Theoretical Protein Structure Prediction of Glucagon-like Peptide 2 Receptor Using Homology Modelling

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Santhosh Kumar Nagarajan Thirumurthy Madhavan
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GLP2 Receptor GPCR GLP2 Homology Modelling
Glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor, a GPCR, binds with the glucagon-like peptide, GLP-2 and regulates various metabolic functions in the gastrointestinal tract. It plays an important role in the nutrient homeostasis related to nutrient assimilation by regulating mucosal epithelium. GLP-2 receptor affects the cellular response to external injury, by controlling the intestinal crypt cell proliferation. As they are therapeutically attractive towards diseases related with the gastrointestinal tract, it becomes essential to analyse their structural features to study the pathophysiology of the diseases. As the three dimensional structure of the protein is not available, in this study, we have performed the homology modelling of the receptor based on single- and multiple template modeling. The models were subjected to model validation and a reliable model based on the validation statistics was identified. The predicted model could be useful in studying the structural features of GLP-2 receptor and their role in various diseases related to them.
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