光州·全南 地域祝祭의 文化觀光資源 開發戰略에 관한 硏究

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According to the growth of cultural tourism market, researches on cultural attractions influencing tourist's decision-making have gradually increased. In this point of view the development of tourism attractions is gradually important in tourism activities. In spite of emphasizing the importance analysis of local festival, development of tourism attractions has not been limited in the tourism studies.
This study aimed to find the ideas for the development of cultural attractions and then to suggest the strategy for the development of cultural attractions through analysis of local festival Characteristics.
Studies on the field of tourism attractions or development have been performed in various aspects. But all of them mainly focus on the natural resources and physical aspects. Because of this trend the research on tourism attractions or development is entirely lacking in the study on view of cultural attractions and programs.
The study on local festival would be very effective strategy in the field of tourism development. Because the development of local festival is the desirable way to satisfy the various needs of tourists. Through the development of various tourism attractions, development of local festival realize tourist satisfaction, the creation of new market and the added value in tourism industry. Especially, the tourism industry in Korea needs structural reform to grow and develop as a going industry, because environment of the tourism industry not only is rapidly changed and but also raises competitive advantages. In order to succeed in this changing environment, a new strategy is required which estimates the direction of tourist preference and need, and develops tourism attractions.
This study is intended to analyze the way that promote local festival through the theoretical research and case studies, and suggest promotional alternatives to operate and build the tourist-oriented local festival. In order to promote local festival, this paper needs to find policy for legislation, policy making and administrative measure.
Chapter 1 contains the purpose, the extent and the method of this study. Chapter 2 discusses some conception of local festival and cultural tourism attraction based on the literature review.
Chapter 3 reviews environment and status of the local festival to analyze the strategic conformity, and then analyze case in view of success.
Chapter 4 suggests alternatives for development of tourism attractions in view of policy and marketing. Eventually, the purpose of this study is to suggest promotional alternatives in local festival and to bulged up the policy measure in order to respond to various desire of tourists.
As a conclusion, this study attempts to identify the status of local festival by literature review and case studies, and then suggest alternatives for development of cultural tourism attractions.
Alternative Title
A Study on Strategies for Cultural Tourism Attractions of Gwangju-Jeonnam Local Festival
Alternative Author(s)
Song, Si-Youl
朝鮮大學校 大學院
일반대학원 무역학과
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Table Of Contents
제 Ⅰ 장 序論 = 1
제 1 절 연구의 목적 = 1
제 2 절 연구의 범위 및 방법 = 3
1. 연구의 범위 = 3
2. 연구의 방법 = 3
제 3 절 선행연구 = 4
1. 국내연구 = 4
2. 국외연구 = 5
제 Ⅱ 장 지역축제의 문화관광적 의의 = 9
제 1 절 지역축제의 의의와 유형 = 9
1. 지역축제의 의의 = 9
2. 지역축제의 유형 = 15
제 2 절 지역축제와 문화관광과의 관계 = 23
1. 지역축제의 경제적효과 = 23
2. 지역축제의 문화관광산업적 효과 = 28
제 3 절 문화관광과 문화관광 자원 = 34
1. 문화관광의 의의 = 34
2. 문화관광자원의 개념적 범주 = 39
제 Ⅲ 장 지역축제의 특성과 현황 = 41
제 1 절 국내 지역축제 특성 및 현황 = 41
1. 국내 지역축제 특성 = 41
2. 국내 지역축제 현황 = 43
제 2 절 광주·전남 지역축제의 특성 = 47
1. 광주·전남 지역축제 특성 = 47
2. 광주·전남지역 축제 현황 = 53
제 3 절 타지역과의 비교분석 = 56
1. 전국 지역축제 현황 = 56
2. 전국 지역축제 분석 = 59
3. 전국 지역축제 사례분석 = 64
제 Ⅳ 장 지역축제의 문화관광자원화 전략 = 79
제 1 절 문화관광자원화 전략 과정 모형 = 79
1. 지역축제의 문화관광자원화 계획 = 79
2. 지역 문화 소재의 연출과 상품화 = 80
3. 지역축제의 평가 및 환류 = 81
제 2 절 광주·전남 지역축제의 현안과 과제 = 82
1. 광주전남 지역축제의 현안 = 82
2. 지역축제의 과제 = 89
제 3 절 문화관광자원화 실행 전략 = 96
1. 지역축제 기획·운영 전략 = 96
2. 지역축제 마케팅 전략 = 110
제 Ⅴ 장 결론 = 117
참고문헌 = 120
朝鮮大學校 大學院
宋時烈. (2004). 光州·全南 地域祝祭의 文化觀光資源 開發戰略에 관한 硏究.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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