지방정부의 사전대비 재난관리체제 효율성 영향요인에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Factors Affecting on the Effectiveness of Pre-Disaster-Management-System of Local Governments

Choi, Yong Ho
Advisor : Prof. Oh, Eul Im. PH.D.
Department of Public Administration
Graduate School, Chosun University

Korea should have a special interest in crises and disasters management as it faces the era of progressive self-governing governments and further development of large and complex facilities. Specifically, a variety of disasters are occurring within political situations such as lack of recognition about disaster management by federal or local governments, lack of support from and ability of the government to manage the disasters, disinterest of private organizations and industries in disaster management, and lack of ability of common people to prepare against disasters. So, disaster management is appearing as a more serious political issue.

However, in respect to personal disaster on a national level, much criticism about little effectiveness of personal disaster policy due to poorly-managed preparation, countermeasure, rehabilitation and assessment is presented, but discussion on measurement of effectiveness of the personal disaster management policy was unsatisfying.

Therefore, this study aims to examine the concept of disaster management system, the necessity of disaster management system construction, and methods and strategies of disaster management, and present effective plans of disaster management system based on positive identification of main factors that affect effectiveness of management system.

For the purpose, first, through a theoretical examination on general discussion on disaster management system depending on management environmental change and its limitation, this study is to examine importance of effective disaster management system at the level of regional governments. Second, based on existing theories and results of previous research, an analytical model for this study is constructed. Third, this study is to examine what factors should be considered to improve effectiveness of preventive disaster management system of regional governments based on this analytical model referring to bibliography and previous research, and the results will be confirmed through positive investigation. Fourth, this study classifies and examines factors that affect effectiveness of the preventive disaster management system of regional governments, and for positive investigation, they are classified into independent and dependent factors by which their attribute are specified. Based on the results, this study presents a theoretical and practical plan to improve effectiveness of the management system at the level of regional governments.

A specific research scope to develop this study is described as follows:

First, the disaster management system to be analysed in this study focuses on preventive process. The preventive process is composed of alleviation and preparation. The alleviation process is designed to develop a program to reduce possibility of disaster occurrence through prevention of occurrence of disasters necessary to secure safety of the people. And the preparatory process is designed to make a preparatory plan and manage disasters in case of high potential of disaster occurrence even though management is done through an alleviation process before disasters occur.

This study is to analyse factors that affect effectiveness of the management of the alleviation and preparatory processes before disasters. The analytical units for this study include external environment factors of the management system, leadership of the highest management, specificity of disaster management, cooperation between management systems, level and effectiveness of management system.

Second, the disaster to be analysed in this study is involved with personal disaster. Therefore, this study proceeds based on conceptual definition of personal disaster among disasters that have negative effects on the administrative system of central and regional governments as well as those that damage lives and properties in public sector.

Third, this study targets Gwangju city for analysis because it is expected that the research on Gwangju will have a great extending effect on the preparatory management system of regional governments.

Fourth, in respect to time range, this study examines the level of recognition of the public officers in charge of disaster management who worked in Gwangju on October 2004 about factors that affect effectiveness of the preparatory management system.

According to analytical results of this study, it was found that environmental factors of management system at regional governments do not affect specificity of public officers in charge, cooperation between management systems and effectiveness of the management system, but affect leadership of the top management and management system quality.

Fifth, it was demonstrated that leadership of the top management has the most influence on the disaster management system quality, followed by cooperation between management systems, specificity of public officers in charge, and effectiveness of the management system. It was found that specificity of public officers in charge affects both effectiveness and quality of the management system, and quality of the management system affects only its effectiveness.

Finally, it was found that cooperation between management systems influences effectiveness of the management system though the influence is slight.

Based on the results of this analysis, possibility of disaster occurrence should be controlled to the utmost through active preparation against various potential disasters. So, this study presents an effective preparatory plan to maximize preparatory management and rehabilitative power of regional governments.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Factors Affecting on the Effectiveness of Pre-Disaster-Management-System of Local Governments
Alternative Author(s)
Choi, Yong-Ho
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 행정학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서 론 1
제1절 연구목적 1
제2절 연구범위 및 방법 5
제 2 장 사전대비 재난관리체제의 효율성 8
제1절 사전대비 재난관리체제 8
제2절 선행연구의 고찰 22
제3절 재난관리체제의 효율성 33
제4절 재난관리체제 효율성의 영향요인 39
제 3 장 분석모형과 가설설정 50
제1절 분석모형 구성 50
제2절 가설설정 52
제 4 장 변수의 조작화와 자료수집 56
제1절 변수의 조작화 56
제2절 자료수집 61
제 5 장 가설의 검증 71
제1절 척도검증: 타당성과 신뢰성 71
제2절 모형검증 83
제3절 가설검증 86
제4절 분석결과의 논의 93
제 6 장 결 론 99
최용호. (2005). 지방정부의 사전대비 재난관리체제 효율성 영향요인에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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  • Embargo2008-05-19
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