공공임대주택의 소셜믹스를 위한 커뮤니티공간 활성화 방안 연구

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Public rental housing, Social mix, Community, Remodeling
Public rental housing was a type of housing introduced to promote housing stability for the common people from ever-increasing housing prices and rents, but residents of public rental housing were socially excluded due to poor housing facilities and a negative image. In order to solve these social problems, the government has provided community spaces and public spaces through various support projects and policies to promote social mixing between rental and sale households, but has not found a concrete plan for social mix with different classes. The prejudice and social exclusion against the residents of the rental dong are getting worse because only the living space is close.
In addition, most of the current policies and studies are centered on residents of mixed buildings and newly built rental apartments, where residents of rental buildings and sales buildings live together. Research and measures were lacking.
Therefore, this study identified the current problems of public rental housing, such as the intention to live in public rental housing and the current status of vacant housing through previous studies, and derived social mix activating factors and integrated community spaces and programs necessary for social mix, and remodeling techniques for social mix. After analyzing, the community space activating factors for the social mix of public rental housing were derived as spatial, institutional, and social factors.
After that, an analysis framework was formed based on the community space activation factor for social mix of public rental housing, and domestic and foreign cases of remodeled public rental housing were compared and analyzed. As a result, in the case of domestic cases, the household area was There was a problem that it was difficult for various classes to live in public rental housing because it was narrow and not diverse, and it was possible to embrace only single-person households. In addition, there was a problem in that it was difficult to meet the social capital between residents and between residents and local residents because the spatial arrangement of various shared facilities was also distributed.
In terms of ‘institutional factors’, only passive safety management such as lighting replacement is being carried out, and active and specific attempts to improve the negative image of public rental housing have not been made.
In terms of ‘social factors’, not only was the quantitative supply of community spaces and programs insufficient, but also their diversity and quality were insufficient. In particular, since both the space and programs are centered on the elderly, natural contact with local residents of various classes was not achieved.
As a result of analyzing community space activation factors and case analysis sintering through theoretical consideration, the community space activation plan for social mix of public rental housing is as follows.
First, it is necessary to break away from remodeling focused on improving the performance of unit households in terms of physical aspects, and create public rental housing with various areas that can accommodate various classes and types of households. Social mix aims at social mixing of various households and classes, but due to the small area of ​​public rental housing in Korea, it is difficult for households with more than 3 people to enter in reality. Therefore, for social mix, it is necessary to introduce various furniture through remodeling.
Second, in terms of layout, it is important to systematically design passageways that can increase natural contact with local residents and residents of pre-sale households. In addition, various community spaces that can be used by residents of public rental housing and local residents should be gathered and arranged around the passage to increase connectivity between community facilities and awareness as a regional base space.
Third, in order to increase the safety of public rental housing and improve the local image from the institutional aspect, the existing retaining walls and fences should be removed and the complexes should be divided using green spaces and plazas to visually give local residents a sense of openness and comfort. A sense of openness can actually increase the safety of public rental housing by inducing natural surveillance by local residents, and dividing the complex boundary through green areas and plazas increases contact between local residents and public rental housing with visual beauty and comfort. The negative image of housing will decrease.
Fourth, in terms of social factors, not only the government and corporations' programs for senior citizens' welfare and job support, but also spaces such as senior citizens' centers and welfare centers, as well as spaces necessary for residents of public rental housing and local residents through voluntary participation and cooperation by residents and local residents. To develop various programs and spaces, and to educate and educate residents to lead the community independently. need to support.
Alternative Title
A Study on Community Space Revitalization Plans for Social Mix of Public Rental Housing : Focusing on remodeling cases
Alternative Author(s)
Jang EunJung
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 디자인학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
표 목차 ⅳ
그림 목차 ⅵ

제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구 배경과 목적 2
제2절 연구범위 및 연구방법 4
제3절 논문의 흐름도 5
제4절 선행연구 검토 6
1. 선행연구의 동향 6
2. 선행연구와의 차별성 9

제2장 이론적 고찰 10
제1절 공공임대주택의 소셜믹스 11
1. 공공임대주택의 사회적 배제 현상 11
1.1. 공공임대주택의 개념 및 유형 11
1.2. 공공임대주택의 현황 13
(1) 공공임대주택 주거의향 13
(2) 공공임대주택 공가 현황 14
(3) 공공임대주택의 사회적 인식과 배제 현상 16
2. 소셜믹스의 이해 22
2.1. 소셜믹스의 개념과 정책 22
2.2. 소셜믹스와 사회적·공간적․제도적 문제의 상관관계 24
3. 소셜믹스 활성화 요소 26
제2절 소셜믹스를 위한 커뮤니티 공간 27
1. 커뮤니티의 개념과 활성화 요소 27
1.1. 커뮤니티의 개념과 의미 27
1.2. 소셜믹스를 위한 커뮤니티 형성요소 31
2. 소셜믹스를 위한 커뮤니티 공간과 프로그램 34
3. 커뮤니티 공간의 배치 유형 39
제3절 소셜믹스를 위한 공공임대주택 리모델링 41
1. 소셜믹스를 위한 리모델링 41
1.1. 리모델링의 개념 41
제4절 소결 45

제3장 사례분석 47
제1절 분석의 개요 48
1. 분석대상 및 분석 틀 48
제2절 국내·외 사례 50
1. 해외사례 50
1.1. ‘Norch PingYuen’ 50
1.2. ‘Quartier du Luth’ 53
1.3. ‘타마다이라노모리’ 55
1.4. ‘히바리가오카 단지’ 59
2. 국내사례 63
2.1. ‘번동 3단지’ 63
2.2. ‘시영 1차 아파트’ 66
2.3. ‘하남 시영2단지’ 68
2.4. ‘하남 주공1단지’ 71
3. 소결 73
3.1. 공간적 요인 73
3.2. 제도적 요인 76
3.3. 사회적 요인 77

제4장 결론 79

【참고문헌】 83
조선대학교 대학원
장은정. (2023). 공공임대주택의 소셜믹스를 위한 커뮤니티공간 활성화 방안 연구.
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