한국의 대미 외교정책에 관한 연구 - 역대 정권의 외교정책 변화를 중심으로

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The purpose of this study was to explore the problems of foreign policies toward the United States which confront us and its direction by analyzing the changes in the past Korean governments policy toward the United States. By examining how independent the past governments were and what kind of policy they developed toward the United States which is one of the world powers, it may help maintain of the foundation of Korean-American alliance, and solve the problems revealed in present Korean-American relations which are being changed asymmetrically. To achieve this, this study researched the keynotes and examples of the past governments policy toward the United States by period through historical approach. The period of Korean-American alliance was divided into formation(1950~1960), reinforcement(1961 ~1979), practical cooperation(1980~1990), and competitive relationship (1990~2002) to look at the characteristics of policy toward the United States by period. The mechanics of force relational model, subordinate relational model, and protected state-dependent state relational model were used as a theoretical frame to analyze the period from the angle of the political realism, subordinationism, and protected state-dependent state. Examples by period were developed on the assumption that traditional policy toward the United States was promoted in inequal alliance and instrumental interdependence, focusing on lesser powers diplomatic patterns.
The characteristics of each period included:
1) The formation period: A typical period of protected state-dependent state relations, showing a classical dilemma that if a lesser power is not protected by a powerful state, the lesser power will lose its independence;
2) The reinforcement period: The protected state-dependent state relations were somewhat changed, and America's pressure could not realize or achieve its aim, resulting in friction and conflict;
3) The practical cooperation period: Korea focused its policy on reducing reliance upon the United States and expanding independence through diversified approach in policy toward the United States. When America decided its diplomatic line in the ground of a cold war, Korea admitted America's cold war atmosphere, contributing to the promotion of the Korean-American relations friendly. In other words, the Korean -American relations started to become the partner relations; and
4) The competitive relations period: A transitional period of Korean diplomacy. The world environment changed due to the escape from a cold war in the end of 1980's and Korea made progress in democratization. Such changes blew out special interests in the pluralistic aspect and the need of the middle and long term plan on the whole country was presented to adapt to dynamic changes in international environment. Furthermore, Korea had to spend much time on removing North Korea's nuclear matter. Since the North Korea's nuclear matter caused a conflict with the United States, Korea's keynote or goal of diplomatic policy had to change with this matter.
Although the engagement policy with the North of the Kim Dae-jung Administration was well promoted by close agreement with the United States, the nuclear and missile matter of the North did not make great progress. It may provide the possibility of increased conflict according to the relations of three countries.
In general, the analysis of Korea's policy toward the United States revealed the following characteristics in the course of developing the relations of both countries:
First, Korea's policy toward the United States was given too much weight;
Second, the main focus of Korea's policy toward the United states was on military security and a policy toward the North Korea;
Third, because it depended on situation, it was not possible to predict the future; and
Finally, to turn down the dependence on several fields such as foreign policy or trade failed in bilateral relations with the United States, and Korea could not properly use the relations with the United States to expand its interests in international society. Consequently, Korea's foreign policy is still greatly affected by the influence of the United States.
In reality, Korea's policy toward the United States should orient toward the foreign policy of the era of escaping from a cold war with its keynote on globalization, pluralism, diversified approach, future-oriented, and local cooperation in the world order which is stratified in the changing world, that is, the warm air current of reconciliation and cooperation and the cold air current of conflict and confrontation.
To achieve this, this study proposes the following action plans.
1) Drive a foreign policy strategy of asymmetric interdependence.
2) Turn from security-centered policy toward the United States into non-military security-oriented balanced foreign policy.
3) Develop a reciprocal alliance system.
4) Replace a cease-fire system by a peace system.
5) Expand reciprocal industrial cooperation such as a strategic technical tie-up
6) Actively promote the parliamentarian diplomacy toward the United States.
7) Choose the approach of escaping from dependence on the United State instead of dichotomy of pro-America and anti -America.
8) Develop many different paths such as diplomatic approach to civil or social groups in America.
The key principle of Korea's policy toward the United State is peace. The Korean Peninsular is a relative small nation surrounded by strong nations. It is important for a small nation to have wise foreign policy. The present world is not identical to the past when a cold war blockade was developed. Every country has begun pluralistic foreign policy to maximize its national interests, escaping from the cold war relations of alliance in the past. If we do not read the change in a time, the Korean Peninsular will fall into 'the arena of pursuing the supremacy' of the powers as we experienced 100 years ago.
