국내은행의 합병과 경쟁력 강화방안에 관한 연구

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The purpose of this thesis is to suggest the strengthening plan for competition power of Korean banks after analyzing the Korean bank M&A in terms of theoretical and historical point of view, and advanced countries' case study. This thesis researched the literature on the subject published from Korea.
Since foreign exchange crisis in 1997 the Korean banks suffered generally sudden change. For responding that situation, M&As in Korean banks were enforced by government and IMF.
The fundamental motives of the merge is to achieve the efficient management, improvement of competitiveness, the economy of scale/scope and diversification of businesses.
The major findings of this paper is as follows:
First, the bank M&As in Korea can be classified into 3 periods: bank M&As during 1920-1940, bank M&As between Seoul Bank and Korea Trust Bank in 1976, bank closing and M&As after financial crisis in 1997. The historical perspectives on the bank M&As after 1997 are as follows: ① Korean government has taken the measure of bank M&As compulsorily under the special situation of financial crisis, ② The bank M&As have been done only by the standard of BIS and policy planner's intention, ③ Among the type of bank M&As, M&As for relief of unsound banks have been taken, ④ among the bank M&As, some (the cases of Hanvit Bank, and Hana Bank) has shown the same quality and others (the cases of Kookmin Bank, and Choheung Bank)have shown the different quality. And these same and different quality made the effects of bank M&As opaque.
Second, M&As between banks is an reformative action for development of the banking industry and will arouse many unexpected problems during the course. Since the purpose of M&A or a vision for long-term development of banks may be the justification in paving the way for solving out those problems, it should be clarified to related parties and banks' customers.
Third, if cultural conflicts arising from unification of organization are not overcomed in a timely manner, members of the organization will lose confidence in each other resulting in disorganization. Therefore, countermeasures should be taken into consideration.
Fourth, there are economies of scale and scope in Korean bank M&As. However, megamerger is recommended by the voluntary market power not government- controlled way.
The strengthening plan with policy implications on Korean bank M&As for this thesis are as follows:
First, transparency and efficiency should be enhanced for international competition power.
Second, some procedural rules should be created for clarifying the rights and liabilities of the related parties in the bank merger processes.
Third, strengthening plan in terms of performance is as follows: benching marking strategy from foreign banks, stable strategy for the market trend change, new management and organization strategy, strengthening the risk management team, strengthening the power of board of directors, profit-seeking growth strategy in the deposits, new decision making process for loans, strengthening management performance, and new personnel and education systems.
Fourth, strengthening plan in terms of system improvement is as follows: maximization of merger effects, introduction of bank holding company, improvement of ownership and governing structure, improvement of withdrawing structure, improvement of management incentive, strengthening the government role as the big stock holders, job type specialization among the banks, establishing the judging standard for bank M&As, and strengthening the supervision for bank soundness.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Korean Bank M&A and the Strengthening Plan for Competition Power
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Hyung-Roc
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 무역학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 방법 및 범위 = 2
제3절 기존연구에 대한 검토 = 3
제2장 은행합병에 관한 이론, 역사적 접근, 사례분석 및 검토과제 = 5
제1절 은행합병에 관한 이론 = 5
1. 은행합병의 의의 = 5
2. 은행합병의 유형 = 6
3. 은행합병의 동기 = 8
4. 은행합병의 기대효과 = 11
5. 은행합병의 문제점 = 13
제2절 국내은행합병의 역사적 접근 = 17
1. 1920~1940년까지의 은행합병에 대한 역사적 고찰 = 17
2. 1976년의 서울은행과 한국신탁은행의 합병에 대한 역사적 고찰 = 18
3. 1997년 이후의 은행퇴출 및 합병에 대한 역사적 고찰 = 20
제3절 주요 선진국의 은행합병 사례분석 = 22
1. 미국은행의 사례분석 = 24
2. 일본은행의 사례분석 = 26
3. 유럽은행의 사례분석 = 30
4. 국내은행의 합병사례분석 = 32
제4절 은행합병의 검토과제 = 36
1. 규제완화와 은행합병 = 36
2. 소유 및 지배구조 = 37
3. 금융그룹의 역할 = 39
4. 관련경제주체의 합병 유인 = 40
5. 진입 및 퇴출구조 = 42
제3장 은행합병의 경쟁력 강화방안 및 정책적 시사점 = 44
제1절 은행합병에 따른 성과측면의 경쟁력 강화방안 = 44
1. 외자계 은행의 급부상에 따른 벤치마킹전략 = 44
2. 안전성 선호 등 시장의 트렌드 변화에 대응방안 = 45
3. 새로운 경영전략 및 조직강화 방안 = 45
4. 위험관리 조직의 강화방안 = 46
5. 이사회 권한의 강화방안 = 46
6. 수신에서 수익성을 감안한 성장 전략방안 = 46
7. 여신에 대한 의사결정 구조변화방안 = 46
8. 외형 및 경영관리면의 성과제고방안 = 47
9. 인사 및 교육시스템의 변화방안 = 49
10. 수익성 제고 등을 통한 내생적 경쟁력 강화방안 = 49
제2절 은행합병의 제도개선을 통한 경쟁력 강화방안 = 51
1. 합병효과의 극대화방안 = 51
2. 은행지주회사제도의 도입방안 = 53
3. 소유 및 지배구조의 개선방안 = 54
4. 퇴출구조의 개선방안 = 56
5. 경영인센티브의 개선방안 = 58
6. 주주로서 정부의 역할강화방안 = 58
7. 은행별 업무유형 전문화방안 = 59
8. 은행간 합병 심사기준 정립방안 = 60
9. 은행의 건전성 감독 강화방안 = 61
제3절 정책적 시사점 = 62
제4장 결론 = 65
참고문헌 = 69
조선대학교 대학원
김형록. (2006). 국내은행의 합병과 경쟁력 강화방안에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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