ADHD 저학년 초등학생의 주의집중력과 자기표현을 위한 미술치료 사례연구
- Author(s)
- 황하얀
- Issued Date
- 2024
- Keyword
- 미술치료, 주의집중력, 자기표현
- Abstract
- A Case Study on Art Therapy for Attention and Self-Expression in Lower Elementary School Students with ADHD Hwang, ha yan Advisor : Prof. Moon Jeong Min, Ph.D. Department of Art psychological Therapy Graduate School of Design Chosun University This study was conducted as a single case study to find out the effect of art therapy programs on attention and self-expression in elementary school children in the lower grades of ADHD. Through this, art therapy programs were carried out to help children with ADHD grow emotionally with various media for their lack of attention, concentration, and self-expression skills. To this end, the subjects of this study were elementary school students with lower grades of ADHD. The subject of the study was a third-grade elementary school boy living in G City, and from January to May 2023, it was conducted three times a week for 50 minutes, and a total of 60 sessions were conducted. The impact of art therapy was analyzed by implementing art therapy programs to elementary school students in the lower grades of ADHD who lack attention and concentration and cannot express themselves to others. The art therapy program was divided into the stages of intimacy formation, tension relaxation, self-understanding and self-expression, dysfunctional cognitive behavior search, dysfunctional cognitive behavior reconstruction, and finally reconstructed cognitive behavior maintenance. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD rating scale, tree picture test and self-expression scale test, K-HTP test, and self-expression scale test were conducted before and after to find out the changes in attention and self-expression of elementary school students in the lower grades of ADHD. In addition, since the observation papers for each session were recorded, qualitative analysis was conducted according to the subject, and the results of the study are summarized as follows. First, it was found that art therapy programs had a positive effect on the attention concentration of elementary school students in the lower grades of ADHD. Second, art therapy programs were found to have a positive effect on self-expression in elementary school students in lower grades of ADHD. Looking at the above results, this study suggests that art therapy programs have a positive effect on attention and self-expression in elementary school students in lower grades of ADHD. Key words: Art therapy, attention, self-expression, ADHD lower grade elementary school students
- Alternative Title
- A Case Study on Art Therapy for Attention and Self-Expression in Lower Elementary School Students with ADHD
- Alternative Author(s)
- hwanghayan
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 디자인대학원
- Department
- 디자인대학원 미술심리치료전공
- Advisor
- 문정민
- Awarded Date
- 2024-02
- Table Of Contents
- Ⅰ. 서론 · 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 · 1
2. 연구문제 3
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 · 4
1. ADHD 4
가. ADHD 개념 4
나. ADHD 아동의 특성 · 6
2. 주의집중력 · 7
가. 주의집중력의 개념 7
나. ADHD 아동과 주의집중력 · 8
3. 자기표현 9
가. 자기표현의 개념 9
나. ADHD 아동과 자기표현 · 10
Ⅲ. 연구방법 · 11
1. 단일사례연구 11
2. 연구대상 12
가. 연구대상의 특성 12
나. 발달사 및 가족특성 14
3. 연구 도구 · 15
가. 주의력결핍과잉행동장애 ADHD 평정척도 15
나. 자기표현 척도검사 · 16
다. 나무 그림검사 17
라. K-HTP 검사 · 18
4. 연구 절차 20
가. 미술치료 단계 구성 21
나. 미술치료 프로그램 · 22
5. 자료 분석 30
Ⅳ. 연구 결과 31
1. 평가척도 사전·사후 양적 분석 결과 32
가. 주의력결핍과잉행동장애 평정척도 사전·사후 분석 32
나. 자기표현 척도검사 사전·사후 분석 · 33
2. 그림 검사 사전·사후 검사 34
가. 나무그림 검사 사전·사후 분석 34
나. K-HTP 검사 사전·사후 분석 · 35
3. 프로그램 과정별 질적 내용분석 38
가. 1단계(1~8회기): 친밀감 및 라포형성, 긴장 이완 38
나. 2단계(9~ 22회기): 자기표현 및 자기 이해 41
다. 3단계(23~37회기): 감정 표현 및 주의집중력 · 56
라. 4단계(38~ 52회기): 주의집중력 향상 및 자발적 표현· 52
마. 5단계( 53~60회기): 주의집중력 자기표현 증진 · 57
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 67
1. 결과 요약 및 논의 67
2. 제언 · 72
참고문헌 · 73
국문초록 · 78
부록 80
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 디자인대학원
- Citation
- 황하얀. (2024). ADHD 저학년 초등학생의 주의집중력과 자기표현을 위한 미술치료 사례연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
Appears in Collections:
- Art, Design, & Physical Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2024-02-23
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