중국의 전통과 현대 실내 소품 이미지 요소 비교 분석

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Chinese Traditional Interior Furnishings, Chinese Modern Interior Furnishings, Image Elements, Comparative Analysis, Eight Solar Terms of the Four Seasons
The seasonal culture emerged in the Chinese agricultural era and achieved development and prosperity. Nowadays, its importance and awareness are somewhat inferior, but it is still of important significance. People's perception of the 24 seasonal-division culture is changing as it is listed as a UNESCO world cultural heritage. It can be said that the 24 solar terms are a link between people and nature to closely connect life and traditions based on man's relationship with nature. From this point of view, interior furnishings not only constitute a space in the room, but the spatial element becomes a medium that includes more than 24 seasonal-division cultures, helping to realize the seasonal culture of the space. This study is significant in giving spiritual value to indoor space culture by combining seasonal culture with indoor accessory design and developing a traditional seasonal culture in modern people's lives.
This paper targets the Yellow River basin area, the origin of seasonal culture, and considers traditional interior furnishings used from the Qing Dynasty and modern ones from the 20th century to the present. Eight seasonal periods were selected and the theory of seasonal culture was reviewed in four dimensions: climate, lifestyle, ancestral rites, and custom. The image elements of interior furnishings were considered in four aspects: meaning, function, image, and space. By analyzing the characteristics of the image elements of traditional and modern eras influenced by Chinese seasonal culture we intend to explore the direction of modern research and provide reference value with its meaning in the inheritance of Chinese traditional seasonal culture. Next, the evaluation criteria for case analysis were presented by deriving unique image elements of interior furnishing components in terms of seasonal culture. The traditional and modern interior image furnishing components were compared and analyzed by conducting a case analysis of 16 interior furnishings. Finally, a follow-up research plan in favor of modern people's tastes is presented through surveys targeted at experts` and users` opinions.
The results of this study are as follows:
(1)A study on the correlation between seasonal culture and elements in China. According to a survey on the characteristics of Chinese seasonal culture, it can be seen that seasonal culture it is closely related to agriculture. The main means of living for ancient China, interior furnishings are also tools of ritual behavior in praying for prosperity and safety of farming. In addition, the meaning, function, image, and space, which derive furnishings as interior image components are often used to evoke seasonal changes and attract good luck by praying. In terms of function, it protects the body from external risk factors due to seasonal changes and maintains spatial comfort. In the image element, a decorative design is composed of the motif of the organic shape and color of each seasonal natural product, and the material of the interior furnishings themselves use unique natural materials. Interior furnishings, which symbolize the meaning, function, and shape composition of the seasons, are appropriately placed in the space to evoke the atmosphere of the space and to form a bond between the community and the families. As a result of analyzing the characteristics of each seasonal culture image component by classifying interior furnishings into traditional and modern, traditional interior furnishings mainly use symbolic images of nature and traditional culture to give meaning to climate change, while adding attention to struggles with temperature, humidity, pest, and slips. On the other hand, modern interior furnishings value seasonal changes, holidays, and local customs rather than traditional interior furnishings in order to cope with climate change. Modern interior furnishings reflect the traditional meaning, intimate family ties, and enhancing individual characteristics along with spatial efficiency.
(2)In terms of climate and lifestyle, interior furnishings change according to seasonal changes. The meaning of use and shape expression characteristics are not significantly different from each other, but there are differences in functions and methods of expressing symbolic shapes. It happens because the function, meaning, and image of interior furnishings pursued by modern people change according to lifestyles, and the spatial function is improved due to the development of materials and technologies, which makes up the space, so the use of traditional interior furnishings is emphasized as decorative. In addition, ancestral rites and customs are becoming less and less important in modern life, and symbols expressing their meaning and image in modern ones have been simplified compared to the past. In the past, because the local community-centered culture was important, status and ranks were expressed through interior furnishings. In modern times, the proportion of commerce and personal life is higher than that of the agricultural era, and the characteristics of family culture are strengthened.
(3)According to the four-dimensional meaning of traditional seasonal culture, customs, ancestral rites, expression of interior furnishings, and traditional image, the design plan for the commercialization of traditional interior furnishings is proposed through the fusion of modern design and technology. Traditional images are reconstructed into modern images mainly through imitation of traditional forms, replacement of natural materials, the combination of traditional and modern colors, traditionalization of modern symbols, and geometric reconstruction after dismantling traditional patterns. By incorporating excellent Chinese traditional culture into today's daily life, the value of seasonal culture is inherited in modern society, and the sense of the use of modern people is increased to form a consensus on traditional seasonal culture.
We hope that the results of this study will provide future researchers with evaluation criteria, research directions, and trends to induce more research on interior furnishings according to seasonal culture to help modern interior furnishings succeed to induce the expression of seasonal culture.
Alternative Title
A Comparative Analysis of Image Elements Between Traditional and Modern Interior Furnishings in China:Taking the eight solar terms of the four seasons as an example
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 디자인학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구 배경 및 목적 2
제2절 연구 방법 및 범위 4
제3절 선행 연구 7

제2장 이론적 고찰 14
제1절 절기문화의 개요 15
1. 절기의 개념 15
2. 사계절 팔절기의 개념 16
3. 사계절 팔절기 문화의 개념 18
제2절 중국의 실내 소품 개요 29
1. 실내 소품의 고찰 29
2. 실내 소품 이미지 구성 요소 고찰 44
제3절 소결 58
1. 사시팔절 절기문화의 구성 요소 분석 58
2. 실내 소품의 이미지 구성 요소 분석 60

제3장 절기문화와 중국 실내 소품의 연관성 62
제1절 절기문화와 실내 소품의 의미적 연관성 64
1. 전통 실내 소품의 의미적 연관성 64
2. 현대 실내 소품의 의미적 연관성 69
제2절 절기문화와 실내 소품의 기능적 연관성 73
1. 전통 실내 소품의 기능적 연관성 73
2. 현대 실내 소품의 기능적 연관성 77
제3절 절기문화와 실내 소품의 이미지적 연관성 81
1. 전통 실내 소품의 이미지적 연관성 81
2. 현대 실내 소품의 이미지적 연관성 88
제4절 소결 97

제4장 사례분석 100
제1절 사례분석 대상 선정 기준 101
1. 인구통계학적 특성 101
2. 실내 소품 선정 기준 102
3. 실내 소품 대표 이미지 선정 기준 103
4. 분석 틀 105
제2절 사례분석 106
1. 전통 실내 소품 사례분석 106
2. 현대 실내 소품 사례분석 136
제3절 사례분석 소결 163
1. 전통 실내 소품 사례분석 결과 163
2. 현대 실내 소품 사례분석 결과 164
3. 전통과 현대 실내 소품 사례분석 비교 165

제5장 연구 평가 167
제1절 전문가 분석 평가 168
1. 조사 개요 168
2. 이미지요소 중요도 평가 169
3. 분석 결과 173
제2절 사용자 조사 181
1. 조사 개요 181
2. 이미지요소 중요도 평가 184
3. 분석 결과 187
제3절 전문가와 사용자의 비교 분석 190
제4절 소결 201

제6장 결론 204
제1절 연구 결과 205
제2절 연구 제언 및 한계점 211

참고문헌 214

부록(설문지) 219
조선대학교 대학원
장효취. (2022). 중국의 전통과 현대 실내 소품 이미지 요소 비교 분석.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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