대학행정조직 구성원의 혁신행동에 영향을 미치는 7S모델에 관한 연구

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Among state balance development and main policy that have been promoted emphatically at our nation, universities are put under stiff competition in the logic of "innovation" between regions and universities. And it is a fact faced by universities that under the social problems such as freshmen supplement rate due to low childbirth, foreign colleges launching into our nation, and overseas outflow of people in demand by universities (students that will go on to university), universities are placed under various evaluation systems and innovation plan.
Leading power is certainly necessary in order for "innovation". Organization composition of a university is made up of 3 structures of student organization, professor organization, and administration. Among these, administration can be classified as "innovation leading power", and student and professor organization can be seen as innovation participant power; that is how important administration is.
Administration in the future must have a mind of change and innovative action away from traditional and authoritative structure, and innovative action will play a pivotal role in boosting competitiveness of university organization.
In some scholars' research about innovation, it is defined as 'ability to create and carry out a new idea, process, product and service' (Thompson, 1965), and 'a degree of ability adapting to new things relatively earlier compared to other competitors' (Calanton and his associates, 2002). Innovative action, which shows the best of innovation, is an activity creating, introducing and applying new and beneficial idea with the goal of increasing accomplishments of one's work, department or organization (Ji-woo Lee, 2003; janssen, 2002; Scott & Bruce, 1994; West & Farr, 1990).
It can be seen from current educational environment change that certainly it will influence preexisting universities greatly. The balance of education supply and demand will be cut in half, the competition between universities are intensifying, and the entrance motivation of university applicants are changing in more realistically compared to the past. This study looked into innovative mind and action patterns of organization members of university administration that bave experienced organization change, based on 7S model of Pascal & Athos(1981).
7S model is sharing value, strategy, structure, system, member, leadership style and management skill. In concise, sharing value is a principle or standard that leads the actions and thoughts of members to a certain direction. Secondly, strategy is an embodiment of goal, value and mission for the members to achieve. Third, structure prescribes division of work and form of work of members, and provides positions of class and regulations according to them. Fourth, system is a concept including management system and procedure that acts as a frame for decision-making and operation of organization management. Fifth, member is the human power composition, ability, professionalism, value and belief, needs and motivation, perception and attitude, and their action types. Sixth, leadership style is the overall management style in leading the members. Lastly, management skill is knowledge, tool, technique and activities that affect the formation of organization structure.
In this study, 7S model is a frame of structural thought diagnosing the character of organization, and with the result of demonstrative analysis carried out to examine which factors affect innovative action, strategy and member out of 7 precedent variations were not formed consistently. Multi regression analysis was carried out to see the other 5 variations and innovative action, and it was investigated that only management skill affects innovative action similarly.
Management skill is based upon the contents of members sharing knowledge, and by sharing collected data among members and providing business knowledge or skills helpful in increasing ability, it could be found that it is necessary to share new knowledge and data among members in order to increase innovative actions. To enhance innovative actions through management skill, smooth conversation channel must be formed between organization departments and system network sharing professional knowledge must be activated. Also, knowledge management system should be activated, and there should be an enhancement of incentive through knowledge mileage system for members who play the role of creating new knowledge or widening the boundaries of creation.
In doing this research, there is a rather inadequate side in actual proof analysis because not enough survey was done, and the sample object of investigation was restricted to university administrations of Gwangju, Jeonnam region, therefore not able to present the opinions of members nationwide.
Also, there is an insufficient side in selecting 7S model as precedence variation in spite of the difference between private and public industries with the character of university administration. There must be a research finding innovative action determination factor variation suitable for university by precisely grasping the character of university administration.
Alternative Title
The Effects of the 7-S Model on the Innovative Behavior in University Administrative Staff
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Hae Jung
경영대학원 경영학석사학위과정
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 문제제기 및 연구의 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 = 3
제3절 논문의 구성 = 3
제2장 이론적 배경 = 5
제1절 이론적 배경 = 5
1) 혁신의 개념 = 5
2) 혁신행동의 개념 = 8
3) 조직혁신의 개념 및 혁신요인 = 10
제2절 대학행정조직의 특징 = 12
1) 행정조직의 경직화 = 12
2) 행정조직의 체계 모호 = 12
3) 기획기능의 취약 = 13
4) 지원행정 기능의 낙후성 = 14
제3절 행정조직 구성원의 혁신행동 = 15
1) 새로운 대학 경영 패러다임의 도래 = 16
2) 교육 수요자 총인원의 감소 = 17
3) 대학 간 경쟁의 가열 = 19
4) 대학진학 동기의 동태적 변화 = 20
5) 대학행정조직 구성원의 혁신행동의 필요성 = 21
제4절 혁신행동의 결정변수 = 22
1) 공유가치(Share Value) = 22
2) 전략(Strategy) = 22
3) 구조(Structure) = 23
4) 시스템(System) = 23
5) 구성원(Staff) = 23
6) 리더십 스타일(Style) = 24
7) 관리기술(Skill) = 24
제5절 선행연구의 고찰 = 25
제3장 연구모형 = 27
제1절 연구모형 및 가설의 설정 = 27
1) 연구모형의 설계 = 27
2) 연구가설의 설정 = 28
제2절 연구방법 = 29
1) 연구대상 = 29
2) 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 = 30
제4장 연구결과의 분석 = 34
제1절 타당도와 신뢰도 = 34
1) 타당도 = 34
2) 신뢰도 측정 = 36
제2절 측정변수의 기술통계 = 38
1) 변수들의 기초 기술통계 결과 = 38
2) 변수간 상관관계 분석 = 38
제3절 가설검정 = 40
1) 가설검정 = 40
2) 가설 검정 결과의 요약 = 43
제5장 결론 = 45
제1절 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 = 45
제2절 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구 방향 = 46
김혜정. (2008). 대학행정조직 구성원의 혁신행동에 영향을 미치는 7S모델에 관한 연구.
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Business > 3. Theses(Master)
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