment, innovative behaviors and organizational citizenship behaviors. To analyze appropriateness factors, we carried out searching cause analysis and conclusive cause analysis.
Second, Linear Structure Relation Analysis was carried out to verify the relationship between organizational concepts. That can show us what both direct and indirect effects are.
Third, we used the technique named Multi-Regression analysis to realize the relation between subordinate standards about empowering leadership and innovative behaviors
Fourth, we practiced -Regression analysis to verify the relation between innovative organizational citizenship behaviors and team commitment.
The main results of this research is as follows.
First, carrying out convariance structure analysis to verify the appropriateness of this model is possible to analyze the structure model. Subordinate variables of empowering leadership have a positive effect on team commitment. And team commitment has a positive influence on innovative behaviors and organizational citizenship behaviors.
Second, leading by example, coaching and providing informing are especially useful for innovative behaviors among subordinate variables of empowering leadership. It means that leaders should take the lead in carrying out their duties and share the needed informing with organization members to induce innovative behaviors
Third, following factors - leading by example, participation in decision making, providing informing and interaction with team members - have an influence on sportsmanship, altruism, politeness and citizenship that are subordinate variables of organizational citizenship behaviors.
Fourth, after verifying the mediation effects of team commitment as an influence which empowering leadership gives to innovative behaviors, almost all variables of empowering leadership are so related with team commitment that they have an effect on innovative behaviors.
Finally, after verifying the mediation effects of team commitment as an influence which empowering leadership gives to organizational citizenship behaviors, all following factors - leading by example, coaching, participation in decision making, careful concern, interaction with team members and providing informing - can mediate team commitment. As a result, they have an effect on sportsmanship, altruism, politeness and citizenship that are subordinate variables of organizational citizenship behaviors.
There are some expectation effects through this research. First, we can get conceptualization of empowering leadership and appropriateness of organizational concept. Second, we can decide the appropriateness about the role of empowering leadership. Third, we will be able to present practical principles about organization operation plans. Consequently, we can obtain the basic foundation for achieving high performance organization from theoretical and practical point of view through this research.
Alternative Title
The Effects of Empowering Leadership on Innovative Behavior of Organizational Members and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Seung-Il
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 경영학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 문제의 제기 및 연구의 필요성 = 1
제2절 연구의 목적 = 2
제3절 연구의 방법 및 구성 = 4
제2장 이론적 배경 = 6
제1절 리더십 이론의 최근 흐름 및 임파워링 리더십 = 6
제2절 팀 몰입 = 16
제3절 혁신행동 = 21
제4절 조직시민행동 = 29
제3장 연구모형 및 가설설정 = 45
제1절 연구모형 = 45
제2절 연구가설 설정 = 47
제3절 변수의 조작적 정의 = 53
제4절 설문구성 및 분석방법 = 57
제4장 실증분석 = 59
제1절 기초자료 분석 = 59
제2절 신뢰도 분석 및 타당성 분석 = 61
제3절 전체적인 가설검증 = 75
제4절 세부적 가설검증 = 80
제5장 결론 = 98
제1절 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 = 98
제2절 연구의 한계점과 앞으로의 연구방향 = 102
참고문헌 = 103
조선대학교 대학원
이승일. (2006). 임파워링 리더십이 조직구성원의 혁신행동과 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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  • Embargo2008-07-01
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