농촌 거점커뮤니티센터의 공간이용 활성화 방안 연구

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The rural community center is a core facility of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs' rural center activation project. It is an important place to form a sense of community among local residents and provide various basic living services, and has a diverse impact on the culture, welfare, and economic activation of the region. It is a base facility that can improve residents’ overall residential satisfaction through space configuration suitable for various users and activities. However, the reality is that it is not faithfully performing its role as a regional hub, which was originally intended for facility creation and operation, due to spatial configuration and design that is not suitable for the residents' conditions and community activity demands, and a lack of a continuous financing plan.

Accordingly, in this study, in order to activatalize rural community centers, satisfaction with overall facilities and detailed spatial design elements was investigated and correlations were analyzed. Based on this analysis, the core purpose of this study was to derive detailed spatial design elements that have a significant impact on overall user satisfaction and to find ways to improve overall satisfaction by resolving problems that occur for each element.

In this study, spatial design elements for activatalizing the operation of rural community centers were derived in a total of five stages. A total of 20 detailed space design elements were secured in three categories: physical space, space program, and use activation. In the physical space category, there are a total of 11, including barrier-free design, disaster/safety design, cognitive health design, variable space configuration, system furniture, light and sound environment design, color design, air and finishing materials, facility design, landscaping and external space design, and landscape design. A total of 6 elements were derived in the space program category, including local promotion, education, leisure and culture, welfare, connectivity, and sustainability. Lastly, in the use activation category, a total of 3 elements were included, including management entity, management method, and resident participation. Spatial design elements were derived.

Based on this, a interview survey was conducted on 160 residents who used 8 rural base community centers in the Jeonnam region to analyze satisfaction with 20 detailed space design elements, satisfaction with operating programs, satisfaction with geographical location, and satisfaction with internal space use, and The correlation between space design elements and community center user satisfaction was analyzed.

As a result of analyzing the user satisfaction of rural base community centers, most of the satisfaction with operating programs and internal space was above dissatisfaction. As a result of the analysis of satisfaction by detailed space design elements, there was a lot of dissatisfaction with cognitive health design and variable space composition in terms of physical space. This is presumed to be due to the lack of application of elderly (user) friendly universal design and the provision of uniform space.
In terms of spatial programs, there were many dissatisfaction factors in most of the areas of regional promotion, education, leisure/culture, and welfare. Although the program was operated as a regional capacity building project during the project, the education program was not properly operated after the project was completed, and as a result, It was found that connectivity and sustainability were greatly reduced due to the movement and low participation of village residents.
In terms of user activation, there were many dissatisfied factors with the management method, and this was analyzed to be caused by the fact that education and programs were not properly implemented as facility management was centered on the operating committee, and resident participation was low as a result.

Accordingly, it was analyzed that analyzing and improving problems caused by detailed space design elements that were analyzed to have a significant impact on the overall user satisfaction of rural base community centers was an important key to user satisfaction and activation of base community centers.

Key words : Space design, Space activation, User activation, Base community center
Alternative Title
A Study on the Space Use Activation Plan of Base Community Centers in Rural Areas
Alternative Author(s)
Shin, Sang-kuk
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 디자인학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구 배경 및 목적 2
제2절 연구 방법 및 범위 4
제3절 연구흐름도 17
제2장 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 이해 18
제1절 농촌중심지활성화사업 19
1. 농촌중심지 개념 및 기능 19
1) 농촌중심지의 개념 19
2) 농촌중심지의 기능 23
3) 농촌중심지의 공간구조 특성 24
2. 농촌중심지활성화사업 정책 패러다임 변화 25
3. 농촌중심지활성화사업 국내 현황 31
제2절 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 33
1. 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 개념 및 정의 33
1) 커뮤니티센터 개념 및 유형 33
2) 거점 및 거점커뮤니티센터 개념 38
2. 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터의 역할 및 관련 사업 39
1) 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터의 역할 39
2) 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터의 성격 및 관련 사업 현황 40
제3장 공간이용 활성화 요소 도출 및 적용 42
제1절 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 공간이용 활성화 요소 도출 43
1. 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 공간이용 활성화 요소 선행연구 43
2. 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 공간이용 활성화 요소 분석 틀 제시 46
1) 물리적 공간 46
2) 공간 프로그램 49
3) 이용 활성화 50
2. 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 국내·외 사례 51
3. 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 활성화 선행연구 56
1) 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 운영 활성화 선행연구 56
2) 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 공간 활성화 연구 58
4. 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 공간 활성화 요소 분석 63
5. 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 세부공간 디자인요소 도출 65
1) 물리적 공간 66
2) 공간 프로그램 68
3) 이용 활성화 70
6. 소결 70
제2절 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 세부공간 디자인요소 사례별 적용 결과 72
1. 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 대상지 선정 72
2. 분석 대상 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 입지 현황 77
3. 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터 사례분석 79
4. 커뮤니티센터 계획 단계 세부공간 디자인요소 분석결과 110
5. 커뮤니티센터 준공 이후 세부공간 디자인요소 분석결과 114
6. 소결 115
1) 물리적 공간 요소 관점에서 분석 결과 115
2) 공간 프로그램 요소 관점에서 분석 결과 116
3) 이용 활성화 요소 관점에서 분석 결과 116
제4장 설문조사 118
제1절 설문조사 개요 119
1. 설문조사 개요 119
2. 연구평가 항목 120
제2절 설문조사 분석 123
1. 일반현황 분석 123
2. 이용만족도 분석 125
3. 거점커뮤니티센터 이용만족도 세부공간 디자인요소별 분석 127
4. 세부공간 디자인요소와 이용만족도간의 상관관계 분석 130
제3절 소결 136
제5장 결론 138
제1절 종합 139
제2절 결론 및 제언 142
참고문헌 147
부록 153
조선대학교 대학원
신상국. (2024). 농촌 거점커뮤니티센터의 공간이용 활성화 방안 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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