한지 매체를 활용한 오감 발달 유아 미술교육

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한지매체", "오감 발달
Multisensory Development in Early Childhood Art
Education Utilizing Hanji as a Medium
Kim Sol
Advisor : Prof. Hong-soo Park ph.D.
Major in Fine Arts Education
Graduate School of Education Chosun University

This study proposes an art education curriculum for preschoolers' sensory
development through various sensory activities using traditional Korean
paper, Hanji.

The lesson plans is organized into a total of six sessions:
First, the activity 'Diving into Hanji' encourages participants to freely
experience all senses through Hanji and games. Second, 'Hanji Collage with
Rhythm' involves listening to music and cutting and pasting Hanji according
to the rhythm. Third, 'What Clothes Will Future Me Wear?' focuses on
expressing clothing related to one's future aspirations using Hanji. Fourth,
'Creating Hanji Pizza with My Recipe' involves using Hanji to make a
personalized pizza based on one's own recipe.

The anticipated effects of this study include the potential development of
various aspects such as sensory perception, cognition, and aesthetic
abilities in preschoolers through the properties and expressive techniques
of traditional Hanji. Additionally, active learning abilities can be cultivated
through cooperative and sensory appreciation activities. However, it is
emphasized that due to the thin and water-absorbing nature of Hanji,
frequent handling is crucial, and continuous research is needed through the
development of diverse lesson plans. While the study did not directly
execute in practical settings, it is hoped that the outcomes contribute to
the active utilization of Hanji as a medium for the sensory development of
preschoolers in art education.

Therefore, the anticipated effects of this study include laying the foundation
for the development of various areas such as sensory perception, cognition,
and aesthetic abilities in preschoolers through the properties and expressive
techniques of Hanji. It can also contribute to raising awareness of the
importance of the nation's culture and influencing a sense of Korean
emotion. However, due to the thinness and good water absorption of Hanji,
frequent handling is crucial, and continuous research is needed through the
development of diverse programs. While the study did not directly execute
in practical settings, it is hoped that in the future, this research will be
utilized in preschool art education, actively promoting the use of Hanji as a
medium for the sensory development of preschoolers.
Alternative Title
Multisensory Development in Early Childhood Art Education Utilizing Hanji as a Medium
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 미술교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 3
제2장 이론적 배경 4
제1절 미술교육에서 유아의 오감 활동 4
1. 유아 미술교육의 개념 및 가치 4
2. 오감 활동의 개념 및 교육적 의의 5
3. 오감 활동의 필요성 8
제2절 한지 매체의 이해 10
1. 한지 매체의 특성 10
2. 미술교육에서 한지 매체의 활용 가능성 18
3. 한지 매체 특성이 유아에게 미치는 영향 20
제3장 한지 매체를 활용한 미술교육 사례 22
제1절 한지 매체를 활용한 미술교육 사례 분석 22
1. 논문 선행연구 사례 분석 22
2. 문화예술기관 현장 사례 분석 25
제4장 한지 매체를 활용한 유아 미술교육 수업지도안 제시 29
제1절 한지 매체 미술교육 수업지도안 구성 계획 29
1. 수업 대상자 선정 29
2. 지도 목표 및 방향 30
3. 지도 시 유의점 30
제2절 수업지도안의 실제 31
1. 차시별 교수·학습 계획 31
2. 차시별 교수·학습 지도안 34
3. 기대효과 60
제5장 결론 62
참고문헌 64
국문초록 68
조선대학교 교육대학원
김솔. (2024). 한지 매체를 활용한 오감 발달 유아 미술교육.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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