搜査機關의 人身拘束과 人權保障에 관한 硏究
- Author(s)
- 金文鎬
- Issued Date
- 2005
- Abstract
- Since the nation has a responsibility and an obligation for protecting the national safety from the crimes, it must start to investigate and reveal the reality when there happens the crime, but it should be done within the due process of law. However, as the authority, in the reality of the investigation, deals with the suspect as the criminals, and arrests them as the menas to realize the national authority of the punishment, the illegal acts which not only have neglected the due process of law but also have been very generalized, not exceptionalized, this type of investigation in the process of the investigation have been executed implicitly.
Therefore, Korean Constitution Law defines the principle of presumption of innocence and the due process of law which would not take a place of the violation of human rights in the process of the on-going criminal case, and declares the principle of the proportionality that arresting should be used only when the fair public profits that it is impossible for the social defense of the crime to be accomplished by the other ways, is admittable. For these definition, Criminal Procedure Law introduced the arrest system with three points in order to establish the national authority of Punishment; First, the legal principle that the disposition by legal force should be minimized within the minimum limit and the advanced warrant issued by the judge. Second, Eradication of Illegal investigation procedure generalized from the past such as voluntary accompanying by investigative agency and detention for protection. Third, Establishment of the lawful investigation procedures.
However, as there have been many problems such as the abnormal detention due to the deficient legislature and the wrong practice, criticisms that the human rights of the suspect are not protected have been raised. Therefore, this study examines the types and problems of the arrest system of person in Korea through the comparative analysis with the foreign arrest system in order to overcome such a reality and secure the human rights of the suspect. For the above things, it consists of six chapters focusing on the presentation of the rational improvement methods.
Chapter 1 describes the purposes, the range and the methods of research. Chapter 2 explains the general theories of arrest and the human rights of the suspect, and Chapter 3 examines the arrest system of person in the foreign advanced countries.
Chapter 4 investigates the arrest system of person and the protection of the human rights in Korea. Chapter 5 examines the problems and the improvements in the security of the human right of the suspect, and finally chapter 6 summarizes and arranges the contents of the arrest and the human rights of the suspect.
In my study, the items which should be improved immediately for the protection of the human right of the suspect are as follows;
First, on the Detention Warrant Examination System, I suggested the necessity for introducing the principle of arrest after reconsideration, converting it into the necessary examination and inputting the period of the real investigation of arrest into the period of arrest. Second, on the Review System of the Legality of Detention, I also suggested the necessity of the acknowledging right of request to inquiry for those who are arrested without the arrest warrant or caught in the fact. Third, on the suspect bail system, I presented that the suspect must have right to request bail in order to plead himself or herself as well as the necessity of approving bail in the stage of the real investigation of the arrest warrant is proposed for the purpose of activating bail system.