While the last half a century focused on foreign and security in policy toward the United States, Korea in the 21st century should develop a new security concept for South-North reconciliation and cooperation, and peace and reunification. In other words, it needs to recognize that 'active cooperative security' which can deal with confrontation situation of differently structured countries in Northeast Asia is the very requirement for the peach and security of the Korean Peninsula.
Alternative Title
A Study of South Korea's Foreign Policy toward the United States of America - With Special Reference to the Change Spectrum of Foreign Policies of the ROK's Successive Regimes towards the U.S.A.
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Suk-yong
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 정치외교학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Abstract = ⅴ
제Ⅰ장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 방법과 범위 = 2
제2장 이론적 배경 = 5
제1절 한미 관계의 분석이론 = 5
제2절 약소국의 외교정책 결정이론 = 10
1. 약소국 외교정책의 목표 = 10
2. 약소국의 외교정책 유형 = 11
제3절 한국 외교정책의 주요 유형 = 12
제3장 한미 관계 형성기 (해방∼1960년) = 19
제1절 이승만 정권의 대미 외교정책 = 19
1. 정책 기조 = 19
2. 한미 외교관계의 성립 = 20
제2절 장면 정권의 대미 외교정책 = 24
1. 정책 기조 = 24
2. 외교정책의 다변화 시도 = 25
제3절 대표적 사례 = 30
1. 한국전쟁과 대미 외교정책 = 30
2. 한미 경제협정 체결 = 35
3. 대미 경제원조 외교 = 38
제4장 동맹체제의 강화기(1961∼1980) = 43
제1절 박정희 정권의 대미 외교정책 기조 = 43
1. 1960년대의 대미 외교 = 45
2. 1970년대의 대미 외교 = 50
제2절 동맹체제의 강화와 긴장 관계 = 58
1. 한·미 동맹체제의 강화 및 긴장관계 = 58
제3절 대표적 사례 = 74
1. 대미 정상회담 외교 = 74
가. 박정희-케네디 한미 정상외교 = 74
나. 박정희-존슨 한미 정상외교 = 77
다. 박정희-닉슨 한미 정상외교 = 78
라. 박정희-포드 한미 정상외교 = 80
마. 박정희-카터 한미 정상외교 = 81
2. 월남전 참전과 한미 동맹체제의 구축 = 84
제5장 실리적 협력기(1981∼1990) = 93
제1절 전두환 정권의 대미 외교정책 = 93
1. 정책 기조 = 93
2. 실리적 대미 관계 유지와 경쟁 관계 전환 = 94
가. 실리적 대미 협력 관계 유지 = 94
나. 대미 의존에서 경쟁 관계로 전환 = 99
제2절 노태우 정권의 대미 외교정책 = 102
1. 정책 기조 = 102
2. 한미 동반자 관계의 발전 = 103
제3절 대표적 사례 = 107
1. 무역마찰의 격화와 해소를 위한 협상외교 = 107
제6장 경쟁적 관계기(1991∼2000) = 110
제1절 김영삼 정권의 대미 외교정책 = 110
1. 정책 기조 = 110
2. 신외교정책과 대미 관계 = 113
제2절 김대중 정권의 대미 외교정책 = 120
1. 정책 기조 = 120
2. IMF 극복과 대미 관계 = 124
제3절 대표적 사례 = 126
1. 대미 통상외교와 OECD 가입 = 126
2. 햇볕정책과 대미 외교 = 128
가. 햇볕정책의 배경 = 128
나. 햇볕정책과 대미 관계 = 130
제7장 대미 외교정책의 현황과 과제 = 135
제1절 노무현 정권의 대미 외교정책 = 135
1. 정책 기조 = 135
2. 노무현 정권의 대미 외교정책 = 138
가. 평화·번영정책 = 138
나. 포괄적 동맹체제 = 141
다. 북핵 문제 = 143
제2절 대미 외교의 과제 = 146
1. 한미 관계의 재정립 = 146
2. 남북 관계 개선을 통한 한반도 평화의 추구 = 150
3. 성숙한 한미 동맹과 평화외교의 추구 = 151
제8장 결론 = 153
참고문헌 = 159
조선대학교 대학원
김석용. (2005). 한국의 대미 외교정책에 관한 연구 - 역대 정권의 외교정책 변화를 중심으로.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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