Moreover, to secure the real protection of the suspect and realize the equality principle of both parties, there should be the participation right for attorney to acknowledge reading and copying of investigation records in the investigative process and should extend the public defenders system more.
Finally, to secure the suspect's human rights, I strongly insisted that the investigating authority which executed law must enhance the sense of the human rights with priority, rather than revise the above laws and improve or complement all kinds of systems.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Protection of Human Rights for the Restrained Agency
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kim, Moon-Ho
- Affiliation
- 朝鮮大學校 大學院
- Department
- 일반대학원 법학과
- Advisor
- 文正珉
- Awarded Date
- 2005-08
- Table Of Contents
- 目次
第1章 序論 = 1
第1節 硏究의 目的 = 1
第2節 硏究의 範圍와 方法 = 3
第2章 被疑者拘束制度에 관한 一般的 考察 = 5
第1節 被疑者拘束과 人權保障 = 5
1. 憲法과 人權保障 = 5
2. 憲法訴願과 人權保障 = 7
3. 搜査構造와 人權保障 = 8
4. 刑事節次上의 人權保障 = 10
第2節 被疑者拘束의 指導原理 = 11
1. 必要最小限度의 法理 = 12
2. 適法節次의 法理 = 12
3. 無罪推定의 法理 = 15
第3節 被疑者拘束의 基本原則 = 17
1. 强制處分法定主義 = 18
2. 令狀主義 = 19
3. 比例性의 原則 = 21
第3章 人身拘束制度에 관한 外國의 立法例 = 23
第1節 獨逸 = 23
1. 序說 = 23
2. 令狀에 의한 拘束 = 24
3. 一時的인 逮捕(Vorla¨ufige Festnahme) = 29
4. 拘束被疑者 救濟制度 = 32
5. 小結 = 35
第2節 프랑스 = 36
1. 序說 = 36
2. 令狀에 의한 拘束 = 37
3. 令狀에 의하지 아니한 逮捕 = 39
4. 拘束被疑者의 釋放制度 = 40
5. 小結 = 41
第3節 美國 = 42
1. 序說 = 42
2. 令狀에 의한 逮捕 = 43
3. 令狀에 의하지 아니한 逮捕 = 46
4. 被疑者의 救濟制度 = 50
5. 小結 = 52
第4節 日本 = 52
1. 序說 = 52
2. 被疑者의 逮捕 = 53
3. 勾留 = 57
4. 被疑者의 權利 = 61
5. 小結 = 63
第4章 우리나라의 人身拘束制度와 人權保障 = 65
第1節 逮捕制度에 의한 拘束 = 66
1. 逮捕令狀에 의한 逮捕 = 67
가. 逮捕의 要件 = 67
나. 逮捕의 節次 = 70
다. 逮捕後의 措置 = 72
2. 緊急逮捕 = 72
가. 緊急逮捕의 要件 = 73
나. 緊急逮捕의 節次 = 75
다. 緊急逮捕와 押收·搜索·檢證 = 79
3. 現行犯人의 逮捕 = 79
가. 現行犯人의 意義 = 79
나. 現行犯逮捕의 要件 = 81
다. 現行犯人의 逮捕節次 = 84
第2節 拘束令狀에 의한 拘束 = 85
1. 拘束의 要件 = 86
가. 犯罪嫌疑의 相當性 = 86
나. 拘束事由 = 87
다. 拘束의 必要性 = 91
2. 拘束의 節次 = 92
가. 拘束令狀의 請求 = 92
나. 拘束令狀實質審査 = 93
다. 拘束令狀의 發付 = 94
라. 拘束令狀의 執行 = 95
3. 拘束期間 = 96
4. 別件拘束과 二重拘束 = 97
가. 別件拘束 = 97
나. 二重拘束 = 100
第3節 任意同行과 保護留置 = 102
1. 任意同行 = 102
가. 意義 = 102
나. 任意同行의 適法性 = 105
다. 任意同行의 許容限界 = 105
라. 小結 = 107
2. 保護留置 = 107
가. 保護留置의 實態 = 107
나. 保護留置의 違法性 = 109
第4節 逮捕·拘束被疑者의 人權保障 = 110
1. 逮捕·拘束節次上의 人權保障 = 111
가. 陳述拒否權의 保障 = 111
나. 拘束令狀實質審査制度 = 117
다. 防禦權을 告知받을 權利 = 125
라. 身體拘束事實을 通知받을 權利 = 126
2. 拘束中의 人權保障 = 127
가. 接見交通權의 保障 = 127
나. 拘束期間의 制限 = 133
다. 再拘束의 制限 = 139
3. 逮捕·拘束被疑者의 救濟制度 = 140
가. 逮捕·拘束適否審査制度 = 140
나. 被疑者의 保釋 = 145
다. 拘束의 取消와 執行停止 = 150
4. 그 밖의 人權保障制度 = 151
가. 證據能力의 排除 = 151
나. 刑事補償制度 = 165
第5章 被疑者에 대한 人權保障의 問題點과 改善方案 = 170
第1節 拘束令狀實質審査制度의 問題點과 改善方案 = 170
1. 逮捕前置主義의 導入必要 = 171
2. 必要的 審問으로의 轉換 = 172
3. 被疑者審問의 拘束期間 算入 = 174
4. 拘引된 被疑者의 留置場 留置의 明文化 = 175
5. 夜間審問과 令狀待機時間의 短縮 = 176
6. 令狀實質審査의 內實化 = 176
7. 判事의 被疑者審問時 調書作成의 必要性 = 177
第2節 逮捕·拘束適否審査制度의 問題點과 改善方案 = 178
1. 逮捕適否審의 不必要 = 178
2. 令狀없이 逮捕된 者의 請求權 認定 = 179
3. 審査期間의 逮捕·拘束期間에의 算入 = 180
第3節 被疑者釋放制度의 問題點과 改善方案 = 181
1. 權利保釋으로서의 被疑者保釋制度 導入 = 182
2. 拘束令狀實質審査段階에서의 保釋許容 = 182
3. 被疑者釋放條件의 多樣化 = 184
4. 保釋保證金의 算定 및 納入方法의 多樣化 = 185
第4節 被疑者保護를 위한 辯護人制度의 問題點과 改善方案 = 186
1. 辯護人의 搜査記錄 閱覽·謄寫權의 保障 = 186
2. 搜査機關의 被疑者訊問과 辯護人의 參與權 = 188
3. 國選辯護人制度의 擴大 = 189
第6章 結論 = 191
參考文獻 = 194
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 朝鮮大學校 大學院
- Citation
- 金文鎬. (2005). 搜査機關의 人身拘束과 人權保障에 관한 硏究.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/5957
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